Yandere Mirko X Bunny Reader *My Baby Bunny*

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Hello lovely's! I hope you guys enjoy this, I liked writing this. but I think I'll do a part 2 if people want it because y/n didn't even get to be in little space :/

PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: nothing TRIGGER WARNING: drugging, yandere themes, manipulation, gaslighting, just toxic in general.
no one's pov:

you had been training to be a pro hero so hard, all you wanted to ever be was a hero, save people and make people feel safe. but unfortunately with your quirk being 'bunny' and making you have the ears and tails of one... most people over looked you as a possible hero. no one wanted to take you in as a hero intern... and not to even mention the fact you were a little! a pro hero that age regressed was unheard of and you doubted society would be to happy about that... so you hid it as best you could.

but that all changed when Mirko burst onto the hero scene! it gave you hope that you could be a strong hero like her, people would take you seriously... maybe even get a job working in a hero agency. and that came true, one day you got an email back... you were accepted for an interview at Mirko's agency.

the interview went well and everything seemed to finally be looking up for you. mirko took a liking to you and grew closer together, too bad you didn't pick up on her possessive nature sooner... or the fact that she sometimes would talk to you as if you were a child... it just seemed to have went right over your little head!

but you will come to realise these red flags today, when it's to late to escape what you unknowingly trapped yourself into when you accepted the job.
y/n's pov:

I walked into the hero agency after a long day of patrolling, heading over to my desk to document the events that happened on patrol when I hear Mirko call from the other side of the room "y/n! come to my office please, I need to talk to you" she said a bit sternly, I nodded and walked with her to her office, feeling a bit nervous

"am I in trouble...?" I ask a bit timidly. she smirks at me and pats my ears "nah, course you're not in trouble bun. I just needed to talk to you about...a new position I think you'll fit right into" she said a bit more softly. I let out a sigh of relief and sit down at the chair in front of her desk, she closes the door and I swear I hear her lock it before coming to sit at the desk.

she runs a hand through her hair and her ears go up a bit before she sighs and starts talking "I'm just going to get straight to the point y/n... I know you're a little" she said, staring into my eyes. I shiver a bit at that, starting to feel panicked and imagining the worst. "y-you do..? how did you find out...? I'm sorry please don't tell anyone. does this mean I can't be a pro hero anymore, wh-" before I can continue rambling she shushes me.

"calm down sweetheart... you're not In trouble... as I said I've got a new position in mind for you... and I've known you were a little for a long time... you're a bit childish at times, looking at toy shops in passing, getting sleepy easily... sometimes being bratty. the list goes on to the little characteristics you display... but back to the point." she said in a calm tone, to try and ease my worries.

"since you're a little... I don't believe it is safe for you to continue working as a pro hero... you're just to precious to be putting yourself on the front lines... and I'm sure the hero commission and all caregivers would agree with that" she says softly but firmly.

my eyes widen in shock "but... I-im a good hero... being a little hasn't effected my performance as a hero before... and this is my dream... I love my job, I love this... please mirko" I say, practically begging her.

"hush bunny... I'm not arguing this topic with you. now... I have a new position in mind for you. you will become my little, you move in with me, I'm your mommy. you never have to work another day in your life or think like an adult again... just little 24/7" she said with a little smirk on her face... it was clear she enjoyed the power she had over me.

"what...? but... I'm more then just a little, I'm a hero now, I've worked so hard to get to where I am now... I can't give it away... I don't wanna be just a little." I say defensively, but with an underlining nervous tone. she let out a little chuckle "oh little one... you can give it away, and you will. I know I worded that as an option... but it's not. you're my little. you were mine since the day you walked in with your adorable little ears and tail... I'm your mommy rabbit... and you're my baby bunny" she said lovingly.

my eyes widened again "w-what...? mirko you can't do this... this is inappropriate to start with... if I reported you to the hero commission... you'd be in big trouble, and I can just find another job..." I say with a little glare. she scoffs "when did baby get so bold... you gonna tell on me..? the hero commission won't care, and baby... you're not escaping this... even if you could, I would have already told the whole world how you're a little. no one will take you seriously anymore. you'll go back to being that hopeless little bunny... you have no choice, so give in willingly before I have to take forceful measures" she said sternly, looking down on me.

I start to tear up a bit not knowing what to say... being told such hurtful things... it's making my little side start to take over. she notices this and coos "aw... buba looks so sad... I'm sorry mommy was mean to you... but she needs you to get it through your pretty little head that you're just a little bunny at the end of the day... you need a mommy to take care of you little one... and I'll be that mommy" she says lovingly and suddenly picks me up.

I try to struggle in her grip, I try to call out for help but she holds her hand over my mouth, preventing me from doing so "shh, shh... just relax and go to sleep bunny... once you wake up it will all be better" she whispers to me, I then feel a cloth being pushed over my mouth and nose, making me breath in a substance that sends me straight to sleep. the last thing I see before I pass out is mirko grinning down at me, like she had just won a game.

Hello lovely's I hope you guys liked it, thanks for all the love and support on this book, it means a lot to me. Please let me know if you guys want a part 2. hope you guys have a nice day/night.

Love - Moon 🌙

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