Yandere Aizawa x reader x yandere Mic x yandere Midnight *we're better then him*

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PRONOUNS: she/ her TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ yandere content, swearing, kidnapping, Graphic and ABUSE. don't not read this if you get triggered by this content, I won't lie this made me have flash backs of my dad abusing me because I based it off of things he did to me, so if you have a past with abuse, probably best to skip this one. And read some of my more fluffy one shots
Y/n's pov

I was in class working on a maths question when I was pulled out of class by  Mrs midnight, Mr aizawa and Mr mic "what did you need to speak with me about?" I asked them, they both gave each other looks before aizawa started to talk "well, y/n you see we've been noticing that you have a lot of bruises on your arms and legs" he finished "and we just wanted to let you know that you can tell us anytime and if anyone is hurting you, we can help" midnight finished "yeah we're always here to help!" Mic said.

"Uh... I'm fine, I just...fall down a lot, you know..I'm clumsy" I said as I started to feel uncomfortable {I really don't want to talk about this} I think to myself "...really?" Mr aizawa said giving me an " are you fucking with me?" Face. "Yea...really" I said, midnight was going to say something but then I heard the bell go "oh well I've got to go now! You know I have like...uh homework!" I said I then ran off "y/n wait!" Mic yelled out for me, but I kept running.

Aizawa's pov

"She does it every time..." midnight said "what should we do bro?! We can't let this continue! We have to get her away from the jerk of a boyfriend?!" Mic yelled "yes I agree but when?" Midnight asked. "Tonight." I said as I started to walked to the exit "woah are you sure about this man?!? I mean we haven't even got her room ready??" Mic said "no I agree I can't just sit and watch that horrible man put one more bruises on my sweetie!" Midnight said.

"Alright, then let's go" I said as I walked out of the building. Midnight and mic followed me to my car, we drove off in the direction to y/n's house.

Y/n's pov

"Are you fucking serious y/n?!?" I heard him say from behind me. I was frowning up on the floor "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" I said as I cried "your such a stupid bitch! Can you not fuck up something for just one day!" He then started to get more angry. Before I could even tell what was happening he kicked me in the stomach, he then slapped me "get the fuck up" he said.

I lifted my head in fear looking as he crouched down in front of me "I-I can't" I said as I cried more "god you really are fucking hopeless, maybe you would be better off dead" I heard him move to hit me again. So I covered my head with my hands again, trying to protect myself.

But nothing came. I waited for a few seconds until I looked up and I saw his body covered in blood, I screamed out of fear. As I then tried to run away but a scarf wrapped around me "come here kitty" the man said before he pulled m to his chest. I then started to cry and struggle "no stop p-please" I said "hey y/n calm down it's just us" I looked over and I saw midnight and mic, It then made me realise that it was aizawa holding me.

"W-what are you doing??? Did you kill him?!" I asked in fear "he was going to hurt you and we couldn't let that happen y/n" midnight said as she came up to me "and now I think it's time you have a little nap" before I could try and ran away again, I saw her purple smoke appear "that's it, good girl" that was the last thing I hear before I pasted out.

Time skip also they changed y/n out of the dirty clothes because ...ew

I woke up in a bed, it was a nice room, it was decorated in my style. But I then remembered what happened. I got up out of bed quickly, I looked around the room trying to find either a way to escape or a place to hide. I then saw a window I pulled it open. But as I pulled it open I heard the door behind me open.

I jumped out the window without a second thought "hey! Y/n!" I heard mic say. I was falling until I felt aizawa's scarf wrap around me again. I was pulled back up into the window, when I was in there aizawa pulled the scarf to make me fall on the ground "what where you thinking?!? You could have hurt yourself!" Aizawa yelled "yes and we on,y just got you and your trying to run away?!? Not cool bro" mic said

"I personally th-" before midnight could finish she saw me crying "I'm sowwy! I sowwy" I cried harder "oh no I think our darling went into her little space " midnight said, she then walked over to me and sat of the floor with me. She hugged me and rubbed my back "hey shh, shh it's okay mommy didn't mean to make you cry" she said

"I'm sorry little star, I just got upset of the thought of you leaving us" mic said. He then gave me a kiss of the forehead "look I'm sorry kitty, daddy won't raise his voice again, okay?" Aizawa asked me "okie daddy" I said as I pushed my face into midnights chest "we're really sorry little one" mic said again "it okie...I just no like yell..." I said as I put a hand out to him to hold his hand with.

"Here Angel, I have a little stuffie for you" midnight said as she showed me a cat stuffie "tank you mommy" I said "it's okay little one" she said "hey baby how about we all go lay in mommy, daddy and papa's bed?" Mic asked me "yea! I want big bed!" I said. Mic then picked me up from midnight and set me in his hip. They all walked to the room. When I saw the big bed I gasped in excitement. Mic laid me down in the middle, all of them laid around me and cuddled me.

I had honestly had such a stressful day that when they had me In their arms, I just passed out... "good night baby, we promise tomorrow we'll be nicer" I heard aizawa say before I fell asleep, again.

Hello Lovely's sorry this didn't have much little space, I didn't really know how to drag it on.

Love - moon 🌙

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