Shinso x reader

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Hello my lovely's!
I had the worst nightmare last night but I won't get into it because I don't want to cause any of you stress or bad feelings, so that made me think "hmm maybe I should make a chapter about shinso comforting the reader after a nightmare" so here it is and I hope this can help you if you have had any nightmares lately. 🤍

(BTW I won't say what the nightmare was about for y/n because I don't want people to possibly have traumatic flash backs)

Y/n's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat and I looked down and my hands were shaking, I couldn't remember what my nightmare was about but all I know it that now I feel uneasy and I can feel tears running down my face. I slowly get out of bed and make my way to daddy's room because I don't feel safe sleeping in my room alone for the rest of the night.

I knocked on daddy's door quietly, "come in" I here daddy say from on the other side and I slowly open the door and see daddy with a book in his hands and a cup of tea by his side as he rocks slowly back and forth in the rocking chair. "Little one what's wrong? I put you to bed two hours ago" daddy said as he put down his book.

"I had another nightmare.." I said with a small frown and tear stains on my cheeks. "Oh I'm sorry to here that little one would you like to come sit in daddy's lap and tell him about it?" Daddy said with a apologetic smile as he pat his lap gently. "Yes please daddy" I said as I sat myself into his lap and rested my head on his chest as he cradled my head and gently kissed my cheek.

"Okay little one tell daddy when your ready to talk about it and take your time if you need to" daddy said as he gently rubbed my back and hummed into me ear a soft lullaby.

Time skip to after you told him

"Oh little one that sound horrible but I'm glad you came to daddy to talk about how you were feeling, if you want you can sleep with me to night if that makes you feel better" daddy said to me with a loving smile as he gently held my face with his hands. "Yes please daddy if you don't mind" I said with a small smile as I leaned into his touch.

"Of course I don't mind angel, daddy is always happy for you to sleep in my bed if you're scared" daddy said to me. "Do you want to cuddle in my bed now my Angel?" Daddy said "yes please daddy and can you carry me?" I said into his chest. "How can I say no to such a cute face?" He said as he picked me up and sat me on his hip as he slowly moved towards to bed and put me down gently onto the bed.

Daddy them got into his side of the bed and brought me closer to his body, he laid my head on his chest and held my waist gently "I love you little one" "I love you too daddy" we both said as we started to drift of to sleep.


Today I had my English test and I'm really scared that I did bad... :( I hope I at least get in the 70%.

Anyways hope you all have a lovely day/night :)

Love - moon 🌙

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