Izuku x Reader x Uraraka *sick cuddles*

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Hello lovely's! guess who's sick again... anyways since I don't have anything better to do (I definitely should be studying for my maths test tomorrow) and being sick makes me feel little... you get a new oneshot. realised I didn't really have a part with izuku and uraraka so decided I should definitely write one... especially sine they apparently ended up together at the end of the manga?... I don't read it so I wouldn't know but if you know please let me know! if they did end up together though I'm really happy about that, they were always so cutesy together. anyways...

PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: stuffie, onesie, sippy cup, blankie, pull up, colouring book.
y/n's POV:

I lay on the couch as I watch the TV, board. I had nothing better to do. I was meant to go into work today but woke up with a temperamental nose, chesty cough and sore throat. when uraraka and izuku noticed they banned me from going to work until I got better. which lead me to this state of boredom I'm in now.

I got tired of mindlessly flicking through streaming services and decided to find something to do... my colouring book! I got out my crayons and favourite book and started to fill in the lines. I was subconsciously slipping into little space... which is not good considering I'm sick and I knew for a fact that it would make little me very emotional and needy. but that's a problem for future me...

time skip also uraraka's POV:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Izuku and I had just arrived home, tired from another action filled day of being a hero. we take our shoes off and head into the living room where we see y/n sniffling and teary eyed as they're wrapped In a blankie on the couch. we both immediately feel worried and rush over to their side.

I sit next to them and pat their head as Izuku kneels in front of them and rubs their cheek gently "shh, shh what's wrong honey?" I ask gently "hey it's okay love... are you feeling worse? we can take you to the doctors if you want" izuku says softly. they whimper and sniffle "feel icky..." they whined.

oh... it then clicked for both of us. they had slipped into little space... and little y/n was definitely not happy about being sick. "aw... poor angel... it's okay mommy and daddy are here now... we'll help you feel better little one" I say softly and kiss their forehead. izuku nods "that's right...your mommy and daddy are here to help... what will it take for me to see my baby smile?" izuku asks with a smile and kisses their hand.

they whine and cling to izuku's hero costume and hold my wrist in a needy manner. "cuddles..." they whine. we both smiled at that. I moved over so izuku could get on, we moved y/n so that they were sitting on izukus lap but had their legs over mine. we wrapped the blanket around all of us and all snuggled in close. "is that better little one?" izuku asked, they nodded and rested their head on izuku's shoulder. "we missed our baby... and we're sorry we weren't here to look after you little one... but now we are" I say softly and rub izuku and y/n's heads. they smile at me and snuggle into me.

"mommy... I missed u two and daddy... I hungy..." they whined. I giggled a bit "oh no... can't have baby hungry... mommy will go make you some yummy soup, it'll make you feel better." I say softly and give y/n's hand one last squeeze before heading to the kitchen.

Izuku's POV:

I smile down at y/n and pat their head as they cuddle into me, I pick up on the sound of their blocked nose and sigh "baby... you need to blow your nose when it's blocked... here let me help" I say softly and get a tissue and hold it up to their nose, they whine and wriggle "baby... please do this for daddy... I know you don't like it but it'll help you get better quicker" I say softly and pat their back.

they do as I say and I wipe their nose clean "good baby... such a good job. now how about daddy gets you into a comfy onesie, hmm? would my little one like that?" I ask they nod their head. I pick they up and walk to our bedroom where I lay them on the bed and take out their favourite onesie.

my eye catches the pull ups in the corner of our closet. I wonder if I should put y/n in a pull up... I mean we only use them when they're really little... but they're sick right now and have been fairly non-verbal so far. I pick up the pull up gets in case.

I go over to them "baby... can daddy put you in a pull up..? I just feel that since you're little and sick it would be best to do so... is that okay little one?" I ask gently in my caregiver tone and kiss their forehead. they think for a bit before nodding their head. I smile "thank you... such a good little one".

time skip also y/n's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

once daddy was done changing me he carried me back out to the living room where uraraka had set out some bowls of soup on the table with glasses of water for them but a sippy cup of (milk/juice/water) for me.

mommy sits down and daddy hands me to her so that I'm sitting in her lap. daddy pulls a chair to be sitting in front of me and picks up my bowl of soup so he can feed it to me. "say ahh" he says. "ahh" I say and he feeds me a spoon of soup. they both smile at me and praise me. mommy then picks up my sippy cup "do you want a drink little one?" she asks and I nod my head, taking the sippy from her and drinking from it. they both look at me fondly as we enjoy our meal together.

once we were done eating mommy and daddy bring me back over to the couch and we all snuggle up together with a blankie wrapped around us. mommy gives me my stuffy to cuddle and daddy makes sure i blow my nose again.

"hmm... what movie should we watch baby?" mommy asks as she looks through the options "(favourite little space movie)" I say sleepily with a light cough. daddy pats my back when I cough, mommy smiles and puts it on for me, then bringing me closer to her, cuddling me between both of them.

I fall asleep in the arms of my two loving caregivers shortly after that. being kissed on the head and rocked to sleep by the people that love me the most.

Hello lovely's! hope you guys liked this, I really enjoyed writing it. thank you for all the love and support on This book, it means so much to me! have a good day/night

love - moon 🌙

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