Yandere bakugou x reader *I got rid of them for you, baby* part 2

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Hello Lovely's I hope you enjoy this one. INCLUDES: paci and stuffie PRONOUNS: she/her  MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ YANDERE THEMES, DEATH, SWEARING, MENTION OF ABUSE AND LOSS OF SANITY. This is probably the darkest thing I've ever written. You have been warned.
Y/n's pov

It was a nice day, I hadn't had to see him yet. It was peaceful without him, every night i dreamed of a day where he's gone and none of this happened. But as I said a dream. This is real...and I'll never be able to escape a powerful man like katsuki bakugou. I don't know exactly how long I've been her but I know it's been over 6 months.

I cup the water in my hands and pour it over my face as I rub it in "remember to clean your face every night and day. I can't have my little baby dirty" I hear his voice say in my head. Once I'm done washing my face I go and sit at my desk where I start to read a book. It was a kids book, because after all I'm "only a little girl" as he put it...

"Good morning baby, how was your sleep" I could hear him say as he walked into me room, i tense up "it's was good...daddy, how was yours?" I asked "lonely without you. I told you to sleep in my bed so you could be there when I get back from work" he Said. I could hear a bit of anger in his voice. That put me on edge. "I'm sorry daddy, I just got so sleepy and I fell asleep on my bed, by accident" I said.

"Hmm okay, let's get you into some little clothes" he said. He then picked me up by my waist from where I was sitting and placed me on the bed "now do you want this dress, or this one?" He asked holding up two different dresses "can I have that one...please" I asked "of course sweetie"

After he changed me he brought me to the lounge room and sat me in my high chair "okay now daddy's going to make breakfast, you can play with your stuffie while I do that" he said. He left me with my stuffie and headed to the kitchen to make us breakfast "damn!" I heard him yell "what's wrong daddy?" I asked "we don't have any eggs! I'll have to go down to the shops, I'll be back in ten minutes baby" he said as he ran to the door to leave

Wait...did he just leave me unsupervised...and not tied up?! I couldn't believe it! This is my chance. I think of a plan for a little bit before I make my escape. I wriggle out of the high chair, it falls over and run over to the window. It's unlocked! I can't believe my luck (it's a trap, don't do it y/n!) I hear a voice say "what?" I look around and no one's there (don't do it! He'll hurt you) it says again. I know I should probably listen, but I don't.

I jump out of the window and land on the soft grass, grass I haven't felt in 6 months. I run, and run and run and run. I can't afford to be found. Who knows what he'll do to me... I've been running for over ten minutes, katsuki must be home now...

Katsuki's pov

I run up to the front door with the bag in my hand. I unlock the door and open it, but I'm met with the feeling of something not being right...she's not going to be here. I walk into the kitchen and my gut feeling was right. Stuffie and high chair on the floor. Window open... "FUCK!" I yell. I drop the bag and run towards the window. I can't see her.

I jump out the window and use my explosions to propel me into the sky so I can see what's below me. {I can't believe I let this happen! I can't believe she would do this to me! After all I've done for her...I guess I still have a lot of training to do with her} I think to myself.

I can see her running. I lower myself until I am on the ground as well.

Y/n's pov

I hear I loud thud on the ground behind me, I look behind me and it's katsuki. My eyes widen as fear fills my whole body "why did you run? Do you not like your room? Do you not like me?" He asked I'm stuck in place fear pulling me back "I-I" I can't say anything "is that all you have to say princess? Big girls use their words" he says. I don't say anything, he's playing his mind games again.

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