Yandere Werewolf Bakugou x reader *let's get you cleaned up*

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IMPORTANT NOTE: this was something that I had published before but then wasn't that happy with it so I took it down so if you recognise this that's why, but I made a part 2 to it so that's new for you to read!
Hello lovely's I hope you like this also I've got all of the requests in my list so hopefully I'll start those soon, but I want to write my ideas first, so this is one of my concepts. Also this will have a part 2
PRONOUNS:they/them TRIGGER WARNING: yandere themes, kidnapping
Y/n's pov
It was a very nice day, the sun shining over the lake, birds singing melodies of happiness and not a cloud in the sky. So it was a perfect day for me to go visit my granny, I hadn't seen her much since I had grown up and lost contact with her. But I want to reconnect now that I'm older.

I start to go further into the forest, when all of a sudden it starts raining! {that's weird...} I think to myself as I pull my hood over my head. As I keep walking I suddenly fall into a trap! I'm then pulled up into the air by a net, I'm hanging in the air with a net trapping me in so I can't get out!

At this I start to panic, yell and cry for help. But nothing, I've been yelling for so long and no one...{what if I'm stuck here forever?} I started to think to myself. I start to get so tired from all of the crying, screaming and fear. I try to lay down and relax but it's not working...and also because of this stress I feel like I might be falling into little space..."hey! Are you okay up there?" I hear someone yell from below.

I feel a jolt of relief flow through my body as I turn to look at the person. I'm met with a tall werewolf with blond hair and blood red eyes. The fear immediately comes back to my body. I can feel my heart rate increase and my breathing become uneven "hey shh, it's okay I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to help you" the man said.

He then started to pull me down by some rope. I could feel myself starting to cry even more as my fear only got worse even after him trying to comfort me. I was now on the floor tangled in the net and struggling to get out. "Calm down sweetie. I'm just trying to help you, okay?" He said as he put a hand on my arm to calm me. I stoped and looked at him and I could tell his eyes were speaking the truth. I then stilled my body so he could untangle me.

Bakugou's pov

Once they stoped moving I started to untangle them. Once I was done I picked them up and held them bridal style, they seemed to be startled by this and then started to struggle in my arms "stop moving little one. I only want to help, If I wanted to hurt you I would have done it long ago" I say to them, they then stilled in my arms

"Now let's go get you cleaned up, you've got dirt all over your soft skin now" I said as I started to walk to my home in the woods "w-waits buts I've got to go swee my grandmwa" they said with a sad look "you can see your grandmother soon, but I must clean you up first, after all I was the one that set the trap..." I said.

They looked up at me with a shocked face, but before they could say anything I explained myself "I'm sorry, I never meant for a human to walk into it, I was using it to catch prey. I didn't think a human would get in it because not many people come out here at all. So now I feel bad that you got stuck in it, so at least let me help clean you up" I said with a apologetic smile. They huffed a bit at that but then agreed.

Time skip back to Bakugou's house ~~~~~~~

Once I had arrived back home I brought the human to my bathroom where I could get them cleaned up. When I got to my bathroom I sat them down on my bathroom counter as I started to run a bath "so what's your name?" I asked them to fill the awkward silence "o-oh I'm y/n...and you?" They asked "most people call me bakugou but you can call me katsuki" I said with a smile.

As the sound of our voices filled the air, continuing to talk it wasn't long until the bath was ready "looks like it's ready, just feel the water to see if the temperature is okay for you" I said to them. They then leaned down and put their hand in the water "feels okay to me" they said. "Good, now put on these bathers so We can get those dirty clothes off you" I said as I handed them the bathers, I then left the room so they could change, I came back in after they were done.

"Okay hop in then, also do you want a bath bomb?" I asked holding up a basket of them "oh yes please! Can I please have the (favourite coloured) one?" They asked with a big smile "okay sweetie" I said, I then unwrapped it and gave it to them to put in the bath.

Y/n's pov ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once he gave me the bath bomb I dropped it into the water and then an explosion of beautiful colours came out with glitter mixed in it "wow it's so pwetty..." I said in aw "I know I got them just for you" he said, I then looked at his face in shock "what do you mean? But...you've never met me before?" I said with a concerned look on my face "I know we've never met but I know a lot about you" he said with a creepy smile "so, so much about you..."

I then froze. { what do I do? I've obviously been tricked into coming to some creeps house that apparently knows a lot about me...how could I run? Could I run? But he's so much bigger then me he'd easily overpower me...maybe I can-} my train of thought is then interrupted by him placing a hand on my shoulder "are you okay baby? You look scared...I hope you're not thinking about leaving...oh no we couldn't have that. Not after all of this planing" he said in a threatening tone.

He then moved his hands to his pockets and pulled out something... he then turned to face me again with that creepy smile again.

"now...don't struggle sweetie, this will only hurt if you make it"


Hello lovely's I hope you liked this, sorry there's no little space in this first part...😓 but there will be in the next! This is just the set up chapter for the next one, also thanks for all of the support. I hope you have a nice day/night

Love - moon 🌙

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