Monoma x reader *where did the little go?*

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Hello lovely's hope you like this, I don't have much to say. INCLUDES: stuffies PRONOUNS: he/him
Y/n's pov

Me and daddy were in the car on the way to the toy shop. I was so excited I was jumping in my seat "baby calm down, you might get hurt if you hit your head on the roof of the car from your jumping, little one" daddy said to me "sorry daddy I'm just really excited to see all the toys!" I said with a smile.

"So when are we going to get there? I'm so excited!" I said "soon baby, soon." Daddy said, he then held my hand while he was driving (don't do that in real life when driving) and he would give me light quizzes from time to time. After about five minutes of driving we got there. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car, daddy also got out of the car and walked around to me.

He held out his hand to me "you need to hold daddy's hand while we're in the shop because I don't want you to get lost okay, prince?" He asked with a smile "okie daddy! I promise to stay by your side!" I said "good boy, let's go in now" he said as he led me into the shop by my hand. When we entered the store a gasped at how magical it looked. There were toys everywhere! And the store had a bunch of stuffies! I could see from where I was that there was a stuffie wall at the back of the store.

{I have to go see it!} I thought to myself. "Hello monoma, It's been a while since I've seen you, oh you have the little one with you, how cute" a tall man said, he had messy purple hair with eye bags. He then lended down to my eye level "hello little one, it's good to finally meet you, your the only thing your daddy talks about at work" he said with a tired smile. I hide a bit behind daddy before whispering out a "nice to meets u too" I said.

"Ahaha don't be shy little one, this is my work colleague shinso, say hi" daddy said as he gently nudged me towards him out from behind him "hello Mr shinso" I said with a shy look "aw so cute, he's adorable" shinso said more to daddy then me, he then stood up to his natural height "ah I know, my little is the cutest of them all, isn't he?" Daddy said with a proud grin. While daddy was distracted with talking to shinso I went to see the stuffie wall.

Monoma's pov

"Yes maybe one day our little's could have a play date, I'm sure my little boy would love that" Shinso said "yes indeed, what do you think y/n? Would you like to have a play date with-" I stoped mid sentence as i looked around and saw y/n wasn't there anymore "y/n?" I said still looking around for him "shinso we'll talk about this later. I need to find my little boy" I said "that's fine, I'll talk to you later" he said as he walked off to the ball pit where his little was.

I started to walk down different aisles but I couldn't find him! I was starting to get really worried but then I saw a familiar coloured hair at the end of the store. I walked to the place and there he was, unharmed with a smile on his face. I speed walked up to him and hugged him "baby boy, you scared me I thought you were lost or even worse could have been taken from me, please don't run off without daddy's permission again" I said, I then kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry dada I didn't mean to sware, I promise I won't do it again!" He said with a frown on his face "it's okay little one I'm not mad at you but just please don't do it again" I said I then noticed he had a stuffie in his hand "what do you have there baby?" I asked with a smile trying to make him happy again "ooo lookie daddy! It's a (favourite animal) and it's (favourite colour)!" He said with a bright smile.

"Wow it's like it was made for you wasn't it, baby?" I said he nodded his head with a "mhm" I smiled. "Well, since you've been so good lately I'll buy it for you, would you like that my little prince?" I asked "yay! Thank you daddy!" He said as he jumped into my arms with the stuffie in hand "okay then baby, let's go but it and then you can play with it in the car!" I said with a smile as I carried him to the front of the store to pay for it.


Hello lovely's I hope you liked this ☺️ I really liked writing this, I found it vary calming also thank you all for 35k reads and over 1k votes! <3

Love - moon 🌙

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