Dabi x reader * come give daddy a hug *

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Hello lovely's so this was a request from one of my lovely supporters and I hope you like it <3
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ Yandere themes, kidnapping and other things
No ones POV

Y/n and their daddy aka bakugou, we're on a call while y/n was in little space. They played games together and talked... well y/n more so babbled but bakugou still understood what they were saying.

Y/n's POV

"Sweetie you look a little sleepy do you need daddy to let you go have a nap?" Daddy asked me with a smile "nooo I'm fine daddy" I said in a sleepy voice "mmm sure you're not sleepy little one" he said with a smirk "okay maybe I am a little sweepy daddy..." I said with a yawn at the end "aw okay little one, you go have a good nap now, yeah?" Daddy said with a smile "okay bye I love you dada" "I love you too baby".

I walk out of my playroom and started to walk to my bedroom but I heard something fall over in my kitchen... I live alone. I started to shake a bit letting the fear take over me "little one, where are you? daddy's come to take you home"... who is that?!? I don't know that voice, I try to quietly run to my bedroom but in the process also knock something over [oh no...] I think to myself as I can hear the footsteps come towards me

"Hello little one" I can hear someone say into my ear, I quickly turned around to look at the person, I'm meet when a tall man with black hair ocean blue eyes and purple scars all over his body "I-I w-why are you in m-my house?" I ask in a scared tone as I started to walk backwards "I said before I'm here to take you home where you belong, with me" he said as he graded my arm "now how about you be a good baby and do as your daddy says" he said.

"B-but your not my d-daddy" I said looking him in the eyes "oh you poor little thing, yes you are sweetie you've just been tricked by that horrible man to think otherwise" he said "he's not a bad man he's a strong hero and he's an amazing daddy now leave me alone!" I said as I ran into my room and locked the door "oh sweetie... you're going to regret that" he said as he burnt down the door "I said come here" he said as he walked into the room.

I was on the phone to my daddy while he was burning down my door "DADDY PLEAS H-HELL ME THERES A MAN TRYING TO TAKE ME HEL-" I was cut of when the man took my phone a burned it in his hand in front of me "oh little one... I was hoping that I wouldn't have to punish you on your first day but, you're being such a brat right now" he said as he moved closer to me "now let's go home" he said as he picked me up and walked away from my house. I couldn't move, I don't know what he did but I couldn't move a muscle.

I fell asleep in his arms from being so sleepy but also from pain. I woke up in a room decorated in pastels with plants and it looked like the theme on the room was the sky because there were clouds everywhere with stars, moons and suns. "Ah your finally awake sweetie" he said as he looked down at me "do you like your new room, I made it just for you Angel" I tried to talk but nothing came out "oh yeah I forgot I gave you that pacifier" He said looking down at me with a smile

"But I won't take it out yet because I know you'll just scream, you always were a loud one, little one" he said as he sat down on the bed next to me, I still couldn't move. "Aw little one what's with that mad face? It just makes you look more adorable sweetie. Oh also do you like the stuffies I got you see!" He siad as he held up a purple bunny and a pink cat "do you like them a friend made them for me when I told them about how I was adopting you" [yeah "adopting" totally not like you just kidnapped me] I thought to myself.

"Oh... and that stupid old daddy of yours is looking for you...to bad he will never find you baby, because you're mine now and... I don't like to share"
Hello lovely's I hope you liked this one and thank you for over 1.4K reads I love you all so much!

Love - moon 🌙

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