Bakugou x reader *daddy knows best*

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Hello lovely's sorry it took so long but I had a few things going on and also like I said I've been pretty busy with school, so I hope you can forgive me for taking so long.
SHE/HER sorry to the people with other pronouns.
Bakugou's pov

I knew what I had to do but I didn't really know how to go about it. Y/n has been having accidents lately in little space but she doesn't want to wear diapers, but I think she really needs to because it would be better for her. I think the main reason why she won't wear them is because she's to embarrassed to admit it and also even when she's little she still thinks she's a big girl and doesn't need them.

Well today I need to put my foot down, as her daddy it's my responsibility to do what's best for my little girl and this is what's best for my little girl, even if she doesn't think it is. It's around 2:30 now meaning that it's getting close to y/n's nap time so I have to get her ready for a nap, so I'll tell her while I'm getting her ready for her nap that I think she needs diapers. I walk into y/n's play room and can see she's sat down in front of the tv watching a kids movie, I come up and sit next to her.

"Hello baby, it time to get ready for your nap" I say as I rub her shoulder "nuuuu daddy I no sleepy" she says shaking her head no "really baby? The bags under your eyes say otherwise " i say with a smirk "I'm not sleepy!" She says "y/n it's nap time now let's go get you changed, okay?" I ask "fine daddy" she says, she then grabs onto me for me to pick her up, I do and walk to her bedroom. {I hope this goes well...but deep down I know it's not going to} I think to myself.

Y/n's pov

Daddy puts me on the changing table, he then walks over to the closet and brings out a cute onesie and...a diaper... when he's in front of me I say "daddy I told you I don't need one or want one" I say with a frown "but you need it princess you keep having accidents when your little" he says "I'm not wearing it!" I say as I try to make a run for it but he grabs my waist "y/n. Your wearing it, it's what's best for you and you know that daddy knows best" he says "...fine...I'll wear it" I say

I can see he smiles at that "that's my good little girl" he says, then he gets me dressed with the diaper on "daddy it feels weird" I say sitting up "aw I'm sorry princess, but you'll get used to it soon, okay?" He says "okay daddy" I say I then make grabbie hands to him, he picks me up and walks me to my bed he lays me down but I grab onto his shirt "daddyyy can you pwease sweep with me?" I say in a whiny voice "I won't be able to sleep yet princess but I can cuddle you while you sleep" he says "is that fine?" He then asks "okay daddy" I say

He then lays down and pulls me close to him and lays my head on his chest, he rubs soothing shapes into my back. I yawn and I can feel my eye lids get heavier as the minutes pass "good night daddy" I say with a yawn "good night princess, and thank you for letting me help you" he says I then fall asleep.
( I didn't know what you could say instead of good night for a nap)

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this and have a nice day/night <3

Love - moon 🌙

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