Deku x crossdresser reader x bakugou *we'll always be your hero*

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Hello lovely's so this is the second request I got also just to let you know I have one idea what I'm doing 😀 I've never written y/n as a crossdresser and to be honest I don't really know what one is? So I'm really sorry if I didn't represent it well :( also she/her
Dada = Deku daddy = bakugou
Y/n's POV

I was walking out of the 1-a classroom a bit late because mister aizawa told me to stay back so he could talk to me about the work I had missed when I was away. Today I decided to wear the feminine uniform because i felt like it! I was feeling comfortable enough to do that at school now because I had told my whole class and everyone was fine with it and didn't think it was weird like other people told me it was, class 1-a is where I feel at home and feel like I can be who I want to be!

But as I walked out of the UA building and was on the way to the dorms two students stoped me "oh hey look it's the freak! Why are you wearing a skirt that's for girls only, not you" he said laughing at me, "yeah seriously why are you trying to be like a girl? It's weird" the girl said looking me up and down like I was nothing "no that's not it at all! I'm not trying to be a girl i am a girl when I dress like this but when I'm not dressed like this I don't think of myself as a female now I think I'll be leaving" I said as I tried to walk passed them.

But the boy grabbed my hand "oh no you're not going anywhere I'm not done" but before he could say anything more he was sent away by a blast "how about you fuck off dick head and leave our girlfriend alone you fucking weirdo, oh and take your ugly dog with you!" Bakugou yelled at him and his girlfriend, they then ran away "are you okay sweetie?" Deku asked me as I felt tears fall down my face "n-no not really...why do people think I'm so weird..." I said in a sad tone as I looked down at my feet.

"Oh princess don't listen to them their just idiots, and even if they don't think so you know me and Deku think you're our pretty girl and that's all that matters right? Your two loving boyfriends and caregivers accepting you" he said as he hugged me "you know bakugou's right and you don't only have us but you have everyone in 1-a! Even mister aizawa accepts you! And you know eri loves to play dress up with you" Deku said with i big smile.

"T-thanks you guys but I think I'm going to slip soon, sorry..." I said as I hugged my knees to my chest "aw that's fine little one me and daddy will take good care of you" dada said as he put a hand on my shoulder "yeah he's right princess and it's not your fault that you're slipping, and you shouldn't say sorry for it baby" daddy said to me "alright little one before you get too little do you want to go back to your dorm or daddy's dorm?" Dada asked me "can we go to daddy's and can you pwease carry me daddy" I said as I made grabby hands to daddy.

"Of course princess, arms up!" Daddy said, I put me arms up and daddy lifted me into the air by under my arms, I giggled a bit when he picked me up "oh do you like daddy picking you up Angel?" He said with a chuckle at the end. Then he started to throw me up into the air and then catch me, I started to giggle more and more "keep going daddy!" I said giggling "aw you two are so cute I have to take a video!" Dada said as he started to take a video "aw smile at the camera Princess!" Dada said to me.

After daddy was done throwing me in the air he rested me on his hip, him and dada started to walk to the dorms "dada, daddy I'm sweepyyy can I sweep when we get back to daddy's dorm" I said as I pushed my face into daddy's neck "yes you can princess, but you'll have to share the bed with me and daddy because we're both pretty tired as well" dada said to me "yeah dada's right I think we could all use a early night" daddy said to me and before we knew it we had made It back to the dorms.

When we got back to daddy's dorm dada dressed me into a onesie and put some fluffy socks on me "alright baby girl do you want your paci?" Daddy asked me "yes pwease daddy" I said as I hugged him "oh I have one here!" Dada said as he handed me one with bunny's on it "now what do you say baby?" Daddy asked me "Thank you dada" I said with the paci in my mouth "alright I think we're all ready for bed now" daddy said.

"Yeah I'm ready to sleep, are you ready to sleep baby?" Dada asked me "yes dada I'm pwetty sweepy" I said into daddy's neck "alright goodnight my loves" daddy said "goodnight daddy and dada" I said as I shut my eyes "goodnight Kachan and my princess" dada said as he turned off the light.

Omg I hope that I wrote this right 😭 if I didn't please tell me how I could improve so I could rewrite it!

Love - moon 🌙

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