Shoji x reader x friends *a little help*

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Hello lovely's this is my first chapter I'm writing in nearly two months so I hope it's still good! PRONOUNS: THEY/THEM INCLUDES: ONESIE, PACI, BOTTLE, STUFFIE AND FOAM CUBE
Little friend: izuku
Caregiver friend: shoto

Y/n's pov

I look down at my paper and tap my pen on the desk as I try to figure out what the answer could be to the last question on my test. The whole way throughout the test I've slowly been falling into little space, it's gotten so bad that I just can't focus! I just want to play with my stuffies or do some painting! But instead I'm stuck doing big things ): {I'm starting to get really stressed out over this test, and we have even more next week...what if I don't do good on any of them?}I start to think, doubting myself.

I look up to see what time it is on the clock _:__ it reads. { yes! There's only three minutes left and then I can get out of here! And forget about this} I think to myself, even though I'm happy to get out of class and not have to do any work...I know I'll still have to do study for the other tests and that's making me even more stressed out!.

I look up at the clock and I can see there's only one minute left. I quickly wrote down one last answer...even though I wasn't sure if it was right, {I mean... it's better then nothing, right?} I thought to myself "everyone pens down and leave your tests on the desk I will collect them for you, just stand and wait for the bell to go and no talking" aizawa said as he stood from his desk.

"Ding!" I hear the bell go off and I quickly run out of class like every one else {I just want to go home and forget about these annoying big kid things!} I think to myself as I run in the direction of the dorms.

Izuku's pov

I walk out of class with shoto and shoji but out of the corner of my eye I can see y/n running away and I see something fall out of their backpack "izuku where are you going?" Shoto asks me as I walk up to the item. It was their paci. I walk back up to them "this fell out of y/n's bag" I hand it to him "oh no they must have dropped their paci, here shoji, let's all go give its back to them" dada said "yeah, I want to pway with y/n!" I said as I got excited thinking about having a play date with them.

"Okay let's go" shoji said "I have a key to their dorm so if it's locked I can open it" he said, we then walked to y/n's dorm but when we got there we could hear a lot of noise coming from inside "y/n? Sweetie are you okay? It's just dada and your friends shoto and izuku, can you please open the door little one?" Shoji asked in a soft voice. The only response he got was loud crying. Shoji got his key and opened the door "I hope their okay and didn't hurt themselves" Shoto said as we walked in.

Y/n's pov

I can hear the door being opened and I see dada, shoto and izu at the door I start to cry even more after seeing dada. "dada!" I say as I make grabbie hands to him. "Oh my poor baby" he says as he picks me up from the floor, he wipes away one of my tears "what's wrong baby? Tell dada what's wrong" he asks me "w-well I can't fwind my paci! A-and I scawed that m-maybe I left it in cwass" I said as I cry into his shoulder "hey don't cry little one it's okay izu found it, see?" I look up izu is holding it "oo tank u izu u my best fwend!" I say "it okie I go wah it fow u cause it was on da ground and then after that we'll clean up your room!" he says as him and shoto walk to me bathroom.

"See it's okay little one but tell me, I know there's other things that have been bothering you so please tell dada so I can try and help you?" He says to me "o-okay buts it will take a loooong times" I say "that's fine little one, I could sit here for infinity if that's how long you needed" I let out a little giggle at that.

Time skip to after cleaning and talking about stress

"Are you feeling better now y/n?" Dada asks me "yea I feel better now, tank u for all helping me!" I say "it okie and looks what me and dada found! Izu says as he holds up my box of little things. I let out a gasp "tank u!" I say "it okay" he says as he gives me the box, "alright now that we've all calmed down and have everything back under control how about we get you into some little clothes and then you and izu can have a little sleep over in my dorm, if it's okay with shoto of course" dada says

Me and izu look at shoto with puppy eyes "pwease!" We both say at the same time. "...okay, but I want to have a sleepover as well, so am I invited or not?" Shoto said with a smile on his face "yes! You come too shoto!" I Said.
"Okay we'll head over to your dorm while you get y/n into their little clothes" Shoto says as he takes izu's hand and takes him out of my dorm.

Dada lays me down on my bed and changes me into my favourite onesie, then he hands me one of my favourite foam cubes. I start to play with it and start giggling "Aw your so cute my little baby" he says, he then leans down and kisses my nose "now do you have everything you need now?" He asks me "yep! Let go see friends!" I say.

Dada then picks me up and takes me back to his dorm where izu and shoto are waiting for us. When we get there we walk in and can see that izu made a pillow fort with lots of blankets and stuffies, and he's laying down in it and shoto is making two bottles "y/n! U back, come lay next to mwe!" Izu says with a smile, dada let's me down on the ground and I crawled into the fort with izu.

"I've made some bottles for both of them" sho said to dada "ah thank you shoto I was thinking they might need something to eat or drink soon" dada says with a smile. Sho then walks over to us and gives us the bottles "thank you sho" "thank you dada" we say "it's okay little ones" he says as he walked over to sit and talk with dada.

"Hey let's watch movie!" Izu says "okie what movie?" I ask "hmmm let's put on spirited away! It my favourite!" Izu says with a smile, he then reached for the tv remote and put on the movie. "Now we can relax and watch movie! With our stuffies!" Izu says "yay I wove u" I said "I wove you to y/n u the best friend" he says we then cuddle with our stuffies and watch the movie (:

Okay so this was my first time back so I hope you guys liked it and also just reminding people requests are open again!
Also thank you for 60k reads, I love you all so much!

Love - moon 🌙

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