Villain Deku x reader *anything for my babydoll*

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Hello lovely's I hope you had a good day/night and that you like this :)
PRONOUNS: she/her INCLUDES: paci, stuffie, candy and Halloween costume LITTLE AGE: 5

Y/n's pov

I look around the corner to see if any of daddy's guards are in the hall but luckily no ones there...I then quietly tip toe to his bedroom door and before pulling it open I look around one last time before entering. Once I get in his room I go to his clothes. I look at all of his clothes and he had mostly work clothes like suits, so I find a cool one and put it on "ooo daddy's going to luv my costume!" I say to myself before I then start to play around with other things in his bedroom.

~~~~~~~~~~Deku's pov~~~~~~~~~

Today had been such a long day at many idiots I have to deal with, especially that shigaraki. But at least I get to come home to the cutes little in the world, my doll. I walk in the door and I am greeted by my guards "welcome home sir, how was your day?" One asked me as the other took my coat "ah it was...okay, but I'll be off to my room now, was y/n good while I was gone?" I asked "as always" they responded with. Satisfied with that answer I walked to my bedroom.

I wanted to get dress into some different clothes before seeing my little girl. When I walked into my room I could hear some movement come from my closet. I immediately put my guard up as I walked closer though, I could hear little giggles...very familiar little giggles.

I then opened the closet door quickly and I was meet with the sight of my little on the floor in one of my suit she even had my shoes on and well...tried to tie the tie "...hewo daddy..." she said to me as she the hid her face "hello baby, why are you in daddy's closet?" I asked with a smile as I walked in and sat down next to her "I wanted to surprise u...see! I dressed up as u for halloween!" She then said and gave me a hug.

"Aw that's so sweet of you babydoll, but here let daddy help you with the tie" I said as I then fixed her tie for her. Once I was done I then got up and picked her up with me, I walked out of my closet and then to my bed and sat her down on it "now doll daddy's going to get changed out of his work clothes so can you be good for me and wait here while I do that little one?" I asked with a caring tone "okie daddy!" She said with a smile.

~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~
No one's pov

Once Deku was done getting dressed he then decided to take y/n to go buy candy because he felt bed that he couldn't take her trick or treating because he could put them both at risk if they were to be outside the house to long.

Y/n's pov

Once me and daddy got to the candy store I was so excited I jumped out the car when we found a spot to park but before I could run in daddy grabbed my hand "now,now doll remember  don't go to far without daddy, okay?" He said to me with a smile "oh sorry daddy! I'll remember!" I said "that's my good girl" he said as he then patted my head.

Once we walked in it was like i walked into a dream, I couldn't believe how much candy they had! I then went down the row with my favourite candy and daddy followed close behind me "wait daddy how much can I get?" I asked remembering that I must have some sort of budget because daddy say that if he spoils me too much I'll become rotten "hmm I don't know baby doll, you have been pretty good lately...get anything you want!" He said and the big smile on my face lit up "tank you sooo much daddy!" I then hugged him and went to look for things I wanted.

I got a basket and started putting some of my favourite candies in it, and then as I looked at another section I saw a really cute stuffie and I couldn't take my eyes off of it, so I walked up to it and gave it a hug as I took it with me while I continued shopping.

Once I was done I met back up with daddy at the front of the store "daddy I'm done now!" I said with a smile "ah okay baby, let's go now" he said and as we walked out the door I could hear alarms going off. Daddy then picked me up in his arms  and ran to the car. He then took off as quick as he could after buckling me in.

~~~~~~~~~time skip also Deku's pov~~~~~~~

I walked into the house with my little in my arms while also carrying her bags of candy and toys, I walked up to my bedroom and laid her on the bed "hey sweetie are you sleepy?" I asked her with a caring voice as I grabbed one of her pacis, she only nodded in response to me "okay baby doll, daddy's just going to get you and myself ready for bed time and then we can sleep, sounds good?" I asked and again she just nodded, to sleepy to speak, before walking away I put her favourite paci in her mouth And gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking to my closet.

Once I had got us both ready for bed I slipped in under the covers and brought her body closer to mine so I could cuddle her, and she hugged me back before we both feel asleep.


Hello lovely's I hope you liked this and also thank you for 90k reads! I'm so close to 100k reads I can't believe that and I'm close to my 100th chapter as well! Anyways have a good day/night

Love - moon 🌙

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