Aizawa x reader x mic *overwhelmed*

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Hello lovely! This is the first request I'm doing, I hope you guys like it and I hope the person that requested it likes it :) PRONOUNS: he/him. ITEMS: paci and stuffie. OTHER: reader has sensory issues towards smooth textures like paper.
Y/n's pov.

Mic, Aizawa and I were all sitting together in the teacher office as we grade our students written reports reflecting on how they saved civilians in a practical exercise. I keep reading and ticking or crossing things that are wrong but it's getting harder and harder... the paper just feels so disgusting to me... it's too smooth... it just doesn't fell right. The texture is really setting me off... I hate it. It's making me feel like I'm going to slip into little space as well because of the sensory overload.

Me hand shakes and I clench my fist, pulling it back to me chest as I feel it graze across the paper. I feel a shiver down my spine and I let out a shaky breath. I then feel a gentle hand being placed on my shoulder "y/n... are you okay?" I look up to see Aizawa looking at me with a slightly concerned face "y-yeah I'm okay" I say quickly, not wanting to distract him or mic from their work. Mic then wrapped his arms around my torso and leans his head on my shoulder "you can be honest with us... we won't judge you" he says, using the quietest voice he can. Aizawa nods his head in agreement.

I shiver "I'm just... I don know..." I say the last part mumbling and they can't hear me. They both share a look that I can't see and Aizawa sighs. "... hmmm... I think i know what it is... it's that paper isn't it? You don't like the texture of paper or smooth things...I remember you telling mic and I that a while back" aizawa says softly, waiting for me to confirm.

I let out a soft whine/sigh and nod my head. Mic chuckles "knew it!~" he says in a sing song voice. He then pushes the paper to the other side of the desk "then don't do it... leave it to another day baby... we won't be mad at you... you got till the end of the week... and we can help you with it" mic says with a smile and pats my head. I was really starting to feel little now... and I think they can tell now too... the way they are looking at me with those caring and loving eyes.

"I actual have something that might help you with that problem y/n... you don't have to use it right now but it will help you for later on." Aizawa then gives me a box of stamps. They have things like ticks and crosses and general things like "good job" and "great work" I smile at it. It was such a thoughtful gift. "Tank u zawa..." I say and hug him. I didn't even realise I said it in my little voice until I hear an "aww" from mic.

"Is someone in little space...?" Aizawa asks gently into my ear. Mic then pats my head "I think someone is in little space~... can we take care of you baby...? Would you like that?" Mic asks and crouches down in front of me so he is looking up at my face. I get a bit shy and nod my head. Mic grins "good boy" he says happily and aizawa picks me up so I'm sitting on his hip with my legs wrapped around his torso.

Time skip.
Aizawa's pov.

Mic, and I arrive back at the teacher dorms, while I carry y/n in my arms and he rests his head on my shoulder. (But their more like town houses that are next to each other...? Kinda units... if you get what I mean)

We walk in after mic unlocks the door and we go straight to our bedroom. I set y/n down on the bed "does baby wanna wear some more comfortable clothes...? Get out of those uncomfortable big boy clothes?" Mic asks in a baby voice to y/n. Y/n giggles and nods his head.

Time skip. So you can choose if one of them changed you, or what you wore. It doesn't have to be specifically little clothes, it could just be more comfy clothes.

I hold y/n in my arms as me and mic walk to his playroom, now that he's changed. I set y/n down on the soft rug and mic gives him his favourite stuffie. Y/n happily accepts it and babbles to it while cuddling it. Me and mic watch him with sweet eyes... we just love observing his cute actions. Me and mic sit down next to him.

"Does baby want his paci too...?" I ask with a soft smile, y/n's eyes light up and he nods his head yes "yes pwease..." he says happily. I get up and go to get his paci while mic plays with y/n, playing with stuffies together. I return back and sit next to y/n and hold the paci to his mouth "say aah" I say with a smile. Y/n opens his mouth and I gently put his paci in. "Good boy" I say, praising him.

Me and mic just cuddle y/n gently as he plays with his stuffies, mic humming one of y/n's favourite songs for him. I brush my hand gently through his hair. Mic rubs circles into y/n's back comfortingly. "We love you sweetie" mic says gently, kissing his head "mhm... we really do love our baby boy" I say softly and kiss his head as well. We can see y/n smile from behind his paci "I wove my daddies tooo" he says happily through his paci and cuddles into us. We smile down at him and hold him tightly to us. Wanting to savour this moment.

Hi lovely's I hope you guys enjoy this. One request done. hopefully they like it. Have a nice day/ night.

Love - moon 🌙

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