Iida x reader x momo

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What happens when y/n volunteers to help the class captains shop for the Christmas party but ends up slipping into little space?

Btw thank you for over 400 reads it means the world to me! 🤍

Y/n's POV

"Thank you y/n for coming with me and iida to do the Christmas shopping it a big help!" Said momo as she put a hand on your shoulder, showing a kind smile on her face. "Yes y/n it is a big help and I am happy to have such a good friend and class mate!" Said iida with a smile on his face as he did his signature hand movements. "It's really nothing guys anything to help out my friends!" I said with a cheerful voice.

As we walked into the shop we went to the food section first, we picked out all of the food we need, then we went to get the party supplies to make the dorms look nice for the party. As we were walking to go to the checkout momo said that she needed to get a present for her little sister so we walked to the toys section.

When we got there I started to feel like I was slipping into little space... and let's just say I was having a freak out inside of my head because, what if I do slip to far in and then momo and iida see my little side and they think I'm weird! I think to myself in a panic.

"Y/n what do you think of this soft toy?" Momo said to me as she held up a fluffy bunny with a ribbon on its head, "o-oh I think it looks so cute momo I think they would love it!" I said with a nervous smile and I noticed my voice was a higher pitch. "Y/n are you okay? You look like your going to be sick, go you need to go home?" Iida said to me.

"N no! It's fine iida really let's just buy it and go" I said with tears in my eyes because I was afraid of what would happen if they found out and because of that I started to feel sick in my tummy. "Y/n your obviously not okay you're about to cry please tell us what's wrong" iida said with a gentle voice. "Fine! I was scared that you would judge me because of...something.." I said crying.

"Y/n no! We would never judge you!" Momo said as she hugged me and iida also joined in on the hug. "So what is it exactly that you thought we would judge you for?" Iida asked "well I-I going this thing called little space and I was starting to go into it because we're around all of the stuffies..." I said with tears running down my face. "Oh no y/n! We wouldn't judge you for that! We know someone that is a little in our class already!" Iida said with a smile on his face as he pulled me closer to his chest so I could cry into it.

Momo started to scratch my head gently and shush me to try and help me calm down. "Hey it's okay sweetie, do you want to go home now?" Momo said with a caring voice. "Y yes please I just want to go home and sleep." I said with a small smile. "Okay little one let's go home" momo said.

Time skip to being home

When iida and momo brought me back to my room I sat on my bed and iiida and momo both sat on the bed next to me. "So... y/n do you have a caregiver, mommy or daddy by any chance?" Momo asked. "No I don't...but I wish I did" I said as I pulled the bunny momo bought for me closer to my face. "Well y/n would you want me and momo to be your caregivers?" Iida said as he gave me a small smile and put his hand on mine.

"Wait! Really? You would be my mommy and daddy?" I said to momo and iida with a shocked look. "Yes we would love to y/n" momo said with a smile. "Can I hug you then?" I asked them. "Of course you can baby" Iida said as he opened his arms for me to jump into. I hugged both of them with a big smile on my face. "Thank you guys...I can't wait to make some memories with you" I said with a happy face as I started to fall deeper into little space. "Us to little one, we can't wait either but you look a little sleepy, I think it's time for our little one to have a nap, what do you think momo?" Daddy said looking at mommy.

"Yes I agree iida, do you want a kiss on the forehead form mommy and daddy little one?" Mommy said with a soft smile. "Yes please" I said as I let them kiss my head. "Have a nice sleep little one" Iida said as he tucked me into bed and I could feel sleep start to consume me and take me to my dream land.


Okay so this one isn't the best but i also wanted to say I'm going back to school Tomorrow for the rest of the week so I might not update until the next weekend if that's fine with all of you lovely people 🤍

Love - moon 🌙

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