Shigaraki x reader x dabi *a relaxing halloween*

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Hello lovely's I hope your having a wonderful day/night, I don't have Much to say. PRONOUNS: she/they INCLUDES: paci, stuffie, sippy, onesie LITTLE AGE: 2-5 QUIRK: puppy
Y/n's pov

"Daddy! Hurry up let's go, let's go, let's go!" I said while pulling on daddy's coat "yes, yes I know little one, but we have to wait for dada to get ready before we can't go trick or treating without him, because we wouldn't want to go without him now would we?" He knelt down to my level to ask me "hmmm no we wouldn'ts wants dada tu fweel sad..." I said frowning as my ears went down.

"One second I'll go see if he's ready yet" daddy then went into the bedroom, I then walked up to the door and put my ear up to the door to hear them "dabi, hurry up you're making y/n upset they want to go and their getting inpatient" daddy said to dada "I know I'm sorry, I didn't think it would take me this long to get home so now we're behind schedule, but tell her that dada will be ready in...2 minutes! And that dada will make it up to them with lots of cuddles and kisses" I could hear dada say.

I then walked away from the door before I could get caught for spying on them. Daddy then walked out of the bedroom and I ran up to him, wagging my tail, so he lifted me up and rested me on his hip "I'm sorry baby, dada said he'll be ready in 2 minutes, but he said he'll make it up to you with lots of cuddles and kisses, does that sound fair?" He asked me and I made a thinking face before agreeing "good baby, now let's go wait on the couch for him while he finishes up" daddy then walked us over to the couch and sat down with me in his lap, patting my ears as we waited.

~~~~~~~ Dabi's pov ~~~~~~~~~~

Once I was finally done getting ready I walked out of the bedroom and into the lounge room where I could see y/n and shiggy sitting. "Sorry that took me so long but hey we'll make up for it, we'll just stay out later" I said as I walked up to them "ooo yay! Does that mean I gets tu stay out past my night nights?" She asked with her tail wagging. "Yes it does" I said with a smile. She then ran up into my arms and hugged me "tank u dada!" They said with a smile "it's okay baby" I said as I kissed them on the forehead.

"Alright let's go then! We don't want all of the good candy to be gone!" Y/n then said. We then walked to the door with her but when she opened the door we noticed one...tiny problem, it was raining, like a lot. "Oh no...what are we going to rain!" She said, her ears and tail then went down "oh...uh we might have to...stay home" shigaraki then said to y/n, they then turned around with a shocked face "w-wait...does that mean Nu candy...." They then started to get tears in their eyes.

"Oh no! We'll do something else way more fun! Don't cry little one, here let's go do some painting!" Shiggy then said as he took her over to the couch.

~~~~~~~~~~~~y/n's pov ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"NU!" I shouted out of no where, I didn't even know where it came from "n-Nu I wans to go treating..." I said as tears started to fall down my face "hey, baby we're sorry but we can't, you might get sick going out in the rain and it's dangerous what if you slip on the wet floor?" Daddy asked me "b-buts" I said trying to argue back "no buts Angel, you heard daddy, it's not safe for you" dada then said backing him up on his point.

I then started to cry more, daddy then gave me one of my favourite stuffies to hold but I was still upset "wait I think I know what she wants" dada then went into the other room and came back out with my paci, he put it in my mouth gently and rubbed my cheek trying to sooth me.

"Don't worry we can do other fun things together like watch halloween movies or do colouring in or even make halloween treats, here how about this I'll go make us some halloween cookies and I'll make sure to bring back a sippy for you baby. you and dada can watch a movie and do colouring in" daddy said to me and dada "o-okay" I said with a sad look on my face. Dada then picked me up "hey we're sorry baby but we promise this will be the best halloween you've ever had, now let's put you in some more comfortable little clothes before we start the movie" he said as he started to walk to the bedroom.

Once he got their he laid me down on the bed and got out one of my favourite onesie "do you want to wear this one?" He asked "Wes"I said with my paci still in my mouth "okay" he then changed me. Once he was done he picked me back up and grabbed my stuffie before returning back to the living room and putting on a movie.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once daddy had got back with some freshly baked cookies and my sippy, we got to decorate them with frosting, sprinkles, edible paint and glitter. As we decorated them we also watched spooky buddies. Once we had finished our cookies we got to eat them and, daddy's a pretty good cook! They were so yummy! And at the end of the night I did start to think to myself {best halloween ever}

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this chapter also sorry for the late update I was pretty busy and I was just tired, but I'll try to make up for it!

Love - moon 🌙

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