Shoji x reader *good job sweetie!*

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Hello Lovely's sorry I had a bit of a break again I've just been really busy with catching up with my friends and also I've just been relaxing and watching animes. INCLUDES: paci and pull ups PRONOUNS: she/her
Shoji's pov
It was a Friday afternoon, I was sitting next to y/n, I could tell she was feeling little just from the way she was playing with her fingers. I drew on a piece of paper with her, in the afternoon at u.a we don't usually do much because we have training before our last period, so Mr aizawa let's us relax.

As I looked at my phone and saw we only had 3 minutes left, I gently tapped y/n's arm "hey sweetie, class is about to end, do you want to go out for ice cream after school?" I whispered in her ear "ooo yes dada! I wove ice cream!" She whispered back.

As everyone in the class was getting ready to leave Mr aizawa stopped us "before you go I have to give you out the marks for your resent test, when I call your name come up and get your test" he said. Once everyone had got their test back the bell went and we all walked out. We decided to go back to the dorm before going out because I didn't want y/n to have to be stuck in her uncomfortable big clothes.

When we got back to the dorms I laid y/n down on her bed gently "okay baby how little are you feeling? Daddy needs to know if you'll need diapers or pull-ups" I asked "hmm this!" She said as she held up a (3 or 2) fingers "aw your pretty little, are you okay with wearing a pull-up?" I asked "okay daddy! Can I have my paci?" She asked with puppy eyes "of course princess, here" I then gave her a (favourite colour) paci with an attached a clip to it so I could clip it to her when I was done changing her

Time skipped to being dressed and ready to go

I held y/n's hand so I wouldn't lose her in the crowd of students in the 1-a dorms {I guess they must be having a party} I think to myself, once we were outside we walked to the school gates to head out for ice cream, but then y/n stopped me "daddy! Daddy! Look what I got on my test!" She said holding up the test to my face "wow baby you got (..)? That's so good little one!" I said, I then picked her up and brought her into a hug with all of my arms.

"Tank you dada!" She said with a smile "you did so well baby, so we'll that I'll give you a little present for your hard work" I said as I took her hand "where are u taking me daddy?" She asked "I'll tell you when we get there because it's a surprise!" I then picked her up and rested her head on my shoulder, and used one of my other hands to cover her eyes so she couldn't see where we were going.

Y/n's pov and time skip to getting there

I was holding onto daddy, I could feel each step he took, but then he stopped "we're here little one, I'm going to put you down and remove my hand now, okay sweetie?" He said to me I then took out my paci "okay daddy!" I said. He then put me down and when he removed his hand I could see that we where in front of a build a bear! "Yay! I wove build a bear tank you daddy!" I said as I ran into the store dragging daddy behind me by the hand.

I then went around to the stuffie station where you could pick out your stuffie, I picked the (? Honestly you should go to the build a bear work shop website and find a stuffie, if you do let me know which one you picked! Also the one I liked the best is at the bottom of the chapter) daddy also picked out his stuffie!

Once we had picked out our stuffies we went over to a nice person that stuffed our stuffies, daddy even let me put a scent in mine!. Once we had done all of that daddy paid for our stuffies and we then went to get ice cream!
Sorry I got lazy at the end lol, also thank you guys for the support so much I love you all 💕

Also here's my favourite one on their website:

(Also just letting you know I live in Australia so it'll most likely be different for other countries what the websites has)

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(Also just letting you know I live in Australia so it'll most likely be different for other countries what the websites has)

Love - moon 🌙

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