Bakugou x reader * night night baby *

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Hello my lovely's I decided to make this because I can't sleep right now so maybe after writing this I will feel more sleepy and be able to sleep.

By the way I hope you have a goodnights sleep or are going to 🤍
Y/n's pov

I can't sleep. It just feels like no matter how many times I change my sleeping position, no matter how many time's I count sheep, I just can't get to sleep! I'm sleepy I really am but I just can't relax enough to let my body take over and send me to my dream land. So what's the next best thing I can think of? I go to daddy! He always makes everything better!

I quietly get out of my bed and slowly place my feet on the ground trying not to make a sound, once my
feet are on the ground I walk to daddy's room slowly. I get to the door and knock on it twice, "come in" I hear a tired voice say from behind the door. I open the door and I can see daddy laying down in bed with the lamp on him.

"Am I talking to big y/n or little y/n?" Daddy says as he sits up "little" I answer in a soft voice "okay, come here little one and tell daddy what's wrong" he says as he pats his lap, I walk over and sit on his lap and push my face into his neck as I hug him "aw what's wrong sweetie did you have a nightmare?" He says in a kind voice "no daddy" I said "then what's wrong? Oh can you not sleep baby?" He said in a soft comforting voice "yeah" I said

"Aw that's no good little one what can I do to help make you sleepy?" He said as he moved me so I was looking into his eyes. "Can you maybe just hold me, please?" I said looking at him "of course baby" he said as he moved his hands to be on both sides of my head, as he did that he moved my head closer to him and then he gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead.

He brought my body closer to his so we were hugging each other tightly, after a few minutes he started slowly rocking me back and forth. Bakugou is and amazing boyfriend and daddy I think to myself as he started to hum a lullaby to me. I like this, just the simple things in life like this moment right now, life goes by so fast and that's why I want to make more memories like this with him.

I started to notice my eyes fluttering up and down like I was about to fall asleep but the only thing I hear before falling asleep is "night night baby, sweet dreams and if your dreams get scary I'll enter them and help you because I'm your strong daddy and your my precious baby"

Sorry this is kinda shot but I did start to get sleepy from writing this so goodnight my lovely's :)

Love - moon 🌙

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