Tokoyami x trans female reader *my pretty girl*

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Hello lovely's sorry I took a small break but I'm back and thank you to all of the people that sent me kind messages last night! It means so much to me and now I feel better, but I have to go on a trip with that person for two days 😰 meaning I can't be little for two days! :( hopefully I won't slip or else I don't know what he'll do 😰.
Tokoysmi's POV
I noticed that today y/n has Been more quiet then usual and has been looking at her phone all day. I can see that she also has a sad expression on her face, almost as if she is going to start crying "hey baby what's wrong?" I ask as I walk over to her "o-oh nothing toko" she says but I can see that shes trying to hide her phone from me "can I please look at your phone sweetie? I can see by your face that your looking at something that's making you upset and if that's the case please stop looking at it, I don't want you to be upset"

"O-okay you can look at it and your right" she said as she handed me her phone. When I looked at her phone it was a text conversation and in the conversation they kept miss gendering (I don't know if that's how you spell it) her "oh sweetie why didn't you tell me?" I said with sadness in my voice "well it's just because I don't want to seem like a bother to you or get in your way..." she said as a tear fell from her eye "no, no sweetie it's fine you can tell me anything and you know I love you, and if you need to get something off your chest I'm always here for you" I said as I hugged her.

Once I was holding her in my arms she started to cry a bit more and then she started to explain "w-well they always miss gender me and it makes me feel like I'm not as much of a girl as people that were born female..." she said as she cried harder into my chest "oh sweetie, your not less of a women just because you weren't born one, and so what if you weren't born one your my perfect, pretty, kind, beautiful girlfriend and I love you with all of my heart for who you are"

After I said that we sat and held each other for a few minutes, just to take in each other's comfort.

Y/n's POV
As I lay in toko's arms I started to slip into little space {I must be slipping from stress} I think to myself "toko I think I'm slipping into little space" I said and looked up at him "aw you are? It's okay sweetie daddy will take care of you and make sure you have no nasty thoughts" he said as he pulled me onto his lap "you look a little sleepy princess, do you want to put on a movie to fall asleep to?" He asked me with a sweet voice "yes please daddy" I said, then he got up and walked over to the closet.

"Okay sweetie what pjs do you want to wear?" He asked me as he held up to options "okay so do you want the white and strawberries nightie or the purple with stars and moons?" He said showing me each of then "hmm can I please have (the one you wanted)?" I said with a smile "of course sweetie" daddy said as he gave me the nightie "I'll leave you to get changed now princess" he said as he left the room.

When I was done changing I invited him back in "you can come in now daddy" I said, daddy walked in and he was in his pjs now too "aw you look so cute angel" daddy said as he walked over to the bed "so little one do you want to watch (favourite movie) to fall asleep too?" He asked as he put on the tv "yes please daddy" "okay princess, anything for me perfect girl"

I really hope this is okay tbh I really don't know how to write a trans person because I honestly don't know much about trans people, but if there is anything wrong here please tell me and I can rewrite it for you (:

Love - moon 🌙

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