king Bakugo x Reader *A Royal's Little*

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Hello lovely's, I hope you guys like this. I'm nearly on school holidays so that's exciting! I have my oral tomorrow so I'm a bit nervous but I think I'll do fine... anyways!
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: paci and blankie
BACKGROUND INFO: so in this world littles are very rare, and looked at as a status symbol, like if you have one then it means you have money or you have a lot of power. so of course every royal needs one right? and pretty much every royal has one... except for king Bakugo... and he's not happy about it.

Bakugo's POV:

today was another tiring day... arguing with other stupid kingdoms... trying not to start wars... still looking for a little. everyday I get reminded that I don't have a little, by my family, my friends, my servants, my enemies... why can't I just get a little huh? I'm not that bad...

I go into my room and slam the door behind me, locking in. I didn't want to be disturbed by any of these damn extra's tonight. I sit down on my king sized bed and take off my shoes and my crown. I look over at the crib set up in my room... it's been there for years now. I sigh and walk over to it, leaning against it and looking down in it, fantasising about having a little in there one day, but for now it's empty...

I then hear a bang from my window, I look to see kirishima looking frantic at my balcony. I roll my eyes and stomp over to him and swing open the door "what do you want shitty hair?! can't you see I was about to go to bed! and I told everyone to leave me alone!" I say angrily to him. he stumbles into my room "I know your highness! b-but! I-i think I saw a little!" He says in shock. my eyes widen and I stare at him for a few moment.

I quickly grab him by to collar and look down into his eyes "where...?" I ask him, trying to stay and look calm, but my heart was beating a million miles an hour at that claim... "the enchanted forest! I was looking out for intruders... but then I saw... a little! I swear they're a little... t-they were colouring in! a-and babbling to themselves and oh my god! they were just adorable! I'm nearly 100% sure they are a little!" he said excitedly.

I let go of his collar and step back from him a bit "take me to them.. and if they don't turn out to be a little... I swear to god shitty hair I'll have your head!" i stated, putting back on my shoes "yes king bakugo!"

time skip and also y/n's pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was sitting on the grass outside of my cottage, the moonlight being my main source of light. I was colouring in my book as I babbled to myself, some firefly's flew around me. I then hear the crunch of some leafs, I look up to see the shadows of two big figures staring at me, both with glowing red eyes. I sit watching in fear. I feel tears well up in my eyes and I let out a cry.

"shitty hair get out of here!" I hear one shout and I hear the foot steps of one running the other way. I hear foot steps of one walking slowly towards me, I shiver in fear. suddenly I'm picked up and held against a muscular chest with strong arms. I wriggle in its arms to try and escape. "shh... hey, hey. calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you... you can open your eyes" I hear a males voice say softly... a lot softer then the way he had yelled at the other man.

I open my eyes and look up to see a man with ash blond hair and red eyes, he had a calm expression on his face and wiped my tears away "please don't be scared... I'm not going to hurt you" he said softly again and started rocking me. my breathing was calming down and I was starting to relax in his arms, he smiles when he sees this "good little one" he praised me.

it's like something in my little brain short-circuited in that moment as I pushed my face into his chest "daddy..." I mumbled out. I didn't see how his eyes widened in surprise and excitement "yes that's right... daddy... I'm your daddy, okay little one?" he asked softly, trying to hide to excitement in his voice. I nod my head and point to him "you my dada?" I asked softly.

he smiled "yes baby... I'm your dada... such a good baby" he said and then started taking me away from my cottage... but I was too far into little space to care.

time skip and bakugo's pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

once I had arrived back at the castle it was still late at night and could see my little one was starting to fall asleep. I walk up the stairs to my room and enter, closing the door behind us. I stroll over to the crib and lay then down in it, tucking them in with the blankies and putting a Paci in their mouth. I smiled down at the cute sight.

"you are going to make daddy a very happy caregiver little one... you have no idea how excited I am to start taking care of you.." I said adoringly as I look down at them. they look up at me with sleepy eyes until they finally close them, drifting off to sleep. I turn on a little night light for them and kiss their head goodnight.

I go over to my bed and get into my pjs and lay down, dreaming about all the cute things my little one will do... and showing them off to everyone since they're so cute... of course they are. my little is obviously going to be the cutest and have the best clothes, the best toys and the best daddy... I just can't wait for everyone to meet them... my little.

Hello lovely's I hope you enjoyed this one... I could possibly do a part 2 to this one if y'all want. Thank you for all the love and support, have a nice day/night.

Love - moon 🌙

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