Yandere shoto x reader x yandere momo *we just want to help you, baby*

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Hello lovely's I got another request for a yandere oneshot so you know the drill.
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ yandere themes, kidnapping, and abuse.
Story line: okay so momo and shoto are teachers at a college and y/n is one of the students and as the years go by that they've been there teacher one day y/n opens up about their unfortunate home life and they start to feel bad for them. They start to love y/n as their child but y/n doesn't know this. What will happen when they finally want to take them home?

Y/n's POV

It was finally the end of class, I got up out of my seat and started to walk towards the door but I was stoped by Mrs momo "hello y/n I'm sorry to stop you before you leave to go home but I just wanted to know if you've been doing okay at home of late." She asked with a kind smile "um yeah it's been...okay...but! Tonight will be better because my parents are going out to the bar tonight so I won't have to see them till morning" I said in a happy tone.

I was just happy to be able to be away from them for just a few hours, I mean it's better then nothing. "Oh that's good to hear y/n but...I noticed you have more bruises on your arms and legs..." she said with a frown "o-oh please don't worry Mrs momo it's okay...but I have to go now bye!" I said as I walked out the class room before she could try and talk to me anymore, I didn't want to have to talk about it anymore.

Momo's POV

Before I could stop y/n it was to Late they had already ran out the class room "oh my poor baby...it's okay mommy and daddy will take you home soon..." I whispered to myself {oh! I need to go talk to todoroki and we need to get ready for our mission, bringing home out little y/n} I think To myself as I walked to todoroki's class. I knocked on the door twice "come in" I can here him say from the inside.

I open the door and walk in "hello my love how were your classes today?" Todoroki said, he was sitting at his desk grading papers "it was good, my last period was with our baby, but I noticed they had more bruises on them...from those idiots...how dare they touch our angel! I hope the die!" I said in an angered state "my love please calm down and...I know how you feel...but we can deal with that another day but right now we need to focus on our big mission tonight" he said

Todoroki walked up to me and pulled me into a hug "just relax love remember it's only a few hours until the time comes and then they'll be ours forever, and we won't have to worry about other people hurting them..." he said with a smile "yes I can't wait for that and we'll be able to care for them, we can do so many fun activities with our baby" I said thinking about all of the ideas I had been saving up for years of things to do with y/n.

Y/n's POV and a few hours later

As I got out of the bath I decided that today was going to be a little night, I had been having the urge to slip all week but with...them around I could never do it so tonight is the night! I walked out of the bathroom and started to dry myself off. After that I walked over to my closet and opened a Box on the floor full of my little stuff. I pulled out a onesie, paci, thigh high socks and my favourite stuffie!.

After I was done getting dressed I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to make some angel milk and grab some snacks. After I had got that ready I walked over the the couch and sat down, then I put on the tv and watched bee and puppycat (I've said it before and I'll say it again. You need to watch bee and puppycat! It's so cute and doesn't get the love it deserves :( you can find it on YouTube. Please tell me if you watch it and liked it ☺️)

As I was nearly half way done with the second episode I started to hear noises coming from out side the window {it's problem just some birds or something} I think to myself but then all of a sudden...the widow breaks and two people wearing all black jump threw the window...

Todoroki's POV

As me and momo pulled up the y/n's house she grabbed my arm "todo look at the house! It's so small compared to ours...poor y/n they probably are stuck with a tiny room and have barely any space to play when their little!" Momo said with sadness in hear voice "I know sweetie but don't worry in less then half an hour they'll be sitting in the car seat in the back as we drive them back to their new home" I said pointing the the car seat in the back

"Oh your right but I just can't wait! I'm so excited to be a mommy!" She said "yes I know love and I can't wait the be a daddy...I just hope I'm better then my father..." I say with a frown "oh darling don't worry you'll be a great daddy and you would never ack like that to our baby, I know you wouldn't" she said as she hugged me "thank you momo" I said.

"Alright now let's go bring them home" I said with a happy tone. We walked up the the house we looked at the kitchen window and couldn't see them, so we moved to the living room and there we saw our little one curled up on the couch watching a tv show "aw look how cute they look they've got a pacifier, onesie and thigh high socks on! I think I might pass out from how adorable they are" momo said in a whisper

"I don't think now would be a very good time to pass out now love" I said with a small chuckle "alright now are you ready" I asked "of course I am" momo said with a smile "good then I think I'll go ahead and break the window" I broke the window and me and momo climbed in.

Y/n's POV

I start to shake as I see the people start to walk to wards me "p-pwease stay a-away" I say as I'm frozen in fear and can't move, I start to cry and the paci slips out my mouth "oh little one please don't cry! It's only mommy and daddy!" A woman says as she knelt in front of me "n-no g-go away u not my mommy and d-daddy" I say in a scared tone as I try to back away

"Baby that's not a very nice thing to say to your mommy and daddy now is it?" I hear a male voice say behind me "s-stwop u swary me" I say as I start to slip into baby space "aw sweetie here have your paci" the woman says as she puts it in my mouth "todoroki I think we're going to have to use the needle their freaking out to much" the woman says "yes I was thinking the same thing momo" the man says from behind me.

{wait momo and todoroki!? My teachers are trying to kidnap me} I think to my self but before I can try and say something I feel something go into my shoulder "I'm sorry baby but we have to do this" momo says and I start to feel my eye lids getting heavy, my eyes close and I black out.

Todoroki's POV

"I'll carry them my love" I say as I pick up our little one "okay darling but while you go put them in the car I'll quickly grab some of their favourite things" momo says "good idea love, even though they'll have all new things they'll probably want their favourite toys still" I said as I sat them on my hip "okay I'll be out to the car in a minute!" She says as she runs up the stairs.

I can see a stuffie on the couch that they were holding before {oh I think that's their favourite stuffie!} I think to my self as I pick it up. I walk out to the car with y/n in my arms and the stuffie too. When I get to the car I sat down our baby and buckled them into the car seat, I put the stuffie on their lap as well so if they wake up they'll have their stuffie with them to comfort them, because even thought their with us they'll still be scared because their in a new place.

I sit in the drivers seat and look at them threw my mirror "wow I can't believe I finally get to be your daddy and care for you like I always wanted to..." I say out loud, I then start to think about all of the fun we'll have with our baby like playing with them painting, cooking, bath times and bed times reading them story's! I can't wait to give them the childhood they never had.

"Hey are you ready to go?" I can hear momo say from beside me "yeah are you ready" I ask "of course" she says with a smile, I drive of into the distance away from y/n's old house and towards our new house.

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this and also let me know if you want a part two because i think I'll do one <3
Also thank you all for nearly 5k reads 🥰

Love - moon 🌙

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