Shigaraki x reader x dabi *there's no judgement here*

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Hello lovely's hope you like this, don't really have much to say. Plot run down: dabi and shiggy find out your a little. Your not happy about it (at first), they couldn't be more happy
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: paci, stuffie and little clothes ALTER UNIVERSE: littles are known but still kinda looked down on also it's literally like ABO but instead you get sorted in caregiver, undefined and little. Littles are pretty rare and so are caregivers not as much tho, undefined is most common.
Y/n's pov
I've been really enjoying working with the league so far and everyone's been really welcoming to me, the place that we stay in isn't too bad but it could be a lot better, but I'm not one to complain. The only problem is that I'm a little. I really don't want the league to know that I'm a little so I haven't been able to regress since moving in with then which was like a month ago! But today I get to regress because it's my day off and all of them are going out to a meeting for something.

After the league left around 10:30 in the morning I immediately start regressing, I put on the cutest onesie I could find, I grab my fav paci and pull out the hidden box of my little stuff from under my bed, getting out some of my favourite toys and activity books. But before I fully get in my play zone...who can have a little day without snacks? I grab some (fav snacks and drink) and I then excitedly run back to my room with an excited scream.

{Now I can finally let little me take over} I thought to myself, and I did. I put on (favourite little music) to have on in the background while I play with my toys, do colouring in and eat my yummy snacks. I start to sing along to the music as I play and regress further into little space.

*Time skip*
Dabi's pov
"Seriously I can't believe I waisted my time to go there just to have them not show up!" Shigaraki screamed in anger as he drove us back to the hideout "yeah I know boss, but at least we didn't have to drive back with the other members cause they wanted to go shopping" I said trying to lighten the mode, because when the boss is mad he drives like a crazy, and I really don't want to get car sick...again.

When we arrive back at the hideout we both get out the car and walk to the front door to go in, shigiraki opens the door for both of us. When we walk in I take of my coat and put it on the rack.

Shiggys pov

"Dabi can you hear that?" I ask him looking at him confused. We go silent for a minute and we can both clearly hear children's music being played "why is children's music playing?" Dabi asked me just as confused as I am "I don't know, the only person that's home today is...y/n" I say even more confused "wait but didn't y/n put down that their classification is undefined?" Dabi asks "yeah they did...unless they lied" I said "yeah but why would you lie about that, no one cares what you are here"

"Yes we know that but to a new person, they wouldn't also just because we except it doesn't mean that other people don't still look down on it" I said. {what if y/n is a little? How will that change the league would it be good or bad? Would I finally have a little of my own?} I think to myself getting a little excited at the last option.

"Well there's only one way to find out if they are..." dabi says as he looks towards the hallway that leads to the bedrooms "yeah I guess..." I say. We both then start to walk towards y/n's room.

When we get to the door we both stop in front of it and then look at each other one last time as I then take the risk and open the door.

Y/n's pov
I'm just having the time of my little life! I get to dance around my room with my paci and stuffie free from fear of getting caught in little space. I'm spinning with my fav stuffie when I hear my door creak open. I freeze, frozen in fear. I don't know what to do, what can I do? What if they hate me now? Would they fire me? So many questions going through my head that I didn't even notice that I had stated crying, my paci fell out of my mouth and was now pulled into someone's lap

"Hey it's okay y/n, we're not mad at you" I hear a voice say to me and I think it dabi, I looked up and can see I'm in shiggy's lap and dabi is petting my head "it's okay, we're not here to judge y/n, you know me and dabi are actually caregivers ourselves" shiggy says trying to comfort me and it works a bit.

"W-waits u two cawegivews?" I ask as my tears start to slow down. "Yeah we are! And so are lots of other members of the league, we are really welcoming to littles, we just wished that you had told us you were a little. Why didn't you tell us?" Dabi asks "w-well becus some peoples whink I weird...and they Nu wants me to work fo thewm" I say as I calm down more.

"Well we would never judge you for that sweetheart, me and dabi are actually really happy to find this out because... we'll both of us have never actually met a little before and you're the first one so that's kind of special, now isn't it?" Shiggy asks me with a big smile "well I gwess sooo" I say and let out a little giggle "I never met cwaregwivers either...even thos I weally wants one..." I say in a sad tone.

I then see that both shiggy and dabi have excited looks on their faces "well then maybe we could try being your caregivers for when you're feeling little?" Dabi asks "only if you feel comfortable tho y/n" shiggy adds. My face lights up with excitement "I would wove to twy being yu's wittle!" I say, I then hug both of them "that's great!" Shiggy exclaims "so what are our caregivers names going to be sweetie?" Dabi asks "um well... i wans shiggy to be papa and dabi can be daddy becu his name alweady close to tha" I say. They both smile at me "what a good Choice, I think I'll call you my little Angel" papa says to me. "I think I'll call you my baby doll"

"Aw I wove thos names, so now tha u's actually mw cawegivers...can we cuddwe, pwease?"

"Of course we can Angel"
"We'd love to cuddle with our sweet baby doll"

Hello lovely's, I hope you liked this btw this was I really quick write because I felt like it after I posted those 2 oneshots (even tho 1 is repost) anyways thanks for the support and I hope you guys have a good day/night.

Love - moon 🌙

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