Iida x reader *stressed baby*

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Hello lovely's I hope you had a good day/night because I hope tomorrow is a batter day for me. I have a pretty bad cold and I just feel like doing nothing and even doing the smallest things make me tired like writing this is making me sleepy. INCLUDES: diaper and paci PRONOUNS: he/him

Y/n's pov

It was me and Iida's holiday off from work, we went to our holiday house iida was in the kitchen making up a fruit platter for us when I got an email from work. Iida had told me not to look at any emails from work because it was our week off, but I didn't listen and I know I should have when the stress started to take over me after seeing how much work I had to make up for when I get back.

I could feel myself shaking a bit and then I noticed that I felt chills over my body. I can feel myself starting to slip, it was pretty common for me to slip when I was stressed. I tried to keep it in and not slip {please not now, we're on our holiday and I doubt iida would want to see me like this, so upset. And then he'll know that I checked my emails, even when he told me not to} I think to myself, but it was to late, I had already slipped.

Iida's pov

I was in the kitchen cutting up some fruits just as I had finished I could hear some sniffles coming from the lounge room. I walked over to the couch and could see y/n crying into the cushion "sweetie what's wrong?, why are you crying?" I asked as I sat down next to him. I brought him into a hug, he then hugged me back and cried into my chest "w-well I looked at teh emails ands I'm sowwy I didnts means to I-I gots stressed" he said.

It was pretty obvious to me that he had slipped into little space after hearing that. "Aw it's okay daddy's not mad at you, it's not your fault baby. I know work can be really stressful sometimes, especially with the work you do baby, and you can always talk to me about it, okay baby? but Since your little now how about we get you into some more comfy clothes, yeah baby?" I asked him "tank you daddy ands yes pwease" he said I then got up from the couch and then picked him up, I then placed him on my hip and walked to our bedroom.

Y/n's pov

When me and daddy went into our bedroom he put me down on the bed as he turned around to grab some little clothes for me "okay baby I have this onesie, this paci and a diaper because you seem pretty little to daddy, do you feel comfortable wearing a diaper Angel?" He asked me with a gentle voice  " I'm fines with its daddy" I said.

After he was done changing me he put the paci in my mouth "okay baby now that you're in your comfy clothes how about we go do something now? Like maybe we could play some games together" he said with a smile.

(Anything y/n says now is said with tha paci in his mouth)

Iida's pov

Once me and y/n had decided on a game to play I picked him up and I walked us back to the lounge room. I put him down on the couch as I went to get a board game for us out of the game closet, i also grabbed the fruit platter on the way. "Here bubs I made us a fruit platter, I even cut them into fun shapes!" I said

"Yay! Tank you daddy" he said as he then picked up a piece of (favourite fruit) that was in the shape of a star. "Okay baby now do you want to go first or do you want daddy to go first?" I asked him "hmmm I'll go first!"


Sorry if this isn't that good, I was really sleepy while writing this because I forced myself to write it 😅 I hope you still like it though.

Love - moon 🌙

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