Midnight x reader *i'll always love you sweetie*

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Hello lovely's so I had the best Christmas this year! I got so many kind gifts given to me. I got 2 candles and 1 diffuser from dusk, 3 dresses, items from the body shop, a pretty plant pot, a makeup bag, a mist sprayer for my plants, the thank you next perfume by Ariana grande, and unicorn stuffie!
if you want me to take a photo to show it all I would be happy to 🥰.

I don't know if you guys like midnight but i love her, she makes me feel safe.

Y/n's POV
[okay y/n you need to do it today! Today is the day! We've been dating for a year, I need to tell her] I think to myself as I look at myself in the mirror and continue to do my hair. What did I mean when I said I need to tell her? Well I needed to tell her I was a little today, today is the day and I've been wanting to get it of my chest for a while.

After I was done getting ready I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, I could see midnight cooking breakfast for us "oh good morning darling, how was your sleep Angel?" She asked me as she flipped a heart shaped pancake "oh I had a good sleep! What about you, love?" I asked as I sat down at the table "it was lovely Angel I dreamed of you all night" she said as she started to plate up the pancakes "Aw I dreamt of you too" I said with a smile.

She walked over to the table and sat a plate of pancakes in front of me and herself "so before we start to eat I kinda have something to tell you" I said with a nervous face "oh what is it darling, I hope nothings wrong!" She said as she put a hand on my shoulder "no, no! It's nothing bad no need to worry" I said "okay then tell me darling I'm all ears" she said as she placed a hand on top of mine to comfort me.

"Okay so... do you know what a little is?" I asked "a little... oh yes! I do know what that is... oh are you a little sweetie?" She asked with soft smile "well yeah... I hope you don't think I'm weird! And if you think it's weird then I can just not do In in front of you or!-" I got worried and started to ramble but midnight stoped me "sweetie listen to me, I don't think it's weird at all and I kinda had a thought in the back of my head that you were a little" she said

Midnight picked me up from my chair and rested me on her lap, I then rested my head on her chest and I hugged her "you really knew...? But how?" I asked "well... I might have found some of your little things when I was cleaning and I didn't want to bring it up because I just told myself you'll tell me when your ready" she said as she rocked us back and forth. "So does that mean you'll be my mommy?" I asked softy "it would be my pleasure to be your mommy and take care of you baby"she said. After that we just sat in silence hugging each other for a while, letting time pass us as we just enjoyed each other company.

Okay so... I'm a pretty sheltered person and I didn't know what rule 34 was... and someone that is my online friend told me to look up "mha rule 34" so I did and... bro what the fuck? Why did I see so many of the underaged characters on there?! I even saw one of koda (the like 5 year old 😭😭) all I have to say is that I'm traumatised 😟.

Love - moon 🌙

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