Kirishima x little reader

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Hi guys I'm sorry that I haven't updated in about 5 months I've just been a bit busy because some things have just been going on in my personal life that I won't go into farther details of. And to top it all of I just got sick and it sucks because now I feel like going nothing but laying in my bad to go and my phone and then just go back to sleep.

Again I'm very sorry but I would also like to say thank you for 150 reads! It means a lot to me and, please don't hesitate to tell me if you have something you would like me to write because I would be more then happy too ☺️.

Y/n's POV

I'm so excited for today! Because daddy said he would take me out on a picnic and also said he had some activities planned for me! Daddy is so nice to me :)

After I was done getting my excitement out I went over to my wardrobe and picked out an outfit. (I don't like picking outfits so you can think of something you would like to wear:))

After I was done putting on my outfit I picked up my phone and texted daddy to let him know I was ready.

Y/n ☁️ ~ daddy! I just finished getting dressed and I'm ready for you to come pick me up! :)

Daddy 🤍 ~ that's great to hear baby! I can't wait to see how cute you look today! I will be over in 5 minutes to come get you <3

Y/n ☁️ ~ okay daddy can't wait to see you! <3
Seen 2:24

Kirishima's POV

I'm glad their done now because that means the sooner I can get them out of the dorms and to the picnic, the sooner I will get to see my baby smile and have fun for a bit. I'm so happy that bakubro helped me out with planing it because he's really good at thinking of ideas for his little so he offered to help me when he saw I was having trouble trying to think of things.( you will see a bakugou chapter in some time I don't know when yet but hopefully soon)

You're POV
I hear a knock at my door so I get up and walk over to the door and open it to see daddy is here! I hugged daddy and he hugged me back. "Hi daddy! I'm so excited for our picnic!" I said "me too little one, so are you ready to have the best picnic ever!" Daddy said.

"Yes!" I squealed back "okay then let's get going sweetie" daddy said as he picked me up and sat me on the side of his hip while he grabbed my bag.

Time skip

Y/n's POV

"Okay little one open your eyes!" Daddy said and I moved my hands from my face and I saw a beautiful big tree with a picnic rug, pillows, blankets and my favourite food on the (f/c) rug. I ran to the picnic rug and I flopped on top of a pile of pillows "thank you daddy! I love it you have everything I like you even got me my (f/f)! And everything is my favourite colour!" I said excitedly.

Kirishima's POV

"That's okay little one I know you've been working so hard and I'm proud of you so that's why I made all of this for you!" I said to my little one and seeing them smile so bright at me made it all worth it. I walked over to the rug and sat next to my little one.

"Baby I have something for us to do together I brought us some paint, paint brushes and canvases so we can paint together!" I said excitedly as I pulled out all of the supplies. "Daddy thank you so much! I love you with all of my heart!" I felt my heart flutter seeing their cute happy face they gave me before giving me a tight hug. "It's okay little one, only the best for my Angel" I said as I hugged them and brought them close to my chest, as they rested their head no my shoulders.

"Kiri...your the best daddy ever and I'm so glad you're my daddy and not someone else because you make me feel complete and loved in your arms" y/n said "I feel the same way about you Angel and I'm glad you're my little because taking care of you brings me joy" I said as I moved their head gently to give them a kiss on there forehead. "I love you daddy"

"I love you too baby, now let's do some painting!" I said "yeah! I'm gonna paint (thing🤷‍♀️)!" Y/n said as they got off my lap and started painting.

...god I love them so much, I think to myself as I moved to lay down next to y/n and start paint something my self.


...hey... so I know it's been a long time...🧍‍♀️ okay I'm really sorry I just lose interest in things so easily because I have ADHD and yes I am diagnosed, I was 6 when I was diagnosed.

So please except my apology 😰🤍🤍🤍🤍

Love ~ moon :)

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