Bakugo x Reader *A Royal's Little* Part 2

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Hello lovely's! I hope you guys like this, tomorrow is my last day of term and then I'm on school holidays for 2 weeks! I'm so excited :D I noticed you guys wanted a part 2... so here it is! Also photo above is where the magic ✨ happens, my desk. Anyways...
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: onesie, sippy, stuffie.
BACKGROUND INFO: alrighty, so I'm to lazy to write y/n meeting the parents and all that jazz... so it's been a week since you started being the kings little.

y/n's pov:

I was asleep in my crib when I feel a large hand gently rubbing my back "good morning sleepy head... it's time to wake up..." I hear my daddy whisper softly to me. I whine and rub my eyes, trying to wake up. he chuckles at my cute gesture and pats my head "I know... it's so tiring having to wake up and get ready with daddy, isn't it little one?" he teases me slightly.

I grumble a bit, as I was cranky when I wake up, which is something bakugo has come to learn. he sighs and picks me up out of the crib, sitting me on his hip as he walks me over to our closet. "hmm... now what should my little one wear today... it's a little chilly today, so something more warm. how about you point to what you want to wear, baby." he said softly, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I hum in thought before pointing to a long sleeve (favourite colour) onesie. I then pointed at a (skirt/overalls) that I wanted to go over it. daddy smiled at that and got it out for me "good pick little one, daddy knows his baby will look so adorable in it" he said softly and put me down on the bed, ready to change me.

time skip to being dressed and doing other morning routine stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bakugo's pov:

once me and y/n were ready for the day I walked out of our room, holding y/n's hand as I lead them down to the dinning hall with me. we arrive to find breakfast already set up for us. I lead y/n to their seat next to mine and we sit down "now honey... do you want daddy to feed you?" I ask them softly with a smile, they nod their head "yes please daddy". I nod my head and fed them a mouthful of their breakfast.

"good?" I ask, they nod and make an "mmm" sound, I smile and take a bite for myself and hum as well at the pleasant taste "mmm, chef did so well this morning didn't he little one?" I say softly, they nod and take a sip from their sippy cup.

once we had finished breakfast we thanked chef for the breakfast and head to my office. I had a very important meeting with the rival kingdom, the ice kingdom, King shoto and queen momo... the Todoroki's. I needed this meeting to go well... and though many suggested that I don't bring my little with me... I didn't care. if anything I needed y/n with me to help keep me calm... and I know those two wouldn't dare lay a finger on them.

y/n's pov:

once we walked into daddy's office I noticed a man and a woman already sitting at the table in there, waiting for us. I felt a bit shy seeing them, as they were very intimidating to me, so I hide behind daddy. they both saw this and let out a chuckle "and who is this...? did you finally find a little?" the male teased bakugo, obviously not believing bakugo could possibly have a little.

bakugo clenched his teeth and ignored him for the moment, sitting down in front of them and sitting me next to him, he rubbed my hand to calm my nerves. "Yes shoto... this is my little, y/n. and you will treat them with respect" daddy spat out at them.

both their eyes widened "a little...? like a real little?... oh my goodness they're adorable" the woman gushed over me and tried to reach her hand out to pat me. daddy death glared her and growled "don't touch." he said firmly. she retracted her hand hesitantly with a frown.

"how did you of all people find a little..." shoto muttered with a scowl, he seemed to look jealous. "the hell is that supposed to mean icy hot? now stop focusing on them and lets get back to the topic at hand here... what you were called here for..." daddy stated with venom in his voice.

he then turned to me and smiled "and you little one, can play with your stuffies in the play pen while us adults talk about boring stuff... okay?" he said in his caregiver voice to me. I nodded my head and went to my play pen in the corner of his office and distracted myself with my stuffies while he did his king duties.

time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

bakugo's pov:

once that annoying meeting was finally over I sighed in relief, running a hand through my ash blonde. I then turn my head to look at my little one, playing in their play pen happily as they babble to themselves. I smile at the cute sight and walk over to the play pen, stepping inside and sitting down next to them.

I gently pull them into my lap and wrap my arms around them to give them a loving hug "I'm sorry that took so long little one... daddy will make sure to give you extra attention to make up for it" I say softly and kiss their head. they nuzzle their face Into my chest "it okie daddy... I know you busy with king stuff..." they say softly and start playing with my fingers.

I chuckle lightly "thank you sweetie for understanding... but daddy will still make it up to his baby.. because you mean so much to me, and my little one deserves all my love and attention" I say lovingly and kiss their nose. they snuggle further into me and yawn.

"aww... Is my little one sle-" I couldn't even finish my question as my little y/n fell asleep in my lap. I coo down at the cute sight "oh my precious sleepy baby... daddy loves you" I whisper softly to their sleeping state.


Hello lovely's I hope you guys enjoyed the part 2. thank you for 330K reads! wow... it feels like just yesterday I had 2K reads and had like a set 3 people that would vote on my work... thank you to my OG people that are still here :) I really appreciate you guys and remember you... but also thank you to my new supporters.. just thank you to everyone in general. I love you all so much and I'm so glad that we can all feel safe to be our little selves here... I love that I can be open about my little space with you guys because I can't do that with my real life friends... so thank you. have a nice day/night.

love - Moon 🌙

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