Sero x reader + bakusquad *little in class*

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Hello lovely's I just wanted to say thank you for 24k reads and also that I'm coming close to the end of my term so I'll have a two week break which will be good and hopefully I'll be able to update more then.
Y/n's pov

I was in my last period of class, it was English. I looked out the window and saw some pretty birds flying in the sky. I didn't realise that I was zoning out until kiri tapped me on the shoulder "hey y/n, you okay? Are you having trouble focusing?" Kiri asked me with a smile "yeah just a little I think I might be... ya know" I said as I looked down at my hands and continued to play with my fingers.

"Oh...OH, uh okay do you want me to tell sero or! You can draw on my book if you'd like" kiri said with a smile "hmm okie thanks kiri!" I said with a smile "it's all good bubs" kiri said as he gave me a piece of paper and gave me a pat on the back. I was so focused on my drawing that I didn't realise I was humming out loud and bobbing my head with the beat of my humming "y/n please stop humming I'm trying to teach this class" mister aizawa said "s-sowry sir" I said but then I slapped my hand across my mouth when I heard how I said it.

Mister aizawa didn't notice but my friends did, I looked up and all of them were looking at me. Mina, denki, bakugou, kiri and most importantly my caregiver, sero. "Y/n sero gave me a note to give to you" kiri said as he pasted it to me a note, I opened it and it read: *baby are you starting to fall into little space? I'm sorry i didn't notice sooner I promise when class is over me and all the squad will go back to the dorms and have a hang out! Would you like that my little one?*

I responded with: *yes pwease I would luv that dada! I'll talk to you after cwass I don't want sir catching us ^_^* I wrote and pasted it back to kiri who passed it to sero. Luckily we didn't have much longer left of class because then the bell went, everyone was quick to rush out, even sir. except for my friends I put the paper and pens back in my bag, when I looked back up all of my friends were around me "it looks like someone's little again~*" Mina said in a singing voice "so are we going to hang out with little y/n like we usually do sero?" Denki asked with a big grin.

"Well it depends if you guys are free and if y/n wants to do that, would you like that baby?" Sero asked me "yes pwease" I said and then I gave him a hug "Aw their so cute and manly!" Kiri said "tch what ever idiots, I'll come along too" bakugou said with a frown. We then started to walk back to the dorms "oh come on bakugou don't act like you don't like hanging out with little y/n" Mina said "yeah I see the way you get when you get to look after them for sero, you love taking care of them, I even caught you smiling when you were playing with them" denki said with a smirk "shut up idiots, so what? Their my friend and I care for them" he said and then crossed his arms .

"Aw bakugou has a soft spot for my little" sero said and then poked Bakugou's cheek "hey-! Stop that! Your lucky their in little space because if they weren't I would have your head on a spike!" Bakugou said with a glare "okay! And on that note we're back at the dorms so let's go wait in my room while sero changes y/n into little clothes" Mina said as she lead all of them away.

Once they were all out of view sero picked me up and started walking to my room "it's been awhile since you've been little baby, I missed little you, I missed being your caregiver and looking after you like changing, feeding, washing and playing with you" he said "I missed you being my daddy too, can I wear my bunny onesie!" I asked excitedly "Aw of course you can my little angel!" He said.

Time skimp to you being changed and at Mina's dorm

We walked into Mina's dorm and sero was holding me "Aw hey guys, you look so adorable y/n" denki said with a smile, Mina and kiri agreed with a "yeah!". "Now what do you say to that baby?" Sero said looking at me "tank you" I said and I than pushed my face into sero's chest. I heard all of them "Aw" and some said other things. "Ha! I caught you! Bakugou awed! You do think littles are cute!" Denki said "denki shut up! Or I'm going to Fuc-"


Hello lovely's I hope you liked this and I think I might do something similar but with the deku squad because I love them too! But who should be the caregiver then in their group for y/n? Let me know! And if no one says anything then I'll put names in a hat and it can be a surprise!

Love - moon 🌙

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