Aizawa x reader *your perfect Angel*

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Hello lovely's so this is another request from one of my lovely supporters! I hope you like this :)
(I hope I did okay with this, because it's my first time writing something like this) also she/her for this chapter
Y/n's POV

"Y/n I'm home!" I could hear daddy yell from the entrance "coming daddy!" I yelled back as I ran downstairs and to the front door "how was work daddy?" I asked hugging him "it was good little one but I'm more happy to be home with you sweetie, also daddy got you a little present" daddy said as he showed me a bag in his hand.

"Oh you didn't have too!" I said waving my hands in front of my chest "I know but I wanted to because you've been so good for me little one" he said with a smile "now how about you go try it on, or do you need daddy to help you get changed into it?" He asked "no it's fine daddy I can do it, I'm a big girl!" I said as I took the bag from daddy's hands and walked to my room "I'll just be out here waiting for you baby, okay?" He Said from the other side of my wall "okay daddy"

As I opened the bag I saw a cute purple onesie with black cats on it, it also had some soft lace around the neck. I love it! It looks so nice but when I put it on I start to see all of the things I don't like about myself, I don't like it anymore. "Princess can I come in now?" I hear daddy ask from outside the door.

"N-no daddy please don't come in" I say in a sad tone "oh are you not done yet sweetie?" He asks me in a kind tone "n no it's just that I don't like t-the way it looks on me" I can feel a tear fall down my cheek "oh sweetie... I think it would look great on you..." he said in a sad tone "n-no I just" I can feel my chest start to tighten as I get more and more stressed from this situation. I sit down on the floor and start to cry more "d-daddy I feel like I can't b-breathe"

Once I had said that daddy quickly opened my door and walked over to me on the floor "hey, hey calm down sweetie it's okay daddy's got you" he said as he hugged me and patted my back gently. "Have you calmed down enough to talk now princess?" He asked "y-yeah" I said as I felt my tears start to dry up.

"Okay so sweetie can you tell daddy what made you upset?" He asked me as he moved my head in front of his with his hands, he then kissed my forehead gently. "Okay... when I put on the onesie... it looked bad on me... daddy I don't like my tummy or my smile there not normal..." I said as a few tears fell from my eyes "oh sweetie... don't say those things about yourself, your beautiful, pretty, adorable and cute to me, and I really like your smile every time I see it it brightens my day. And there's nothing wrong with your tummy sweetie if you want daddy can kiss it to make you feel better"

"Thank you daddy... you helped me feel a little bit better" I said as I hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder "Aw sweetie it okay and please if you start to think these nasty things about yourself please tell daddy because I will always be here to tell you how perfect you are to me"

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this one and also to the person that requested this i hope you liked it! :)

Love - moon 🌙

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