Jirou x autistic reader x momo *it's okay we'll help you, baby*

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Hello lovely's, I hope you had a good day/night. I'm really excited because I have music camp coming up! INCLUDES: paci, pull ups and jirou's hoddie as a comfort item PRONOUNS: he/him
Y/n's pov

I look out the window as I count the trees that pass by me, it looked like a pretty nice day. There were lot's of birds flying in the sky, I even saw some deer. We were driving back to the dorms after having a school camp. It was a relaxation camp the school had introduced. We didn't do any hero work or training we just got to do fun activities like, cooking, arts and craft, archery and we even got to relax at a shallow lake. I loved it! Bakugou wasn't to found of it though.

As I started to zone back in from looking out the window I started to notice everything that was happening around me. Bakugou's yelling, kaminari laughing, Deku's mumbling, Mina's music, aizawa's snoring, Tsu's tapping on the glass. I started to feel like it was to much, like there was to much going on around me. I put my hands up to my ears to cover them and I closed my eyes

"Hey y/n are you okay?" Todoroki asked beside me, I didn't say anything I just shook my head "oh okay...do you want me to get momo and jirou?" He asked I nodded my head. Todoroki got up from his seat and got momo and jirou. Once momo and jirou were next to me he left. "Hey, hey are you okay baby? What's wrong?" Momo asked "t-to much, loud" I said "here rockstar you can have my headphones" jirou Said in a soft voice. They then both sat down next to me.

I sat on momo's lap while jirou rubbed circles into my back "it's going to be okay my gem, we'll be back at school soon" Momo said as she reassured me "okie mommy" I said. I laid my head on her chest and cried a little "shh it's okay y/n it's only 10 minutes" jirou said to me "okie.." I said.

I then looked out the window again to distract me, but I was brought out of it from a tap on my shoulder "here gem, look what mommy made for you" Momo said to me as she held up a stuffie "ooo tank you mommy" I said as I hugged it "it's okay my little gem, but mama had the idea" she said to me as she pointed at jirou "tank u mama" I said, I then lent over and gave her a hug "it's okay" she said, jirou then took off her hoodie "here rockstar, it's your favourite hoodie of mama's" she said as her gave it to me "tank you" I then took it from her and mommy put it on me.

Jirou's pov

When the bus stoped we walked out of the bus, a few of the 1a students looked at us, but it was fine they all knew about y/n and his ageregression "aw is y/n small again?" Denki asked "yes but we're going to momo's room, he's had a long day, so he's not up for babysitting today denki" I said, he then gave me a sad look and walked away. We got in the elevator and went up to mono's room

When we got there I switched on the lights and momo put y/n down on the bed "do you want to take the headphones off now?" Momo asked "mhm" he nodded his head, momo gently took them off, I went to the closet and picked up a pull up and some little clothes "let's get you out of those icky big clothes now, sound good baby?" I asked him "yea mama" he said. I then walked over to him and Changed him into the pull up. I then put the clothes on him "mama I still wants u hoodie..." he said with a sad face "aw it's okay little rockstar mama will put it back on you" I said as I put it back on him.

Momo's pov

When jirou was done changing y/n I grabbed his favourite paci "do you want your paci my gem?" I asked with a smile "yes pwease" he said as he made grabbie hands to it. I then placed it in his mouth "good boy, now I think we should all go to bed now because it's Been I very tiring day for all of us, hasn't it mama?" I turned to jirou "yeah it really has, why don't we put on a movie while we fall asleep, do you like that idea y/n?" She asked him "yes, we watch my favourite?" He asked.

"Yes of course my little gem, mama can put on the movie and I'll tuck you in" I said as I moved to him. I put him in the middle of the bed and pulled the covers over him, I then got into bed next to the little. Not long after jirou turned off the lights and climbed into bed as well as we watched the movie. Me and jirou both hugged y/n as he fell asleep "good night little one" me and jirou said before we fell asleep.

Hello lovely's I hope you guys liked this and also thank you for over 42k reads. It means a lot ☺️ have a nice day/night.

Love - moon 🌙

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