Dabi x reader x shigaraki *bedtime with my daddy's*

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Hello lovely's I hope you had a nice day/night also it's night time where I live and I'm pretty sleepy so if there's mistakes I'm sorry INCLUDES: paci, sippy and onesie PRONOUNS: she /her Shig = dada. Dabi= daddy
Y/n's pov

I was sitting in dada's lap while he played mindcraft. I didn't really know what time it was but I could tell it was late from the overwhelming feeling of the need to sleep washing over me. I clung to him more as I started to get more sleepy "hay baby what's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" He asked me and rubbed my back " nu I'm just sleepy" I said rubbing my eyes.

Dada then looked at the time on his phone "oh no wonder you're sleepy sweetie it's half an hour past your bed time, I'm sorry I forgot to check the time" he said, he then picked me up and rested my body on his hip "let's go make you a sippy, would you like that baby?" He asked "yes pwease dada" I said, we then walked to the kitchen and there was someone at the front door entrance.

"Daddy, your back" I said in an excited voice in my hand but it came out more monotone from my restless state "hello my loves, why are you still up Baby? You should have been in bed half an hour ago" daddy said as he put down the bag he was holding and walked up to me and dada "yeah I know I only just realised what time it was, no wonder our poor baby's so sleepy" dada said with a sympathetic voice.

"And I still haven't even made her sippy or changed her-" dada was going to say more before he was cut off by daddy "shig, don't worry I'll take her to go get changed and you can make a sippy for her. There's no need to stress honey, I'm here to help" daddy said with a calming smile "okay thank you dabi" dada said.

He then handed me over to daddy, daddy rested me on his hip and started to walk to our bedroom. Once we got there daddy laid me down gently on the bed. He then walked over to the closet and picked out two onesies and a paci "okay baby, what onesie do you want tonight? The cloud one, or the bunny one?" He asked holding up to different options.

"Hmm can I pwease have the (.........) one?" I asked "good choice little one, do you want your paci as well?" He asked "Wes pwease daddy" I said making grabbie hands to it, he then gently put it in my mouth "aw you look so adorable baby, I'm sorry I've been away lately daddy's been pretty busy with...work" he said with a smile "it okie daddy I forgive u" I said.

I then looked over his shoulder and saw dada walk into the room "here you go bubs, just how you like it" he said as he handed me my sippy, I took out my paci to drink it, I started to take sips out of it. Daddy then moved me up the bed to the middle while I was drinking it, he and dada go on both sides of me and cuddled me. We didn't say anything for a while we just laid in each others comfort.

Pretend they got changed into pjs and also brushed their teeth!

After I had finished my sippy I handed it to daddy "thank you baby" daddy said taking it from me "do you want your paci back now little one?" Dada asked me "Wes pwease" I said, he then put it back in my mouth. We laid down again and just as I was going to fall asleep I tried to hug something that wasn't there anymore. I quickly opened my eyes and saw my favourite stuffie wasn't there!

I then started to freak out "hey, baby what's wrong?" Dada said, he and daddy sat up in bed, as he rubbed me shoulder to try and comfort me. I then sat up in bed and when I went to speak the paci fell out of my mouth "(f-favourite stuffies name)! Their gone!" I then started to cry "oh no baby don't cry, daddy will go find it for you and dada can stay with you" daddy said as he got up off of the bed and ran out of the room to look for my stuffie.

"It's okay baby, here shh, shhh it's going to be okay" dada said to me. He pulled me into his lap and I clung to his shirt as I cried into it. He rubbed my back with one hand and patted my head with the other. "I found it!" We could hear daddy scream from the other side of the house. I lifted me head, not long after daddy ran into the room with it in his hand "here you go princess, see I told you daddy will always help you and safe the night for you" he said. He then handed me my stuffie back "tank you daddy" I said as I laid back down.

He then got back into bed. I brought my stuffie close to my chest and hugged it. After all of that crying I started to fall asleep. Before I fell asleep I could feel dada push the paci back into my mouth and daddy kiss my head. I then faded off to sleep.

Hello lovely's hope you liked this also today was my last day of school holidays... sad, but I did get to do a lot of cool things while on holidays, like go shopping with my friends, have sleepovers, go out for dinner and lunch. But my favourite was getting to finish season 1,2 and the movie of demon slayer! It was so good. Also just to let you know this is my new favourite oneshot I've ever made!

Love - moon 🌙

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