Yandere dabi x reader x yandere shigaraki *good girl*

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Hello lovely's I got another request! (: it's another yandere one though so if you don't like that kinda thing then please don't read this, but this one is more tame then the other ones I've written. I don't think it really needs a trigger warning.
Plot: dabi and shigaraki kidnapped y/n two weeks ago and they want the be her daddy's, but y/n hasn't been regressing for them because she doesn't want to but what will happen when she can't take it anymore and needs to regress?
Also daddy = dabi papa = shigaraki

Y/n's pov

{please don't do this to me right now...I can't regress here, if I do then that means they've won!} I thought to myself. I can't believe this is happening I held out for two weeks but now it's becoming to much for me to handle...I need to regress but if I do they'll know...and then they'll know that they've won and then they'll push their idea of being my caregiver onto me when I'm little...

They've been trying for two weeks to make me slip but so far I've been good and haven't even when they've given/done things that make me feel little and make me want to regress. {oh no... I feel like I'm going to slip any minute now..} it's even worse because everywhere I look theirs toys to play with or books to read and colour in, it doesn't help that the room I'm staying in is a nursery and has all of my favourite little things. And they also make me wear little clothes making it even harder to ignore my little heart :( telling me to play with the stuffies and have a tea party!

I crawled out of my crib and over to the stuffies in a pile, I picked up a bunch and started to make a family out of them and started babbling out loud and making them talk to each other. Then I could here the door open.

Shigaraki's pov
Me and dabi were making breakfast in the kitchen for our baby, I made some kitty shaped pancakes and dabi made a bowl of fruit to go with it "so how long do you think it will take her to slip?" Dabi asked me "I don't really know... she is a pretty stubborn one, she's held out this long but I think it will be soon, I mean there's only so much time a little can stay big" I said as I flipped the pancake

"Yeah your right, are you done with the pancakes?" Dabi asked "yeah I'm done let's go see her, I think she'll be awake by now" I said as we walked to her door, as we got closer I could hear some talking "listen" said dabi. We both put our ears up to the door and we could hear y/n babbling to her stuffies "Dabi... do you think she slipped?" I asked in a whisper "I think she has...I can't believe it all our hard work has payed off" he said with a smile.

Y/n's pov

Daddy and papa walked in the room holding my breakfast "daddy, papa! Wook I'm pwaying with my stuffies!" I said with a smile. Daddy and pap had shocked looks on their faces "why is u face like tha" I said "oh it's nothing sweetie we're just glad to see little you...it's been so long" daddy said as him and papa walked towards me. They sat down on the floor next to me

"Alright baby here's your breakfast, but who do you want to feed you?" Papa asked "can daddy pwease do it today and u do it tomorrows" I said "yes of course" papa said. Daddy then moved me to be in his lap, he picked up a fork and put a small bit of pancake with fruit on it "open wide baby" he said, I opened my mouth and ate it "your such a good girl angel, me and papa are so proud of you for starting to regress in front of us" Daddy said with a smile.

Time skip to after eating

"Dada, papa and we pwease cuddle, I want you to hwug me pweaseeee" I said with puppy dog eyes "alright sweetie let's go lay down in papa and daddy's bed, we can even put on a tv show for you" papa said "yay!" I said in a happy tone as we left for their bedroom.
Hello lovely's I hope you like this because I liked it and also thank you to the person that requested this (:

Love - moon 🌙

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