Yandere werewolf shinso x neko reader *come here kitten*

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Hello lovely's this is the first halloween story I'm writing, also I will be picking them randomly by a number generator so please don't be mad if yours isn't done first or one of the first ones because I just decided to do it this way. Also so sorry for the long wait on story's I've been taking a break. PRONOUNS: she/ her INCLUDES: stuffie, paci and little clothes LITTLE AGE: 4 TRIGGER WARNING: yandere themes, kidnapping and other things
Y/n's pov

{oh god...this is not good! Why did I have to go out on a full moon all by myself??? What was I thinking!} I thought to myself as I ran away from the beast chasing after me, I ran through the dark woods trying to avoid trees and other things in my way. I mean I could have climbed a tree easily with my quirk and all but, I don't know if he can also climb and I don't want to risk it..

"HEY...don't run from me princess. I just want to talk I won't bite" he yells out to me. I keep running but I know that it will end up being for nothing because he is much stronger then me and has a higher stamina...and mines running out faster then I thought it would. {oh no!} I think to myself as all of a sudden I feel him grab the back of my shirt and pull me into his chest. He then wraps his big arms around me "got you, little one" he says in my ear. My ears then flatten as a response. I looked up at the beast and could see that he had dark purple eyes with matching fluffy hair and wolf ears but he also had sharp teeth, I was a little scared of the way he looked but I had to put a brave face on!

"Aw not happy to be with me?" He asks, I ignored him and ask a question "so what do you want! You've tormented me all night and hunted me down just to talk to me so what do you want from me?" I ask in an annoyed tone. "Well, I've been keeping a close eye on you for the past couple of months, and I couldn't help but notice how helpless you are. Your just so small, weak and dumb compared to a big strong werewolf like me and your just a wittle kitten that needs an owner to take care of them... and I'll be happy to be that owner little one"  he said

"No! Your not being my "owner" and I don't need one! I'm fine by myself!" I said as I pushed away from him, well tried too. "I don't remember giving you an option...plus I know your little secret" he said still holding me firmly against his chest "really? And what would that be mr stalker" I asked with a smirk "that your a baby, a little. My little kitten, that I need to take care of. When I see you I have the need to pick you up and rock you in my arms like a weak little baby, which is what you are, right?" He asked with a smirk

I blushed at the fact he knew that part about me because well...it was a little embarrassing knowing that a stranger knew that part of me.. "and so what if I am a little. What makes you think I would want you to be my caregiver! Because you're not and won't be" I said with a grumpy tone "as I said before, I don't remember giving you an option kitten. It's final your mine now, I have everything ready for you in my house. I pick out some cute clothes for you, got you a very comfy bed with lots of fluffy blankets and pillows and I have all kinds of little things for you" he said with a smile.

"Wait what? Are you serious about this?...your actually going to kidnap me..." I said and me ears and tail went down as a little bit of panic started to set in now realising that he wasn't joke or playing with me as some halloween prank, no this is real. I don't even know why there was a part of me that was hoping he was joking.

"Of course I am, I'll even prove it to you..." before I could react he placed a cloth over my mouth and nose and held it there so I had to breathe it in, the cloth smelt weird. I kicked and wriggled in his arms but it was no use... I couldn't escape him, he was too strong for me to even have a chance of getting out of his hold. "Aw, night night kitty, I'll see you in the morning my little one" before I passed out he gave me a kiss on the forehead. And that's the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

Time skip to morning at his house ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shinso's pov

Once I had finally got her home I decided to get her settled in straight away, I know my little ones habit and I know that most mornings she wakes up in little space with a regressed age range of around 3-5, so I knew I had to get the little ready for when she awoke. I walked to her nursery, once I got there I turned on the lights and walked over to the changing table, I then put her down gently and changed her into a little onesie with clouds on it with a pastel purple background. I then slipped a matching paci into her mouth and then walked over and sat in the rocking chair with her.

{I can't believe it...I finally did it, I have her in my arms, where I know she's safe from the evil in this world that will try and tamper with her innocence.} I think to myself as I hold her in my arms and gently pat her ears, as we rock back and forth, I look around her new nursery with pride at my hard work. I decorated her room like it was a princesses room with a colour theme of (favourite colours) with lots of different textures that I knew she liked.

I can feel movement in my arms, I look down and can see she is starting to wake up from her slumber. I can then see her beautiful eyes open and I smile at her. But I can see fear in her eyes when she sees me, she then starts to squirm in my hold trying to get away from me. "Hey shh shh it's okay little one dada's not going to hurt you, please calm down" I say as I rub the side of her face but then she starts to freak out more and starts to cry, and then her paci falls out of her mouth "n-nu I wans go home!" She says.

"No, no baby you are home, I know it can be scary in a new environment but I'm just doing what's best for you, okay?" I asked her trying to reassure her "NU" she then yelled at me and started to cry more loudly "aw, baby. I'm sorry please- wait here! See this is your favourite stuffie, I have them right here" I say as I hold out her favourite stuffie to her, she then starts to calm down a little bit at seeing it "(s-stuffie name)!" She then exclaimed as she grabbed the stuffie from my hand and shoved her face into it.

"T-tank u" she then whispered into the stuffie "its okay little one, I'm sorry it made you so upset being in a new home, but don't worry kitty. I'm sure you'll grow to love this place soon enough. But now it's breakfast time so why don't we got to the kitchen and I'll make your favourite breakfast, how does that sound?" I asked with a smile "o-okay but stuffie gets to have sum two!" She then say with a smile "oh of course stuffie gets some! How could I ever forget them?" I say.

I then pick her up and set her on my waist as I walk to the kitchen with her. {step one, complete. Now I just need to keep working with her to trust me, love me and crave my presence. I don't want her to feel like she can be independent ever again, because why would she need to be? She has daddy now. And I'm all she'll ever need} I think to myself.

Hello lovely's I hope you liked the first chapter of my halloween event! Also thank you all so much for 84+k reads! It means so much to me that people actually like reading my stories and enjoy them. I love hearing that these help you regress or make you feel better when your sick, because I want to make you feel that way from my books and I'm so glad I get to do that! Thank you all and have a nice day/night

Love - moon 🌙

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