Yandere izuku x nonverbal autistic reader *let me care for you*

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Hello lovely's I hope you like this. This is actually a request and the first request I have done in over a year... so hopefully I follow the request correctly ;-;
PRONOUNS: he/him/they/them ITEMS: paci, bottle TRIGGER WARNING: yandere themes, kidnapping, forced feeding of bottle, forced age regression???
CONTEXT: classification AU, you can be classified as a little, caregiver and undefined. You are a little and you find this out when you were at school in your last period before the weekend came.

Y/n's pov

I look as the clock ticks by waiting for it to finally hit 3 and then I can go relax in my dorm over the weeks end. I start doodling on my book from how board I am but then I feel a pain on my wrist. I let out a quiet yelp from the pain and look down at my wrist, my wrist is glowing and slowly writing out a word... I can't make out what it writing from the brightness so I wait until it's finished for me to read it.

When i notice the glowing stop I look down on my wrist to see the word "little" written on my wrist... wait did I just get my classification, I was so shocked by this that I let out a quiet gasp. "Y/n are you alright? Your making a fair bit of noise" izuku says to me as he turned to look at me, He sat in front of me. I gave him a quick node and smile to show I was okay. I noticed that he then looked down at my wrist and had a shocked look on his face. I got a bit nervous from his reaction but before I could think to much on it he leaned closer to me and said "meet me at 8pm at my dorm... I wanna hang out!" He said happily. I gave a slow node In agreement to this.

Time skip and izuku's pov

I had just finished setting up the new bed in my dorm room ready for my baby, y/n. When I saw that y/n was a little I couldn't let him live alone anymore, I need to look after them, because if I didn't they could get hurt, they are only a little after all. Littles need caregivers to care for them and I'm the perfect caregiver for y/n. I then look over at the toy box I set out I also had some pacifiers and bottles on a shelf and some other little stuff.

I then look down at my watch and see that y/n should be at my dorm soon and I clench my fits in excitement and make an obsessive smile.

Y/n's pov

I arrived at izuku's dorm on time and knock twice to let him know I'm here. He then opens the door and I'm greeted by him with a big smile on his face "hi y/n! So glad you could make it come in!" I smile at him and nodded my head, he then opens the door so I can walk in. When I walk in I noticed that half of the room was izuku's normal stuff like all might merch... but the other half for some reason looked like it was a kids bedroom. I see a toy box and a shelf with bottles and pacifiers on it. I made a weird face at this.

"What's with that look y/n do you not like it?" He asked me with a fearful look. I then look at him in an even more confused look. I pull out my note pad and pen from my pocket so I can communicate with him more clearly "what do you mean do I like it? Why do you have this are you a little?" I then show him what I wrote, he let out a chuckle "no, no I'm not a little y/n. But you are" he said with a smirk, i then write down "wait so why would you make this for me...?" I then show him what I had written "because you're my little baby boy of course sweetie." He said with a creepy smile.

He then took my notebook and pen out of my hand "now you won't be needing this anymore sweetheart... you just listen to what daddy has to say" I make an annoyed and angry facial expression at izuku and then I try to grab my notebook and pen back from him,he pulls it further away from me and wiggles his finger back and forth to symbolise no "uh-uh-ah! No little one. I already told you no more writing" he then took my hand and pulled me over to the bed. "Now lay down sweetie it's very close to your bedtime! And daddy doesn't want you to be cranky when you haven't had enough sleep" I lay down as I don't know what else I can do to argue back.

He then smiles at me and pets my head "good boy, now daddy is going to go get you a bottle... while I'm gone you better not even think of making a sound... no screaming, no humming... not even a whimper" he said, he then grabbed a bottle off of the shelf and left the room, locking the door behind him. I sit in shock about what had just happened and think about how I can try to escape.

Izuku's pov

After I was done making my baby a night time bottle I walk back to my dorm but see bakugou on the way. He walks past me, looking me up and down. "Why are you carrying a baby bottle deku? Also have you seen y/n? I was meant to help them study tonight but they're not in Their dorm room" he said with an annoyed expression "kacchan you already know I'm a caregiver also no I haven't seen y/n around" I said and then walked away, not wanting to hear what else he had to say and also because I don't want to leave y/n alone any longer then I have well making the bottle.

When I get back to my dorm I walk in, closing and locking the door behind me. I look to see y/n laying on the bed facing the wall cuddling a teddy. "Hello Angel, were you a good boy while daddy was away?" I ask walking up to them and sitting next to him. He doesn't answer, which annoyed me. "Sweetie answer me. Were you a good boy while daddy was gone? Node your head" I said. They then turned their head to me and nodded yes with a frown on their face. "Aw what's wrong Angel? You're just hungry for your bottle... here let me feed it to you"

I then pull him into my lap, he lets out a surprised gasp and pushes against my chest to try and get away from me. I pull him in closer to stop him "now there will be none of that honey... now be a good little and let me feed you your bottle" he then shock his head no and pulled away from me again "I'm sick of this game y/n!" I said angrily and forced the bottle into their mouth forcing them to drink the bottle. "Aw what a good baby!" I say in a baby voice smiling down at them.

Y/n's pov

When izuku was done forcing me to drink the bottle he brought me close to him and hugged me while petting my head "such a good boy! Now paci time!" He said and before I could try to protest a paci was pushed into my mouth, I then tried to spit it out but he put a finger over it to keep it in "don't you even think about it...now daddy's going to tuck you into bed!" He said with a smile and pulled the blanket over me, he then got under the blanket with me which I made a confused look at him "I'm going to sleep in your bed with you since it's your first night with daddy and daddy just wants to make sure you're okay" he said.

He pulled me close to him, which I let out a startled squeal at. He cuddled me tightly as if he let go I would disappear. I struggle in his hold from the intensity "shhh, don't struggle baby, just let me cuddle you" he then brings my face to his chest to make me rest my head on his chest.

{how am I going to escape this?? Izuku is the most powerful person in 1A and many other people in the school including the teachers} I think to myself panicked. Izuku then kisses my forehead "night night baby, get a good rest because tomorrow I'll start your training"

Hello lovely's I hope you enjoyed this thanks for 250k+ reads. Happy holidays.

Love - moon 🌙

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