Deku x reader *my, my what a fussy baby*

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Hewo luvies I feewing wittle so I make storwy :D - wittle moon

Sorry I wrote this when I was in little space so now that I'm big I've just gone and tried fixing the spelling, also Covid is not treating me well :< I feel really sick and I woke up in the middle of the night and felt like I couldn't breathe! But I'm okay now (:  
Y/n's pov

I was sitting in my room playing with my stuffies waiting for daddy to come home, Care Bears was playing on the tv. {when will daddy be here I really want cuddles! And I'm feeling really little!} I think to myself as I slowly go into baby space. Being away from my daddy for so long made me start to cry! Then I hear a knock on my play room door! I must have zoned out so much that I didn't hear daddy come inside.

"Little one can I come in?" I hear daddy say "Wes daddy" I say with tears on my face daddy walks in, he walked over to me "hello my precious little baby...hey! What's wrong why are you crying?" He asked with a small frown "daddy I miss you, can I go up up" I ask as I make grabbie hands "aw of course sweetie, and your talking a little more baby like, is my little one in baby space?" He asked

I nodded my head "aw buba daddy's glad to see baby you it's been a while, does daddy need to put a pull-up on you, maybe that will help you to calm down" I nodded my head again "okay baby" he walks over and puts me on the changing table, he pulls out a pull-up and starts to change me "hey, baby why are you still crying, love" he said with a small frown on his face

"I want bottle" I say with a small frown  "aw okay baby" he says "what words do we use baby" he asks "pwease" I say "good job baby" he says, he then picks me up and walks to the kitchen.

"Alright baby now daddy will make you some angel milk do you want it hot or cold" he says. I make a hand signal to signal the one I want "okay baby I can do that" daddy makes the milk with me next to him but I'm holding onto his shirt while he does it, I'm still crying but it's calming down "Alright here you go baby, daddy put it in a baby bottle for you, do you want daddy to feed you?" He asked

"Yes pwease dada" I say "okay little one" he picks me up, placing me on his hip and then he walks to my play room. When we get their he sits in the rocking chair and holds me like you would a baby "okay say aa" he says "aaa" I say, he then puts the bottle in my mouth as I drink it. "good baby, daddy's so proud of you for drinking your milk" he says, he then moves me to burp me, "daddy can I pwease have my paci" I ask "sure little one" he says.

He gets up and walks over to my stand with my pacis "what one do you want angel?" He asks, "can I have tat one pwease" I say as I point to my favourite one "ooo good choice angel daddy likes that one as well" he says "can we pwease go cuddle now?" I say making puppy eyes, with dried tear stains on my face "okay baby, let's go lay in daddy's bed, I can even put on a movie for us to fall asleep to" he said "Wes pwease daddy, your da best dada ever!" I say.

"Aw thank you baby you're my best little" he says when we get to his room he places me on his bed, he then hopes on as well. He brings me to be laying on top of him and my head resting on his chest, he pats my head and hums me a lullaby, he also whips away the last of my tears "sweetie dreams baby" he says "you too daddy" I say before I drift off to sleep.

I just resized that I don't even really know how a fussy little acts or what they do...🥲 probably got it wrong but I really have no idea so I'm so sorry to the person that requested this but I'm pretty sure I did it wrong 😢😭 I can rewrite it for you if you want <3

Love - moon 🌙

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