yandere bakugou x reader

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Hello lovely's I'm going to have to put a trigger warning on this chapter because bakugou is a yandere in this chapter,
I got requested this by someone that I won't name because, privacy. Also SHE/HER for this one.
kidnapping, forced age regression and other things
Y/n's POV
I don't know why I'm here I don't know how I got here but all I know is that I don't want to be here, I think to myself I look around to see where I am but I can't see anything because I'm blindfolded, I try to move but my hands and feet are tied.

I hear the door open and can hear foot steps coming closer to me until I can feel the bed sink under the weight of the person, then I feel the person take of my blindfold and I'm greeted with blood red eyes, in other words the eyes of katsuki bakugou. "Hello little one i can see your finally awake" he said to me looking down at me "why am I here bakugou?" I said with a stern voice.

"Well isn't it obvious? I want to make you mine, my love, my baby, my princess, I want to make every part of you mine" bakugou said looking into my eyes "I don't get it why have you done this? You never showed any interest in me in school and I thought you hated me?" I said to him "i never meant any of the things I said to you princess plus my views changed on you when I found out you were a little"

Wait...what? How did he find out I never told him or anyone! I thought to myself "how did you find out, I never told you anything about that bakugou" I said in a scared tone "aw sweetie I know everything about you and plus you weren't quiet about it. I Could hear you giggling and babbling to yourself at night, and you didn't even notice one night when I opened your door to tell you to be quiet but then. I saw you, you looked so adorable in your frilly dress, holding your bunny stuffie and with your pacifier that said princess on it"

"I thought I was going to die from the cuteness but no, it made me start to think about how you Need a good daddy that will take care of you, and show you the love you deserve" bakugou said with a love sick look in his eyes "but bakugou I have a daddy and your starting to scared me... please just let me go and I won't tell anyone, I promise" I said with a pleading expression

"Oh no little one I'm not going to let you go and... what do you mean you have a daddy? I'm the only daddy you will ever need." He said with a threatening tone "what no! I'm not staying with you bakugou! Let me go you creep!" I said as I started to struggle against the rope. "Ah ah ah, I don't think so princess I didn't bring you here just for you to be a brat and say you want  to go home and, if you keep struggling your going to get a rash on your precious wrists" bakugou said as he put a hand on my wrist to stop me from moving them.

"Now how about you be a good girl and let daddy go through the rules" bakugou said with a stern look. "But-" I tried to give my resining but he cut me off "oh and one more thing if you keep disobeying me I will have to punish you or even worse hurt your friends" he said with a smirk on his face "do you understand?"..."yes bakugou" I said "no it's daddy to you little girl" "sorry yes daddy" I said

"Good... good girl now let's get onto the rules" he said as he showed a piece of paper to my face and it had the rules written on it, it said:

Rules for my little y/n
1. Always says yes to daddy because daddy knows what's good for you.
2. You need to be in little space 24/7, I don't care if you can't go into it I'll make you or unless I tell you to not be in little space.
3. Never lie to daddy.
4. Bedtime is at 8:30 on week days and 10:00 on weekends.
5. Have a bath/shower every day and brush your teeth twice a day.
6. Do as daddy says or you will get a punishment.
7. If you try to run away daddy will find you, and when he does he won't go easy on your punishment.
8. If you are feeling sad, depressed or sick you need to tell daddy.
9. You need to have a pacifier with you at all times and sleep with one in. This is not an option.
10. If you go into baby space you must wear a pull-up.
11. Don't argue with any of these rules.
12. Use your manners like a good girl and say your "please" and "thank you"'s To daddy.
13. No spitting, biting, scratching and fighting with daddy, this will lead to a punishment.
14. You must call me daddy at all times, because I am your daddy.

"Did you finish reading all of them little one?" He side looking at me "yes daddy..." I said in an annoyed tone "ah ah ah princess I don't like that tone your using with me and I can tell your not in little space" he said looking down at me.
"But I can't just get into it! It's impossible!" I said in a sad and frustrated tone "yes I know little one but you need to. Because I want you to be my little princess 24/7." Daddy said looking at me.

...well this is going to be a long ride... I think to myself.


Hey sorry to the person that requested this but I'm not that good at writing yandere things 😰

Also guys I think this might be a one time thing because I really like my cutesy little space oneshots a lot more then the scary ones.

Love - moon 🌙

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