Dragon king bakugou x reader x dragon kirishima *bath time* part 3

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Hello lovely's, hope you like this also the photo above is of my bed, I felt like sharing that because honestly I think it looks pretty :3
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: stuffie, paci TRIGGER WARNING: reader is still kidnapped but reader is acting like it's okay, bakugou might swear.
Y/n's pov

"Shhh denki if you keep being loud you're going to wake up y/n!"

I then stirred in my sleep to the sound of that voice "see look what you did their waking up now!" I then opened my eyes to see Mina, denki and sero surrounding me "um...where did shiggy, toga and dabi go?" I asked tiredly, rubbing the sleep sand out of my eyes "oh yeah we had to pick you up early because kirishima and bakugou wanted you for something, we didn't wake you up when picking you up because we felt bad about waking you up, you looked like you needed it" sero said

"Okie...buts what did Baku and kiri wants with me..." I asked, before I could get an answer Bakugou and kirishima came into the room "hello sweetie how was your stay with the... wolves..." kiri said making his nose scrunch "...what the- how are you idiots not reacting to the stench of wolf in here!? Also how did they manage to put their scent on you already when you were only with them for a few hours" bakugou exclaimed.

"Um I don't know... also what smell? I can't smwell any thwing" I said, I then went to smell my clothing "wait I think I know how the scent could have got on y/n...y/n did the wolves...cuddle with you?" Mina asked me "oh wes! We did cwuddles and toga let me pat her tail and its was so fluffy!" I said happily "this was not how it was meant to go..." kiri said shocked "wai what's wrong kiri?" I asked concerned "what's wrong!?! They got to cuddle with you before we could! Those damn dogs!" Bakugou shouted, he looked like he was about to start breathing fire!

"Hey it's okay katsuki. How about we give y/n a bath to get rid of the smell and then we can cuddle them to give them a dragon scent?" Kirishima asked "huh...yeah that would be a good idea, plus I has been a few days since we...adopted y/n so it's definitely time they have a bath" bakugou agreed "alright! Can I please help clean the little!" Denki asked excitedly "no. This is a kirishima and i job only." Bakugou stated.

"Wait not fair bro! Why can it only be you two?" Denki questioned "well because... we would obviously be their... you know in a short amount of time" he said frustrated "okay sweetheart are you ready to have a bath?" Kiri asked me nicely "yep!" I said excitedly.

Time skip

Kirishima's pov

"Alright sweetheart now what bubble bath do you want to use?" I hold up an option of four different scents, vanilla, strawberry, pear and cinnamon. "Oooo can I have (scent you want)!" Y/n exclaimed excitedly. "Of course you can little one." I then put in a really good amount of the bubble bath to make lots of bubbles. "Finally! I found some body wash that won't affect human skin!" Bakugou exclaimed holding up a bottle of body wash that was (favourite scent) scented.

"Good job Kats, that bath is just about done now sweetie how about you hope in?" I ask y/n gently "okay" bakugou then walked over to them and helped them take off their robe so they could get in the bath. They then got in the bath and started playing with the bubbles, me and bakugou both started giggling at this "wats so funny?" Y/n asked suspiciously "oh nothing... it's just that you're so cute" I said with a smile.

"You think I'm cute!?" Y/n asked "mhm of course we do" Bakugou answered for both of us. Y/n then giggled at this "I think you two are cute too! I love your wings" they then splashed around in the water in happiness. "Okay okay. Enough of the complements. Time to wash your hair" bakugou said getting back to the task at hand. He grabbed a bottle of shampoo to start off with "hey but I wanted to wash their hair!" I say a bit upset "you can do the conditioning kirishima don't worry" bakugou said reassuring me.

Bakugou's pov

I massaged the shampoo gently into y/n scalp, making sure not to be rough with my hand movements, when I had done  that for long enough it was time to rinse it out "alright now lean your head back angel so we don't get any soap in your eyes" I say calmly to them, they then tilted their head back and I rinsed out the suds successfully not getting any into their eyes "good little one" I say and then pat their head softly.

"Kirishima you can condition their hair now" I say and move out of the way for him, handing him the bottle of conditioner.

TIME SKIP: this is after bath time, you had your hair conditioned and body washed (either by yourself or them whatever your comfortable with) you've been dried off and now have undergarments on, so know it's time to pick your pjs.

Y/n's pov

I watch as bakugou presents 5 pj options for me, that consist of all onesies. One is a fluffy bunny onesies, a fluffy dino onesie, a blue onesie with clouds on it, a pink onesie with some frills on it and lastly a simple white onesie with black cats on it. I look at them making my thinking face trying to decide which one I should wear "so which one do you want sweetheart? You would look adorable in all of them I bet! But my personal favourites are the bunny and Dino ones!" Kiri says happily

"Hmm I wanna wear... the (onesie you want)!" I say happily "great choice honey" bakugou says, he puts away the 4 other ones and hands me the one I picked "now do you want me or kiri to change you or do you want to change yourself sweetheart?" Bakugou asked nicely "hmm I think I want (you choice what you want to do)" I say. Bakugou and kiri both smile at me "okay honey" kiri says.

After getting changed I started to yawn because I was feeling sleepy "Aw looks like it's someone's bedtime" kiri said, he then picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso and laid my head on his chest. He then walked to a bed room with me in his arms and bakugou followed along side kiri. When we get to the bedroom I see a massive bed "woah that bed is so big!" I say

"Yeah it is, it's me and kirishima's bed" bakugou said "and we just upgraded it to have more then enough room for 3 people so you can sleep comfortably with us little one" bakugou says and ruffles my hair playfully "that's so cool! Is it also big because you're dragons?" I asked curiously

Kiri laid me down on the bed and nodded his head yes to me question "mhm" he said. I then move into the middle of the bed, cuddling into the pillow "don't get too comfortable yet sweetie, you're not even under the blankets yet" bakugou said chuckling, he then grabs the blanket and lays it on top of me "oh! Before I forget!" Kiri says as he grabs something from the bedside table "here's your paci little one" he holds it to my mouth for me to bit onto it, I grab it with my mouth "tank u" I say with a smile.

"And you also can forget this little guy" bakugou says as he hands me my favourite stuffie "ah! Stuffie!" I say happily as I take it from him and cuddle the stuffie to my chest "Aw their so cute" kiri says to bakugou "mhm I know... and that's why their ours now..." he says. Before I can ask bakugou what he means by that they both get in the bed under the covers and bring me close to cuddle with them.

"Now do you want a bad time story baby?" Bakugou asks me, distracting me from what was just said "yeah! I love bed time stories!" I say happily. Bakugou then brings out a book to read me, kiri pulls me closer to him so I'm cuddling into him.

"Once upon a time there was a..."

Hello lovely's hope you enjoyed this! Sorry for the long break I was feeling a lot less motivated, but now I feel better! I really hope that I can keep my motivation up because I'm on school holidays right now, also happy holidays to everyone! Love you all so much!

Love - Moon 🌙

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