Dekusquad x reader telling them your a little

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y/n tells the dekusquad their a little, how will they react?

(Y/n's POV)

Today is the day! I keep telling myself... but I'm really scared, I mean I have been keeping it from them for ( how long you've know you are a little, for example I've known for two years). No! I need to tell them today, I tried to tell them yesterday but I backed out so I have to do it today.

I walked over to uraraka's room like we planned, I'm really excited for the sleepover! But I still need to make sure that I end up telling them by the end of tonight. When I got to the door I knocked on it two times..."what's the secret password?" I heard a voice come from inside the room. "...fluffy bunny?"...."come in!". The door opened and I saw that everyone else was already there waiting for me, iida jumped up out of his seat and started doing his hand movements as he said "y/n! Your late and you said you wouldn't be this time! You know it's rude to keep people wai-" iida was cut of by todoroki "iida it's fine they were only 1 minute late anyway, y/n come sit down and have some (favourite food)" I smiled at all of them and walked down to sit next to tsu, I grabbed a piece of (favourite food) and took a bit/lick of it.

Time skip (:

Still y/n's POV

Everyone was starting to calm down and relax after a intense game of monopoly... I lost sadly and iida won not so surprisingly. But then I remembered... I have to tell them I made a promise to myself... "guys can you all stop what your doing and listen to what I'm about to say, please?" Everyone looked at me and smiled "yeah what did you want to tell us y/n?" Deku asked. "Well I've been keeping a secret from you guys and I really need to tell you but I'm kinda nervous that you guys will think I'm weird, and that I'm a freak..." I said with a frown on my face. "Y/n... we would never judge you for something, and we will always except you for who you are.." uraraka said with a smile on her face. "Yeah what uraraka said y/n! You know I'm a bit wired to y/n but you never say anything mean about it.." said deku with a reassuring smile.

Okay it's now or never... "okay so guys I go into this thing called... little space to help with my (whatever the reason you do it for is) and it just helps me feel calm and forget the stress of training to be a hero.. I hope you guys don't think any less of me..." I went silent and so did everyone else for a bit until... "y/n... of course I still love and except you! Your my best friend and everyone else here is fine with it too, right guys?" I looked up to see everyone smiling and nodding their heads, uraraka then hugged me after giving me some reassuring words, soon everyone else was hugging me and telling me that they still love me and except me...

I was so happy that I started crying tears of joy, because I really thought they were going to think I'm weird but, their still here hugging me and telling me how much they care about me... "oh no! Y/n don't cry! Did we upset you? Do you need some space?!?" Deku said frantically form the fear of making one of his best friends cry. "No guys I'm fine I'm just so happy that you guys didn't leave me or think I'm a freak..." everyone started saying no and that they would never leave me or say mean things to me. After that we all just sat together and watched some Disney movies while falling to sleep.

Time skip

It's been three months since I told my friends I was a little and... it's been amazing! All of them take turns taking care of me and todoroki sometimes steals his dad's credit card to buy me toys! Tsu and uraraka have been dressing me up in cute clothes that they buy me. Deku teaches me all about hero's and reads me bed time story's and iida makes sure I don't hurt myself and checks in on me to make sure I'm eating the right amount of food and drinking lots of water.

Telling them was the best thing I've ever done!

Moon's notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hi my lovely little clouds! Hope you liked this story I will be doing a bakusquad one next!

Also remember to eat at least 3 meals a day and drink lots of water!

Love from - moon :)

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