Bakugou x reader *bratty little*

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Hello lovely's this is the second request on my list now I have five more left to go! I hope you like this one (:
SHE/HER sorry to the people that don't go by she/her.

Also you should try watching the show i linked for when your in little space, it's really cute and I love it :D
No ones pov

Today was one of those days for little y/n...if you know what I mean, bakugou definitely did. It was the kinda day when y/n would start the day off in a bratty mood and be a headache for her caregiver the whole day. Usually y/n wasn't this bad but today...oh she made it hard for bakugou to do anything.

Bakugou's pov
It was 8 in the morning, I had already gotten up and made some breakfast I made some (f/f) for me and y/n to enjoy. As I finished making the food I noticed that y/n was still not up {I guess she must have over slept again} I thought to myself as I walk down the hall to her door.

I knocked on the door, no answer. "Sweetie it's time for breakfast, daddy made your favourite" still no answer. I walk into the bedroom and see her asleep on a pile of pillows, blankets and stuffies on her bed. I chuckle quietly to myself as I walk over to her "good morning princess, it's time to wake up" I say with a smile "nuuuu daddy I don't want to" she said with a small huff at the end.

"Sweetie but you need to eat" I said "Nuu daddy!" She then threw a stuffie at me, I gasped a bit out of shock that she just threw something at me "darling that's not how we behave in this house, if you do something like that again I'll have to punish you okay? Take this as your first and last warning" I said with a frown "now I said let's go eat breakfast" I said

"Okay daddy....I'm sowwy" she then made grabbie hands towards me, I picked her up and placed her on my hip "it's okay baby but don't do it again, you're lucky I'm in a good mood today" I said as I walked back to the kitchen. I sat her down in her seat and sat in front of her in mine, I then cut up the food and feed it to her.

Time skip

As the day went on y/n continued to misbehave for bakugou, she didn't clean up her toys when asked to, she spit out and refused to eat her veggies and she Evan painted on the wall, that was the last straw for bakugou.

"Y/N!" I yelled when I saw her painting on the wall "what are you doing? Why have you been misbehaving since you woke up today? Do you want to be punished?" I asked with a scolding voice "n-no daddy" she said with a frown "I'm sowwy I didn't mean to" she tried to say "baby you keep saying your sorry but then you do something bad again, I can't just keep putting it off. Your being a brat and you need to be punished" I said

"Noo daddy pwease I won't do it again" she started to whine "no baby I already gave you chances and you wasted them. Now you have to suffer the consequences of your actions" I said "I don't want to punish you but I can't just let you get away with it or else you'll do it again and you wouldn't have learnt your lesson" I said.

I walked over to her and picked her up, I placed her on my hip and walked to my study. When we walked in there I put her on my work chair "alright now baby you're going to write me an apology letter and then after that on the back of this paper I want you to write ' I'm sorry for misbehaving daddy I won't do it again ' 20 times" I said looking at her "but daddy-" she tried to say "ah, ah, ah no buts y/n I'm not in the mood, once you've finished come see me in the living room" I said I then walked out the room.

Y/n's pov
As I was writing my letter I started to realise that daddy was right I was behaving badly... now I feel bad for making daddy put up with that. I made sure to put all of my emotions into the letter and also draw him a photo of my saying sorry, with hearts of course.

Time skip to the letter and lines being done because that's boring.

Once I was done I walked out of the room to see daddy sitting in the couch reading a book, I walked over to him and held my head down, he lifted his head to look at me "are you done sweetie?" He asked "yes daddy... I'm sorry" I said with a frown "I know you are baby can I have a look please?" He said, I gave him the paper and read my latter then flipped the paper to see if I had written the lines.

"Aw come here baby" he said as he held his arms open, I hugged him and then he lifted me into his lap "I really liked your picture of us baby" he said as he rubbed my back soothingly, I started to cry a bit because I felt really bad "I-I'm weally sowwy daddy I didn't m-mean to" I said into his neck "hey, hey shh it's okay baby I know and I forgive you, I'm just glad that you apologised" he said.

Hello lovely's just wanted to say I hope you enjoyed this one (: and thank you for 10k reads <3

Love - moon 🌙

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