Shinso X Reader X Monoma *Hurt Little One*

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hello lovely's, today was my last day of term 2 and now I'm on a 2 week holiday from school, I'm so happy! I really needed this break... year 12 got a bit stressful this term, so now I can finally relax :)
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: onesie, sippy cup
y/n's pov:

I sit in the nurses office, sniffling and crying to myself as I hold my leg in pain. I had been doing training in class when kirishima caught me off guard, causing me to injure my leg. kirishima was very sorry, of course and helped me to recovery girl's nurses office, but that wouldn't stop my tears from falling.

And it wouldn't stop me from falling into little space... I had already been under a lot of pressure lately and then injuring my leg... it was too much for me to handle... so I slipped into little space, I had no control over it.

recovery girl healed me and I was all fine now... I wasn't even really in pain now. but I was still so emotional and needy from everything. she looked over at me sympathetically and sighed "y/n... do you want me to call your caregivers? it seems like you're little right now" she said softly and rubbed my hand gently.

I whined and nodded my head "daddy and papa..." I whimpered out. she nodded her head and went over to the speaker phone she had in her office "may Hitoshi Shinso and Neito Monoma please report to the nurses office immediately, Thank you" she says into the speaker and then turns it off "it won't be too long love" she said sweetly to me.

not even 2 minutes later I hear footsteps fast approaching the door and it swings open with monoma and shinso standing there with worried expressions on their faces. they hurry over to me, shinso kneels on the floor in front of me while monoma rubs his hand up and down my arm, sitting next to me on the bed.

"shh... what happened sweetie? tell papa what's wrong" shinso says softly to me and wipes away my tears. I whimper, trying to talk "I g-got owie on my leg from training..." I said sniffling. monoma kisses my forehead while shinso inspects my leg "oh no honey... my poor little baby... it's okay, daddy and papa are here to make it all better now.. okay?" monoma says in a caring tone to me, I nod my head.

shinso turns to recovery girl "can we take them back to their dorm room..? it looks like you've already healed y/n... they just need their caregivers to make them feel better now" shinso asked her, she nodded "of course boys, I don't mind. just keep a good eye on y/n and give them lots of cuddles... they look like they need it" recovery girl said with a cheeky smile. monoma laughed "oh there will be plenty of cuddles and kisses given to our little y/n" he said.

she nodded. shinso picked me up gently, holding my bridal style to try and not irritate my sore leg. shinso walked out with me in his arms and monoma walked besides us.

once we arrived back at my dorm room shinso gently put me on my bed, monoma closed the door behind us. "baby do you wanna get changed into your little clothes?" monoma asked sweetly, I nodded my head yes.

shinso and monoma both worked together to pick out the perfect onesie for me, once they had it shinso put it on me for me. they both smiled at me in my onesie "aw... such an adorable little baby" shinso gushed over me. "mhm... our perfect little angel... in their cute onesie" monoma added and patted my head.

shinso's pov:

"does my baby want a sippy with some (juice/milk) in it?" monoma asked y/n with a grin "yes please daddy" y/n said softly. monoma smiled "alright I'll be back in a bit... be good for papa" he said before kissing y/n on the forehead and kissing my cheek goodbye to go make a sippy.

I look down at y/n again "how about we snuggle up in bed while we wait for daddy to get back" I say softly to y/n with a smile. they nod and make grabbie hands up at me. I coo at the cute action and pick them up, bringing them over to their bed and sitting on it together. I wrap y/n's favourite blankie around them, like a swaddle and cuddle them to my chest.

"do you want papa to read you a story?" I ask them softly, brushing some hair out of their face. "yes pwease papa" they say happily, I smile down at them and pick up the fairy tale book on their bedside table "this one?" I ask, they nod their head.

we then hear the dorm door open to see monoma has returned with y/n's sippy "dada" y/n hums and makes grabbie hands at him. he chuckles and sits down next to me, handing the sippy to y/n and kissing them on the cheek "I made it just how my angel likes it" he adds.

"just in time for story time" I say to monoma and rest my head on his shoulder, he sighs happily and leans into my side and rubs y/n's back as they sip from their sippy. I open up the book and flip to a new fairy tale and take a breath before starting.

"once upon a time..."
Hello lovely's, I hope you guys enjoy this, I really did. also I don't think I've ever written monoma and shinso together so hopefully you like this pair.

IMPORTANT NOTE: so... can you guys please comment requests? I cannot promise that I will do all of them tho! so please don't be angry if I don't do it... also I'm kinda hoping for yandere ones specifically but normal ones are fine to. if you do decide to leave one please include: pronouns, items, characters x reader, a general rundown of the plot.

anyways, thanks for all the votes, reads and support shown on this book, it means so much to me :) have a nice day/night

Love - Moon 🌙

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