Kirishima x reader *bubbles!*

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Hello my lovely's so I just had one of the best baths of my life and it made me think "hmm I should write a story about a caregiver giving little y/n a bath" and then I thought "so who could it be..." and I came to me kirishima! I think he would be perfect for this story and I think that if kirishima was a caregiver he would definitely give his little bath times after a stressful day at work/school.

Y/n's POV
Today was a bit of a struggle with school, I have so much homework to do it just feels like it's a bit much for me to handle right now. I walk to my dorm room and as I get closer I can hear water running in my room [oh no did I leave my tap on this morning] I think to myself as I speed walked to my door and opened it. There was no water on my floor "oh thank god" I said out loud as I set my bag on my bed "wait but then w-" I was going to finish my question but then my question was answered when my daddy, kirishima came out of my bathroom "hey how long have you been here for?"

I asked looking at him "only a little bit baby but... I saw how stressed out you looked today in class so I decided to run you a nice warm bath with your favourite bath bomb and soaps, I even put in your favourite toys as well sweetie!" He said in an excited tone "I just want you to know that I'm here for you and I want to help you when you feel stressed baby" he said as he gave me a hug "but daddy... I need to do my work you know-" I was going to finish before I heard a knock on my door.

I walked to my door and opened it and bakugou walked in "oh bakugou what do you need?" I asked "I came here to get your homework to do for you because shitty hair said that I owe him for taking care of my little when they were sick" he said as he picked it up "no it's fine Baku-" "y/n just let him do something nice for you and he's right you do need to calm down a bit and have a relaxing bath or something you always push yourself to hard" he said as he walked out to door and closed it behind him "Kiri are you sure?" I asked "yes of course baby and you can slip if you want to because I know it's been a while".

As we walked into the bathroom I saw how nice the bathroom looked, he had cleaned to bathroom and the bath water was a (favourite colour) colour "oh wow daddy you didn't need to do this for me..." I said looking down at my hands "yes I did Angel! Because you need this and I would do this every night for you if you wanted me to!" He said as he hugged me tightly "now do you want me to undress you or can you do it yourself little one?" He asked me with a kind voice "can you maybe help me because I'm a little sore daddy" I said with a small smile.

After getting undressed

"Okay little one now I will put you in the bath!" He said as he picked me up and sat me in the bath "okay so what scented soap did you want baby?" He asked as he held up two options "can I pwease have (favourite scent)" I asked making grabbing hands to the bottle "of course Angel do you want daddy to rub it on you?" He asked gently "yes please" I said with a smile. "Thank you for being the best daddy ever" I said looking him in the eyes "and thank you for being the best little I could ever ask for Angel"

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this one because I really liked it and also I think I will post a message asking you guys what story's you would like me to work on based on the ones I have ideas written down for.

Love -moon 🌙

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