Aizawa + neko reader x shinso?? *lost kitty*

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Hello lovely's I hope you like this. I have no pretty photos left, I can't be bothered to go on Pinterest so here's a photo of my cat giving me the death stare (I promise she does love me)
PRONOUNS: they/them
Y/n's pov
{Oh no what am I going to do...} i think to myself as I realise I'm lost in a place I've never been before. Today my school decided to venture out into the city, I live in the country so I've pretty much never been to the city and I think the last time I went was when I was a little kid and I don't remember anything from then. I walk around trying to find any of my classmates or teachers but nothing.

It's really hard for me to ask strangers for help because I have bad anxiety with that kind of stuff and I can't use my phone because it died! As I keep walking and walking and walking I find myself getting more stressed, upset and at serious risk of slipping into little space. Which is the worst timing.

And you know what? My luck keeps getting worse it starts raining! At this point I've given up. I start to cry, my ears and tail go down and I walk in frustration. As I turn a corner I bump into a tall man with long black hair. I grab onto him to stop myself from falling "oh I'm so sorry, sir I-I didn't mean too.." I say timidly "no, no it's fine, are you okay?" When he says this it just makes everything I was building up to try and protect myself fall down. "Um...n-Nu" my ears are laying flat on my head at this point and I quickly realised I said no embarrassing!

"What's the problem, Is there anything I can do for you?" He asks in a kind tone "w-well I'm just um lost and I cwant find my way hwome" after I realised what I had said I nearly died "um I'm sorry I didn't mean to s-say it like that I'm just-" he then cut me off "it's okay" he then signals for me to come closer so he can whisper something in my ear "are you going into little space?" He asks in a soft voice.

I blush at the fact that he just called me out like that, but I respond "well um yes I'm sowwy" I say and I start to cry more "hey, hey it's okay, it okay. I'm here to help you and not judge you. Now can you tell me what your name is sweetie?" He asks "m-my name is y/n, and u?" I asked him "well my name is aizawa. How about you come to my work and we can get you all dried off and try to find out how to get you back home, sound good y/n?"


*Time skip*

Aizawa's pov
I took y/n back with me to ua to try and help to poor student, I had a feeling that they wouldn't be a problem and when I saw them I felt like I should help them especially in such a state of mind. I know some of my students and even friends use little space to help them cope with stressful situations or it stems from past or current trauma.

I decided to go to the 1A common room so I could get some students to look after them while I talk to nezu about the situation to see what we should do.

Y/n's pov
"Now don't worry you'll just be staying with some of my students, so they can take care of you while I go get help for you okay?" Aizawa asked me "o-okay buts wha if they judge me for being wittle..." I say with a frown "trust me they won't y/n half of my students are littles and the other half are either caregivers or support it, okay so there's nothing to worry about. And I'll put my most reliable student in charge of you just to make sure, okay?" He says "okay..." I say in response.

He then takes me in and there's not many people there only a green haired boy, one with split red and white, a girl with pink hair, a girl with black hair and a boy with purple hair. I notice how all of them look at me when we walk in but none of them say anything. He walks me up to the purple haired boy and he looks confused at me and aizawa. "Shinso, can you please do me a favour?" Aizawa asks him "sure what is it?"

Aizawa then whispers in his ear something and the boy looks at my with a smirk when he's done "sounds like it shouldn't be a problem then Mr aizawa" he says to him before aizawa leaves he whispers in my ear "Don't worry shinso wouldn't do anything to harm you and he is a caregiver himself" before I can respond to him he's already left the room.

I stand there for a few moments of awkward silence and start to play with my hands as I'm starting to get nervous "why don't you come sit next to me sweetie? There's nothing to be afraid of" he says as he pats the spot next to him, I shyly walk and sit down next to him, I squeak out a "thank u"

"There no need to be so shy little one, now how about we get you dried off it must be uncomfortable in those soaking clothes and have your ears and tail are wet" he says to me, I nod agreeing with him. Before he can do anything else all of a sudden all of the other students in the common room are surrounding us "so shinso...who's this?" The girl with pink hair asks, everyone around her nod wanting to know, before he answers he asks me if I would want them to know, and I say it's fine for him to tell them, so he does. (They know that you're lost, in little space and are being looked after by shinso, and he has also told you all of there names)

"Oh poor little darling! I could never imagine my little being lost in the city! I would be sent into a panic attack!" Momo exclaims dramatically "yeah what type of school lets a student get lost and especially a little!" Mina also exclaims "did you get hurt anywhere?" Todoroki asks with a blank face "Your caregiver must be so worried about you! Do you have a phone to call them!? Here! You can use mine!" Deku worriedly exclaimed and then pulled his phone out and put it on the couch for me.

"Um I actually don hawe a cawegiver..." I say awkwardly, looking down at my hands disappointed "Oh my! That's terrible! I'll be your caregiver sweetie, no little should be left with no one to care for them" momo states and everyone looks shocked that I don't have a caregiver? "Nu it's fwine buts why are u all so shocked that I no have cawegiver?" I ask confused.

"Well because... I mean look at you! Your so cute! Like a little kitten...well you are half one but like a little teddy to cuddle" Mina explains and everyone nods their heads "well do you want a caregiver?" Todoroki asks me "um well wes but only if it's th-" I then get cut off by Mina "oh my this is my perfect opportunity to play match maker we have a few caregivers in 1A with no little and I'm sure they would love you!" Mina shouts out in excitement "um u no have to do tha" I say to her "no it's fine I already sent out a group message!"

"But Mina, what if they didn't want that?" Shinso asks annoyed "oh um...sorry y/n!... You know what I'm going to get you some cute clothes for you!" She states "I'll get some towels!"
"I'm getting the hairbrush!"
"I'll go get some toys for you y/n"

Soon before I knew it everyone except for shinso and I had left the common room "sorry about them they can be to much sometimes" he says with an embarrassed face "no it okie my fwiends do the same swome twimes" I say to him. I then noticed that he was looking intently at my ears "um is somewing wrong with mwy ears?" I ask worriedly "no no nothings wrong with them...they just look so cute. Can I maybe pat them? If you don't mind y/n" he asks me. I think for a moment about it but then nod my head excitedly.

He then gently pats my ears, I started to purr from the nice feeling "good kitty" he says softly, I smiled at what he had said "so are you actually looking for a... you know caregiver?" He asks with a slightly embarrassed face, "well yeah I ams, but I've had Nu good people that wans to be my I stways alone..." I say and my ears go down with my emotion.

"Well you know I could be your caregiver... only if you want of course. I can relate to you I've had trouble finding the right little." He says, when he asks to be my caregiver I let out a shocked gasp "w-wait...weally?? U wan be my caregiver?" I asked excitedly "well yeah I think we could be a good match, so do you want to try it?" He asks nicely.

"Wes!" I then lean into him and hug him tightly. He scratches my ears and I purr in response.

"Well I guess I didn't have to play match maker after all! Even though I really wanted to..."
"It's such a relief to see that y/n will have someone to take care of them! And now I won't have to add to my list of... how many children do I have again??"
"2 thousand, 3 hundred and 58. To be exact."
"Wow momo you have a lot of kids! Anyways, I think we should go guys... Shinso's giving me the death stare!"
*running noises*

"Sorry about them. Again, now we should probably get you dried up, gets some nice clean clothes, get you a snack and some toys to play with, sound good?"


Hello lovely's I hope that you liked this, hope you have a great night/day

Love - moon 🌙

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