Mina x reader + Deku, Bakugou and All might *missing baby*

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Hello lovely's here's another story, I'm trying to get these out because now that I'm sick and have time off from school I actually have time to do theses, so hopefully you like this one. INCLUDES: paci and sippy PRONOUNS: she/her
TW bakugou says @ss
No one's pov

It was a Friday afternoon , everyone was off school and they all couldn't be happier. But one little and caregiver were having a little night together. Y/n and Mina. Y/n had came over to Mina's dorm after they had finished school because y/n goes to a different school. When y/n got there Mina greeted her with a hug and soon after they both sat down to play with y/n's stuffies.

Y/n's pov

Me and mommy were playing with my stuffies but then I noticed that I was getting really thirsty "mommy I weally thirsty can you pwease get me a dwink" I asked with a smile "of course baby, mommy was getting a bit thirsty as well" she then got up from her sitting position "so what do you want to drink baby?" She asked me "hmm can I pwease have (favourite drink)?" I asked "of course baby, now you stay here mommy will be back in a few minutes" she said as she walked over to the door and closed it behind her.

Now that I was left alone I started to get bored very quickly. So I decided to go explore U.A I mean why wouldn't I! So I got up from the floor and grabbed my paci, put it in my mouth and walked out of the room. Then I ran down the hallway, I did pass a girl with green hair on the way, she was holding a little girl with blue hair. Then i turned the other corner and passed by one of mommy's friends he had yellow hair with a lightning bolt in it. He tried to talk to me but a ran off.

I then stoped in front of one of the doors. I stoped because I could hear explosions coming from inside. I took out my paci before I opened the door and it was a massive room with a lot of different areas like a water and nature area! I also could see three guys in the room. One really tall man another guy with blonde hair and another with green hair. I then started walking inside the room but then the blonde boy yelled at me "WHO THE HELL IS THAT?? YOUR NOT ALOUD IN HERE DUMB ASS" he shouted at me.

I stoped in my tracks.

Deku's pov

As I saw the girl I started to remember her face {oh I know her! She's Mina's little, I remember Mina showing me a picture of her when we were talking about our littles together} I thought to myself. When I heard what kacchan said, it made me mad to hear someone talk to a little like that "kacchan! You can't say those kinds of things, what if she needed help?" I asked him.

"Yes young bakugou midoriya is right, we can't talk like that to people, how about you try being nicer to her?" All might said. "Well, why are you here then!" Bakugou said to her "I was wooking around while my mommy's getting me a sippy!" She said with a smile, "why are you speaking like that?" Bakugou asked "young bakugou that is very rude" all might said.

"Kacchan, all might I now why she's talking like that" I said as I brought them in closer to me "well you know how she mentioned her mommy? Well her mommy is Mina. because she's a little and Mina's a caregiver, basically she regress to a child like state, and Mina treats she like how a parent would with their child" I finished

"what I've never heard of that before AND HOW COME RACCOON EYES TOLD YOU BEFORE ME THAT SHE WAS A CAREGIVER!" Bakugou shouted "young bakugou don't shout! If she's regressed to the mind set of a child the yelling will scare her!" All might said.

"Okay so then what do we do with her?" Bakugou asked "well I think we'll just have to look after until Mina comes to get her" I said, I then walked over to the girl "hello sweet pea, what's your name?" I asked with a gentle smile "my name y/n!" She said "that's a lovely name! Do you know where your mommy is?" I asked

"Hmmm she saids she wa goings to make me a sippy" she said "okay Bakugou will call your mommy and while we wait we can all play with you!" I said with a smile, you could hear Bakugou on the phone to Mina in the background. "So what do you want to play young y/n?" All might asked "can we play hide and seek!" Y/n asked "of course" all might said.

"Can I hide" y/n asked "yeah okay all might can seek and me and kacchan will hide with you" I said "I'm not playing a kids game!" Bakugou said, me and all might both gave him a look "...fine, I'll play the stupid game..." Bakugou said "yay! Baku plays with us" y/n said excitedly.

Bakugou's pov

{stupid game...why did this have to happen?! I just want to train but now I'm stuck babysitting because Mina couldn't keep an eye on her little!} I think to my self as I sat down behind some bushes, I then heard the busses next to me move "Baku why are you'd here!" Y/n popped her head out from one of the busses "because I'm hiding here!" I said in a whisper yell. "Baku your so cool! My mommy always talks about how your weally powerful! How you go pow and boom!" She said

I laughed a bit to myself at her childish actions, she reminded me of when I was younger "oh really? Well maybe I don't say it to her face but your mommy's got a pretty cool quirk too" I said "I know! I can't waits for her to be a big strong hero" y/n said "don't worry y/n we all already are, and your looking at your next number 1 hero!" I said, pride filling me.

We then heard yelling "y/n! Mina's here!" I heard deku yell out, y/n then got up and started running to the exit "mommy!!" She yelled as she ran, I then got up to see Mina as well.

Mina's pov

I saw y/n running towards me and I crouched down so she could run into my arms "mommy!" She yelled as she jumped into my arms "baby, I'm so glad you're okay! Why did you leave mommy's room? I told you not to" I asked "because I wants to explore! Ands I gots to meet Baku deku ands mighty!" She said with a smile

"Well I'm glad you got to meet some of my friends but don't do that again, I don't want anything bad to happen to you okay?" I asked her "okay mommy I promise!" She said "good girl, here's your sippy!" I said as I gave it to her, I then turned to then all "thank you all so much, I'm really sorry that she interrupted your training session!" I said.

"It's fine young Mina, but be careful we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to young y/n while she's on her little adventures!" All might said "it's all good Mina, I was just glad to finally meet her!" Midoriya said "yeah it's whatever raccoon eyes, but I'll be by to babysit one day" Bakugou said.

"Thanks again but I think I need to put y/n down for a nap now, she must be tired after all of that exploring" I said, then walked out of the room with one last goodbye before walking back to my dorm room with my sleeping little in my arms.


I absolutely hated this. This was so bad, like omg I can't for the life of my write when a character doesn't know their a little! Like it's so hard! And I feel annoyed because this wasn't my best work and it just kept dragging on also it was hard because I was doing this with 4 characters that I wouldn't put together.

Love - moon 🌙

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