Dragon King bakugou x reader x dragon kirishima *who are you?* part 1

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Hello lovely's, I've done some revision for my business exam on Monday and honestly I feel fairly confident so hopefully that confidence will pay off and I actually do good! Anyways I'm also going to be starting year 12 head start in a weeks so it's low key stressful but...😬
NOTE: they use classifications in this world btw. Which is, little, caregiver and undefined.
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: stuffie TRIGGER WARNING: Bakugou yelling, nothing new there. He may also say a few bad words, low key kidnapping, prejudice towards dragons and a little bit to humans, really fucked up kingdom war breaks out 😍😍 I live for drama.
No one's pov

It was a magnificent afternoon, sun shining, birds singing and the villagers having fun. But amongst the edge of a river, lays a little painting with their stuffie, y/n. Y/n had on idea that their life would soon change forever after their soon to come encounter with a feisty dragon king and his chilled out companion.

Bakugou's pov

"Seriously shitty hair! Did you make us take a wrong turn or something? Why is this taking so long!" I yelled in annoyance as we continued on our journey of what felt like had been going on for hours "no bakubro! We are definitely going the right way the river of life should be just...here!" Kirishima exclaimed.

I then looked to where his head was pointed towards. There was an opening in the forest and we could hear the soft sound of running water. "Finally! Maybe your not so bad with maps after all!" I then charged in front of him to get to the river.
"Wait bakubro! There could be!-"

" a Human."

I then stoped in my tracks. Laying right in front of the river was a human. I then feel kirishima put his hand on my shoulder "hey it's okay bro, we can just sneak around them and then maybe they won't see us!"..."no."

"Wait what? Bakugou don't!"

Y/n's pov

I was finally nearly done with this painting! My friend Tsu asked me if I could paint her the river of life for her birthday, and I of course said yes!. I pull my stuffie closer to my chest and held them up so they could see the whole painting. When I paint I usually slip into little space because it makes me so happy and brings out my creative side "what do you think (stuffies name)? Isn't it just so pwetty! I weally hope Tsu likes it!"

"Why are you talking to a stupid teddy bear, huh? Are you humans really this...odd?" I hear come from a deep intimidating voice from behind me. I turn around in shock and can see a tall figure standing above me, and not just any figure. a dragon.

"U-um...can I help u sir?..." I say in confusion and also fear. I never liked to judge a book by its cover, but it's hard not to when you've been taught your whole life that dragons are mean, dangerous and have killed thousands of people in your village before.

Before he can answer back to my question, another dragon comes running up, I hug my stuffie out of fear because I don't know what they want from me. "I'm so sorry about him! We were just coming here to get some water from the river of life, I hope you don't mind" he said with a smile.

"Oh um no...it's not a problem I mean I don't own it..." I say looking down at my lap "huh a human being nice and not being prejudice towards us dragon people? Interesting. Tell me, who are you?" says the angry looking blonde one.

"What...?" I asked confused "did you not hear me? Who are you!" He says angrily "oh um... I'm y/n L/n." I say nervously, waiting for his response, "oh that's fine then. You don't sound very important" he says proudly.

I feel annoyed by his obnoxiousness so I ask him back "and who are you then? You don't seem too important either" I say frowning at him. He lets out a shocked laugh "who am I? WHO AM I? Do you really have no idea who I am? Well sweetheart I'm katsuki Bakugou the dragon king. And if you must know my classification is caregiver"

I let out a shocked gasp at that. "Bakugou don't be so rude to y/n. I'm so sorry about him, again. Anyways I'm kirishima and I'm also classified as a caregiver!" He says proudly and puts out his hand for me to shake it, I shake his hand.

"Alright cut that out shitty hair, we're here for the water not to meet new friends!" Bakugou says angrily, he then walks to the edge of the river and gets out a container to put water in "oh also you never told us what you're classification was? So what are you?" Kirishima askes me happily "oh... I'm a little" I say quietly.

I then look up to the sound of Bakugou whipping his head towards me to stare at me, I then look to kirishima and he also has a shocked look on his face "did you just say your a...little?" Kirishima asks again, as if he didn't believe me. I noticed how bakugou crouched closer to hear my answer "um yeah, I am a little. Is something wrong?" I ask confused.

"What do you mean is something wrong!?! Of course somethings wrong! there hasn't been a person, let alone a dragon classified as a little in 30 fucking years!" ..."bakugou! Language around the little!"

"What do you mean? I know plenty of littles... there's Tsu, Uraraka, shoto, hagakure..." they both looked at me in shock "say what now?!" Kirishima exclaimed "wait but that means that..."

"Deku has been feeding my kingdom lies! For how long now!?! How dare he!. I'll get him back for this... when I see him I swear I'm going to-"

"Y/n sweetie! It's time to go home, daddy made you some...Bakugou..." I looked at izuku, confused as to what was going on. His face looked shocked and fear took over his features "y/n... get away from those dragons! Their dangerous beasts and they'll hurt you!" He said he then walked closer to me, I went to get up but Bakugou pushed his hand onto my shoulder, making me fall back onto the ground.

"Not so fast sweetheart... is this your caregiver?..." he asked, he had a smile on his face but I could tell he was covering up the rage he was feeling on the inside "...yes..." I said feeling tears well up in my eyes from the confrontational situation I was in. "Interesting, and why didn't you think to tell us that your 'daddy' was the king of this land?..."

"Because he tells me not to tell people..." I then feel the tears slowly fall down my face "leave them out of this bakugou! This is between me and you not them." Daddy says moving closer to me. I can see on his face that he's trying to calm me down as he makes a 'shh' facial expression.

"Your right...this is between only us...kiri take them." When I hear this I let out a scream as I'm being picked up by bakugou, he then quickly gives me to kirishima, who has now spread his wings, getting ready to fly me away. "NU! S-STOP IT! DADDY!" I yell, izuku was already running towards me but it's too late. Bakugou gets in between me and izuku "Y/N!" He yells reaching out to me, as kirishima fly's me into the sky.

I hold onto my stuffie tightly and cry into it, I then feel kirishima pat my head "shh, shh it's going to be okay...look I'm really sorry. I didn't want to take you away from your daddy but... whatever the king wants to king gets" he says in a sad tone "b-buts wats going to happen to my daddy... a-and will he be okie? Will I see him again.?" I ask worriedly

"Look, I don't know for sure what will happen y/n, but all I know right now is that nothing will be the same after what's about to go down. But please try not to worry, I'll take care of you as best I can while you're away from your daddy...just think of it as a sleepover!" He says happily.

I break down crying even harder "I-I hate sleepovers! I wans my dada!"

"Well that's going to be a problem..."
Hello lovely's I hope you enjoyed this, I'm going to have to do a part 2 of this where reader is at Bakugou's castle, settling in with the help of kirishima and maybe some other special guests. And then I think I'll do a part 3 where reader either goes back to izuku or stays with kirishima and bakugou. You can decide which one. Anyways have a good night/day

Love - moon 🌙

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