Kirishima x reader x bakugo part 2 *outing*

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Hello lovely's, I hope you guys enjoy this also thank you for the support on my 2 recent chapters, it seems you guys really liked the part 1 of this one! And I did too so here is a part 2 :).
Pronouns: they/them. ITEMS: stuffie, subtle little clothes
Papa= bakugo, daddy= kirishima. Also this is like a month time skip to the first part.
So I low key feel like maybe doing a request or two... so can you guys please comment your requests? I feel like writing but kinda running out of ideas. So please feel free to comment or private message me if you do.
Also! This does not mean I will 100% do you're request, so please don't be angry if I don't end up doing it.
- I don't do neo pronouns (i still support them I just literally can't write with them) sorry, only she/her, he/him or they/them. Also please if you want multiple pronouns only choose two... it's hard to use three sets of pronouns.
- this is not sexual! So no sexual content pls.
- i reallllly don't like writing when the character doesn't know that the reader is little.... But if I like the idea enough I will make an exception.
- what characters x reader? (I do multiple x reader)
- what are reader's pronouns?
- what items are used? Example: paci, sippy...ect.
- is the character yandere?
- a general run down of the plot.
- also any specifics of the reader, like I have done autistic reader before or mute reader, trans, ect.
Y/n's pov.

My eyes flutter open as I feel a hand rubbing my back and humming. I look up to see bakugou leaning over me with a soft smile on his face "it's time to wake up sleepy head... daddy and I have to get you ready for a surprise today..." he say and brushes my hair out of my face. My eyes light up and I sit up in bed "surprise!? I wove surprise!" I say excitedly. Bakugo chuckled down at me and them picks me up, holding me against his side as I wrap my legs around his torso "I know you do baby... now I need to get you changed and then we can go down stairs to have breakfast... daddy made your favourite" he says with a smile.

I smile up at him "yay! I love that brekkie!" I say wriggling in his hold energetically. He laughs "slow down sweetie... the food isn't going to run away from you... now is it okay if papa changes you?" He asks gently. I nod my head "yes papa". He smiles "Good baby"

Time skip.

Papa Carries me down to the dorm common room where daddy is cooking, no one else is in the dorms at the moment since I woke up late and most of our classmates go out on the weekends or stay in their dorm rooms. Bakugo walks over to kiri, who is plating up my breakfast. He smiles when he sees me "hi baby! How did you sleep?" He asks with a big grin and picks me up out of Bakugou's hold and kisses my nose.

I giggle "good daddy! I excited for surprise!" I say happily and play with his hair. He giggles "I'm glad... now let's get that little tummy feed" he says in a baby voice and walks over to the table, he sits down and puts me in his lap. Bakugo brings over the breakfast and sits down next to us.

Bakugo picks up a bit of the breakfast with a (fork/spoon) and brings it towards my mouth "say ahh" he says grinning "ahh" I say and open my mouth. He feeds me and pats my head "good angel". Bakugo feeds me while I sit in Kirishima's lap and kirishima does my hair while this happens.

Time skip.

Kirishima's pov.

We arrived at the mall... me and katsuki are really excited to surprise our little one... they've been such an angel lately that we decided to give them a little treat. We walk to the shop while I hold one of y/n's hand and katsuki holds the other. "This is where we're going little one" I say with a big smile to y/n as we stop in front of a build a bear shop. They gasp and jump up and down in excitement "I wove build a beaw! I get stuffie!" They say happily. Me and bakugo coo at how cute they are.

"Yes you do hunny! Now let's go in" bakugo says and we go in. Y/n happily looks at all the teddies and picks the one they want. Me and bakugo get teddies as well, we decided to do this so that we could all have teddies that represent us. When we make the teddies y/n puts a (favourite scent) in theirs and puts a red and orange heart to represent me and bakugo. I put a cherry scent in mine and a orange and (favourite colour) heart in mine. Bakugo puts a cinnamon scent in his and a red and (favourite colour) heart in his. (Pretend they offer heart colours apart from only red 😭)

When we're done y/n cuddles their new teddy "tank u!" They say Happily, me and bakugo smile "of course baby! You deserve it" I say sweetly to them. Bakugo pats them on the head "we're not done yet sweetheart... you still need to dress it up and we need to make them birth certificates" bakugo says with a grin, y/n's eyes light up "i get dress up teddy!?" They ask excitedly. We both nod our heads and they run off to dress up their stuffie.

Time skip but I'll tell you what they picked:
Kirishima dressed up his teddy in a white tank top and some black tracksuit pants and gave it a little dumbbell. He named it riot (ironically). Bakugo put his in a black top that had a skull on it like the shirt he normally wears, and put it in black tracksuit pants as well. He names it kats. (Short for his name, it's also what kirishima sometimes calls him and you call him that when not in little space). You helped them pick out these clothes and customised your teddy as well.

Y/n's pov.

We walk out all with our teddies, bakugo and Kirishima's were in boxes but I wanted to hold mine as we walk out. I cuddle it close to my chest and basically skip while walking from how happy I am. Kiri gently taps my shoulder to stop me "little one... do you wanna get a treat? That shop there sells (favourite sweet food)" he says happily. I nod my head "yeah!" I say, they both chuckled, bakugou picks me up and we walk in....

Today was like the best day ever! Teddy and treat with the two best caregivers in the world! What more could a little ask for?

Hello lovely's hope you enjoyed this, I liked it, but low key got a bit lazy at the build a bear part... sorry. But hopefully you guys still think it's good. Anyways have a nice night/day!

Love - moon 🌙

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