Dabi x reader x hawks *tea party*

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Hello lovely's I really hope you enjoy this chapter, I just love making strong villains and hero's play tea party with there little, it's so funny and cute at the same time. Btw this for the people with she/her pronouns sorry, I just felt like making it she/her.
PRONOUNS: she/her ITEMS: princess dress, princess tiara, sippy cup
Dabi's pov

"Princess, does daddy have to put on the princess tiara... I'm sure it would look a lot cuter on you" I say trying to reason with y/n "no! I want you to wear the princess tiara daddyyyy! This is a tea party and you don't look like your ready for a tea party..." y/n says angrily she then crosses her arms pouting at me "...fine I'll put on the tiara" I say and I then lean down so she can put the tiara on my head "yeah now you're a princess daddy! Just like me... ooo maybe you should wear a princess dress too! You would look so pretty" sh says with a cheeky grin.

"Nu-uh little one. Daddy is not wearing a princess dress, it wouldn't fit on me anyways" I say trying to get out of it. Y/n then let's out a disappointed sigh "b-but daddy if u don't do it I might cry..." she says as tears well in her eyes. I roll my eyes seeing her attempt to manipulate me into doing it... but I ultimately gave it... you can't fight against the tears "okay please don't cry princess... daddy will put on the dress..." I say "really!?!" She says excitedly and smiles brightly "yes sweetheart..."

Time skip y/n's pov

"Wow you look so pretty daddy, like a princess!" I say as I look over that absolutely art I have made! I did daddy's make up, i put some clips in his hair, a tiara and I even gave him a dress "yes sweetheart...thank you... but your the only princesses I see" he says and then pats my head "so when does the tea party start?" He askes me tiredly "right now!"

I bring out a plate of (favourite biscuits) and a tea pot full of (favourite tea, cold or hot) I then get some plastic teacups out and set them on the table for us to use. I go to pour us tea but daddy stops me "now what do you think you're doing princess?" He asks me with a smile "I was going to pour us some tea daddy" he then shakes his head "sweetie the last time you tried to pour me a drink it ended up on me, let daddy do it, also your only aloud to use sippy cups" he said with a smirk, he then ruffled my hair and got up to get me a sippy cup. "But daddy that's not fair...I don't wanna use a sippy cup" I say with a frown.

"Well you have to little one and if you don't then I'm taking off the dress, tiara, makeup everything" he said with an evil look "noooo! Okay fine I'll use the sippy cup..." I said with a pout. He then brought over a (favourite coloured) sippy cup and poured the tea into it before putting the lid back on handing it to me "there you go baby, now is daddy aloud to have some biscuits?" He asked nicely "mhm!" I nodded my head and we both started to have the biscuits and tea.

Hawks pov

I walk in the front door, finally being able to be at home after a long day at work. I put down my keys on the table and look around the living/ kitchen area but don't see dabi or y/n "y/n, dabi I'm home!" I yell out to them to see if they are home "Papa!" I hear y/n yell and then the sound of running, she runs into the room and jumps into my arms "hello little one, were you good for daddy today while I was gone?" I ask with a smile and then pat her on the head "mhm! Me and daddy are having a tea party in my play room come!" She then grabs my hand and drags me to her play room.

When I walk in I am met with a sight I thought I would never see. Dabi in a princess dress and a tiara and hair clips in, wearing makeup and sitting in one of y/n's play chairs. I then burst out laughing "shut it bird brain" he says with a death glare "papa why are you laughing? Isn't daddy pretty! I made him into a princess!" Y/n says with a smile "y-yes daddy looks very p-pretty!" I say while still laughing.

"Papa now that you're home it your turn!" She says grabbing my arm "time for what?" I say not laughing anymore. I look over to dabi and see he now has a big smirk on his face and gets up walking over to me "it's time for your princess makeover of course!" Y/n says with a big smile "yeah hawks... it's time for your princess makeover... y/n get out the makeup..." dabi says with a menacing grin.

"Wait but I- uh I can't! I'm already pretty!"

"Not as pretty as a princess! Now close your eyes papa so I can put on this eyeshadow!"

Hello lovely's I hope you enjoyed this, sorry to the people who don't use she/her pronouns:(, but I felt like making it she/her. Thanks for all the love and support

Love - moon 🌙

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