Kirishima x reader x bakugou *study session*

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Hello lovely's, I hope you guys enjoy this one also looking back on my old chapters makes me cringe. Not because of content but because of the spelling and grammar mistakes 😭😭 like omg... it's so bad and I can't be bothered to change it. I say this and there's probably going to be an error in here too but oh well.
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: stuffies, blankies, paci and lots of snuggles :D TRIGGER WARNING: as we already know... bakugou swears..
Y/n's pov

Me and my boyfriends/ caregivers, bakugou and kirishima are sitting in Bakugou's room as he tries to tutor us to help us prepare for the test we have in a few days... it's not going so well. I feel like I'm about the slip into little space from the stress I'm feeling about the test. And kirishima is getting hit over the head with a book by bakugou...

"SHITTY HAIR! How many times have I told you!? You need to divide after you plus!..." bakugou says angrily to kirishima and then puts the book down, kirishima isn't hurt though because of his hardening quirk and kiri lets out a laugh "bakugou chill out!" Kiri says with a smile. Bakugou sighs "god damn you two are hopeless sometimes... how are you going y/n?" Bakugou turns his head to look at me and speaks in a softer tone.

I just shrug my shoulders and just mumble out a "okay I think..." I say softly. He stares at me for a bit and then holds his hand out to me "let me see please" he says sternly. I give him my book and hope that I did it right. Kirishima looks over Bakugou's shoulder to see what I've done so far. Bakugou smiles a bit "good job... but remember to round the decimal place next time... okay?" Bakugou asks me softly, he's talking in his tone that he usually uses when I'm in little space... {wait does he know I'm slipping!?} I think to myself. I smile back at him "okay I'll remember" I say softly.

"no fair why are you so gentle with y/n compared to me!" Kiri says in a fake hurt tone, with a whine. Bakugou rolls his eyes and chuckles "because you're a damn rock kirishima, and I know you can take my teasing and harshness..." bakugou says in a calm tone. "But you usually talk to y/n like-!" Kirishima tries to argue but bakugou puts a hand over his mouth and moves to whisper in his ear. I can't hear what he says but kiri gets a face of {oh... I get it} and drops it.

I go back to doing my maths work... well trying... I start to daydream while looking at my paper and I block out everything that's going on around me. I start to doodle on my page and forget what I was even meant to be doing. I start chewing on the sleeve of my top without even realising... this is usually a sign that I've gone into little space and bakugou and kiri notice it immediately.

Bakugou's pov.

When me and kiri see y/n put their hand up to their mouth and start chewing on their sleeve, me and kiri already know they've slipped into little space. Me and kirishima share a look and then look back at them. I let out a sigh and gently pull y/n's sleeve out of their mouth. They look up in shock, I don't think they even registered they were chewing on their sleeve "baby... we've already told you, it's not good to chew on your sleeves... that's icky and they may have germs on them... you don't want germs in your mouth do you?" I asks them softly, talking in my caregiver tone.

Y/n shakes their head no looks down at the ground shamefully. Kirishima uses his hand to tilt their head up to make eye contact with me and himself "hey... it's okay... we all make mistakes. Me and bakugou know you can be forgetful when you're little... do you want your paci instead, little one?" Kirishima asks them gently. Y/n nods their head yes. "Okay I'll go get your paci for you... I'll be back in a bit" kirishima says and gets up and leaves. I watch him leave and when he leaves I turn back to look at y/n.

"What made you feel little sweetheart? Did something happen? Or did it just happen" I ask them softly. They look up at me with a sad face and look like they're about to cry. I immediately pull them into my lap and hold them like you would hold a baby and rock them slightly "shhh, shhh. What's wrong honey? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" I say in a caring tone and kiss their forehead.

They whimper a bit an a tear falls down their cheek "I stwessed... mmm worry bout test..." they say shakily as more tears  pool up in their eyes "oh sweetie... don't worry about that... I know you'll do great. I know you'll do your best and that's all me and kiri care about. We love you so much and whatever you get on that paper doesn't change a thing... now try not to cry Angel..." I say softly and wipe their tears away and then kiss their cheek where their tears used to be.

Kirishima's pov

I come back into Bakugou's dorm room with y/n's paci in my head with a grin on my face. I then see y/n crying in Bakugou's arms, my grin instantly drops. I walk over to bakugou and kneel down in front of him and y/n "oh no... baby what happened? What's got our precious baby so upset" I say softly and rub their cheek with my hand. Bakugou tells me why they are crying and I let out a sigh "Sweetie don't cry about that... I already know you'll do better then me! Your a very smart baby" I say and gently take them out of Bakugou's arms, stand up and rock them back and forth.

While I do that bakugou makes his bed and puts all the blankies and pillows on it, and any of y/n's stuffies that were laying around on it as well. I slip their paci in their mouth to help soothe them and they slowly stop crying and start to calm down. I kiss their forehead and smile back down at them "are you feeling a bit better sweetie?" I ask happily, they nod their head and I can see them make a little smile behind their paci. "Good baby... now let's get you in some pjs and then me, you and bakugou have a date on that bed with some wholesome snuggle time" I say excitedly and y/n giggles excitedly too. Bakugou chuckles from his spot on the bed "god you two are too cute to handle sometimes..." bakugou says softly.

Time skip to you being in your pjs (pjs could mean onesie or nighty or regular pjs, whatever you want)
Y/n's pov

Once I have my pjs on, kiri picks me up and walks me over to Bakugou's bed, bakugou was already laying on the bed and pulled me into his arms from Kiri. Kiri then got into the bed next to me and cuddled me as well, he pulls some blankies over all of us and hands me my favourite stuffie to cuddle. I was snuggled up to both of them in between them. We all lay in silence together, just enjoying each other's company.

Then the door swings open, startling all of us. It's denki... "hey kacchan! Can you- oh my god! A snuggle pile!? Can I join!" Denki says excitedly and tries to walk in further. He's then hit in the face by a pillow that was thrown by bakugou "GET THE HELL OUT DUNCE FACE!" Bakugou yells at denki and denki runs away out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Me and kirishima start giggling from the reaction "looks like someone doesn't like to share~" Kirishima says in a teasing tone. "Oh shut it... and so what if I want my partners all to myself? Plus y/n's in little space. They don't need to be around someone so annoying in that mindset... plus only we can cuddle them" bakugou says protectively. Me and kiri both giggle at this and then we both kiss bakugou on the cheek and go back to cuddling.


Hello lovely's I hope you enjoyed this! Thanks so much all the support, have a great night/day

Love - moon 🌙

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