Yandere shoto x reader x yandere momo part 2 *this is your home, baby*

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Hello lovely's So a a few of you said that you liked part one of this story so I decided to make a part two because I also really liked this story!🥰 also thank you for over 5.3k reads <3
Y/n's pov

I roll over onto my tummy, I can hear a soft lullaby playing and can also hear some birds chirping along. I can't see anything so I move my hand to my eyes to see what's covering them, it's a silk sleeping mask. {I don't own I silk sleeping mask?...wait where am I?!} I think to myself as I noticed I'm not in my room. I should have know from how quiet it was. I try to move my arms and legs but I can't move them that much.

I look down and see that I'm cuffed to a bed post with cuffs that have padding on them, I guess not to hurt me... at closer inspection I noticed I'm not on a bed but instead in a crib. {what's going on?!? How did I even get here i...wait, now I remember mrs momo and todoroki kidnapped me!} I think to myself as I start to panic a bit.

I feel my throat closing and my eyes start to water. I end up crying for help because I didn't really know what else to do... even if they did kidnap me their still my only chance of survival. I can here footsteps coming closer to my room in a fast pace.

The door fly's open and I can see momo and todoroki run in with worried faces "oh no sweetie, what's wrong?!" Momo asks "I-I feel like I-I c-can't breath I'm h-having a panic a-attack" I say as more tears come down my face. I can see todoroki pull down the front of the crib and undo my cuffs, before I can move into the corner of the crib away from them todoroki pulls me towards him and sits me in his lap "shhh shhh it's okay baby mommy and daddy are here for you"

He says as he rubbed circles into my back, I try to wriggle away from him but he pulls me back to his chest "please stop struggling, me and mommy are only trying to help you baby" he says with a smile "t-then w-why did you kidnap m-me!" I say in a shaky voice from all of the tears falling down my face.

"Oh sweetie we're only doing this for your own good and do you really want to go back to that old life of being abused every day, not having money and having to work for everything?" She said "n-no but I don't want to be here either! I-I didn't choose to be here you m-made me" I say as I try to struggle more against todoroki's arms. But it's no use he's much bigger and stronger then me.

"Oh sweetie I'm sorry you feel that way but one day you'll be thanking us for taking you" momo said "n-no please let me go!" I said now screaming out of a mixture of emotions. "Little one. Don't talk to your mommy like that, or else I'll have to strap a pacifier to your head to keep you quiet if that's all you have to say" he said with a bit of anger in his tone.

"NO YOU LET ME GO HEL-" I tried to scream out for help but before I could finish todoroki put the pacifier in my mouth and before I could spit it out he strapped it to my head "baby me and mommy are very disappointed in your behaviour, if you keep miss behaving I'll have no choice but to punish you, got that?" He said "nod your head for me baby" he said looking at me, I nodded my head out of fear he had a crazed look in his eyes "good little one, see it wasn't that hard now was it?"

"Shoto I think it time that we teach them the rules though, don't you think?" Momo asked "yes good idea love I mean I can't say their in trouble if they don't know what for" todoroki said. He sat me on his hip and walked over to a rocking chair and sat down with me still in his lap, momo sat in the chair across from me "alright baby now mommy will read the rules to you" todo said.

Momo read out this (I'm to lazy to do it)
Call us mommy and daddy.
Don't say no, we know what's best for you.
Please tell us if something wrong, we're here to love and care for you.
Don't run away or try to escape.
Don't be bratty with mommy or daddy.
Let mommy and daddy change, feed, bath and put you to bed.
If we tell you to do something do it.
Try and use your words when your not in baby space.
If your in baby space you need to wear a pull-up.
You need to eat at least 3 meals and drink lots of water/milk/juice.
Don't use bad words, your to little for them.

Writing lines, time out, toy taken away, no desert, early bedtime and spanking on very serious punishments.

New toy/stuffie, extra desert, stay up later and sleep in mommy and daddy's bed.

{why would I want to sleep in your bed you literally kidnapped me!} I think in my head because I can't speak. "So will you agree to follow the rules little one?" Momo asked I wanted to say no but todo said "nod your head baby, if you don't we'll have to start off your first day with us as a punishment" he said, I nodded my head "aw your such a good baby, but I think it's time for you to have a nap, what do you think dear?" She asked todo.

"I think that's a good idea, with all of that crying you must be worn out, yeah baby?" Todo asked me as if I could answer "alright baby now let's put you to bed, do you think they'll need the cuffs love?" Todo asked momo "hmm I think they'll behave...and if they don't we'll just have to punish them, but you wouldn't do that right angel?" Momo asked me. I already knew what to do and nodded my head "good" she said.

They put me back in the crib and momo read me a bedtime story while todoroki sat next to her, I started to feel sleepy and I closed my eyes. {I hope I can somehow escape} I think to myself.

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this! (: and thank you for all of the support on my book.

Love- moon 🌙

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