Yandere Bakugou x reader *i got rid of them for you, baby*

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Hello lovely's! I had a really good day today, so I hope yours was as good as mine or that your going to have a good day ☺️ PRONOUNS: she/ her TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ yandere content, kidnapping, blood and murder
Y/n's pov

{please just let this all be some nightmare... please let me wake up!} I think to myself. I was hidden in a locker, it was really cramped. I pulled my stuffie close to my chest and started to cry into it. I can't believe something so tragic could ever happen to this school...that this monster could ruin everything...


I was walking to homework club, I had my books in hand and my bag on my shoulder, my parents made me go to it and even though I did hate it, it was good for me. But I was really excited to get home because today was my little day!
As I got closer to the class room I could hear something smash into the wall. I got startled but I walked up to the class room door. I pulled it open and...I was met with blood...everywhere.

On the walls,desk,window,floor and...dead body's. I collapsed on the floor and put my hand up to cover my mouth from screaming. I started to cry {oh my...god} was all I could think as I saw the dead body's of my bullies. I had been so shocked that I failed to notice the person that was still alive in the room...the person who did this.

"Aw don't cry little one, why would you feel bad for those people? After they treated you so badly...I couldn't bare to see it anymore" I then looked up and in the corner of my eye I could see bakugou...covered in blood "w-wait so you did this?! W-why?" I asked as I cried harder, I then started to mover backwards to get ready to run from him. "I did it for you baby! I got rid of them for you, so we could have a perfect life together! You'll be my lovely little girl and I'll take care of you forever"

He had a love sick look in his eyes, but there was something off like it wasn't who bakugou really was...but I sure as hell wasn't going to stick around to find out. I got up quickly and ran out of the room, I could hear bakugou call from as he ran after me "oh come on sweetie do you really think you can escape me?! Fine! I'll give you a head start since your weaker then me, but I'll have you soon..." he said as his voice faded more into the distance as I kept on running.

End of flashback.

I tried to hide the sound of my crying by shoving my face into my stuffie. I had fallen into little space from my fear and the stress of the situation. My phone was dead I couldn't call anyone. I had been sitting in that locker for what feels like forever, I started to calm down thinking maybe he had left? As I was about to get out of the locker I could hear footsteps.

"Baby, where are you? You know it's rude to run away from your caregiver! I just want to help you" I could hear him say. It made me freeze because from his talking I could tell that he was only a few lockers away from me. I started to have a panic attack from the thought of what he could do. I started breathing heavy and I know it was loud...I messed up...

"Aw there you are! Aw baby your crying you poor thing" he pulled me out of the locker by my hand and pulled me to his chest "hey, shh calm down. I'm sorry you had to see that, I thought I would be able to clean it up before you got there, there's no need to fear me." He said "n-Nuu stwop wet go!" I said as I struggled "Aw your in little space, I'm so glad you feel comfortable around me enough to be little, already!" He said "NO!"

I yelled as I pushed him away from me and grabbed my stuffie and held it to my chest, as if it was going to protect me. "STOP!" I yelled "little one...don't raise your voice at your daddy it's very rude. Do I really already have to give you a punishment? I thought you were a good girl" he then stood up from the floor. He stood over my body, as if to show how much bigger he was then me

"We're going home now little one" he then reached out a hand for me to take "pwease n-nu" I said "I said we're going home y/n" he then took my hand and forced me off the floor. He then picked me up, i wriggled in his hold but he gave me a look, and I stopped. "Is there anything you need from school before we go home?" He asked me "s-stuffie ands bwag" I said as I sniffled into his shoulder "okay baby" he said.

He then picked up my bag and threw it over his shoulder to carry.he picked up my stuffie and handed it too me, I grabbed it from him, hugging it tightly, while I did that he kissed my forehead "I'm so glad you're coming home with me princess , I can't wait to show you your new room, it's so cute you'll love it. Daddy even bought you some new toys to play with" he said

"I'm such a lucky caregiver to have a little like you, I can't wait to take care of you forever and ever and ever. I'll never let you go, I won't even give you a chance to leave me, because you're mine forever and always."

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this! Have a good night/day

Love - moon 🌙

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