Accident truth

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Ram and Priya both decided to move on with their relationship after Vedika was out from KM. Priya was trying to understand Ram more whereas Ram tried to give comfort and assurance to her. They had spent a few days without much issue or conflict. In the meantime, Vedika went back to Sashi to gave another chance to their marriage. One day Vedika overheard Sashi and MS's discussion and found out about the accident truth. Vedika talked to Neeraj to confirm Priya's involvement in his police case. So finally Vedika got strong evidence that will blow up Ram's trust in Priya. So she asked everyone to present in KM as she found some key information about Ram's accident incident. Vedika went to KM with Neeraj and Maitri to disclose this incident in presence of everyone. 

Vedika: I just came to know about this today and can't take any risk on Ram's life, that's why I'm here. This wasn't an accident rather deliberately planned by Priya's father MS who wanted to kill Ram and Priya knew everything about this plan on the party itself before the incident. Priya had evidence too but she deleted it to protect Neeraj and his reputation. Everyone was shocked to hear this including Ram.

Ram: Priya, is this true whatever Vedika is saying?

Priya: reluctantly said yes but I had no choice that time. I wanted to share it with you at right time.

Finally, Ram came to know the truth about MS's involvement in that accident from his Ex whereas his wife knew this before the incident happened but still didn't say it to anyone. Ram stumbled a little bit and moved back 2 steps after hearing Priya's confession. He was disheartened after knowing the truth but the most painful thought was that Priya lied to him to save MS and Neeraj whom she never respected or cared about. Priya knew that MS had tried to kill him that day and he might attack him again. But Priya didn't bother to share with the police or give him a warning about it. Priya neither trusted Ram yet nor their relationship.

Mami started her melodrama and scolded Priya to put Ram's life in danger. Ram stopped her from doing so.

Nandini: how could you do this Priya? You hide the truth from Ram and the police, knowing the attack on Ram, your husband. How could you put my son's life in danger? You don't have any concern for Ram or his wellbeing at all.

Priya: not really. I had a confession video from MS but deleted it to save Neeraj. I thought I'll investigate this matter on my own as I'm sure there might be someone else who had planted MS for this accident.

Nandini: When did you think to open your mouth to us after your father attacked again. If anything would have happened to Ram in between, you could have warned Ram or Adi about it. It feels like you really don't care about Ram at all. What do you think of yourself? A detective?

Ram: That's enough mom please stop discussing this topic. I don't want to hear anything on this topic again. Police will handle this information and we are just guessing this with no evidence, truth is yet to come out. I'll find out the full truth in my way, don't worry. Whatever happened that day, it was Priya who saved me by putting her life in danger. So I don't have any issue with Priya and no point to blame her and let me handle this in my way. Please don't worry about me. Mom as I said before, I will make sure that there will be no change in your lifestyle after me. So please drop these arguments. I'm done with it.

Adi: MS might be underground now but the police will try to find him. we need to find out who is behind this accident. We're guessing that there might be any business rival who has planted MS for it.

Ram:  Adi, you know what we need to do with Neeraj now.

Adi- don't worry ram, I'll handle it

Priya was ashamed of her decision and felt guilty in front of Ram who supported her again even knowing the danger to his life. Ram always stood in front of family and friends for her but she failed every time. She always stood against him and against his decision and never trusted him the way he does.

Ram was about to go out when Adi called Ram, where were you going? I'll accompany you, Ram.

Ram: No, please. I need some fresh breath and alone time.

Ram took the car key and went away without a driver in the evening and kept his phone off. Priya was worried as it was late midnight but still, there wasn't any message or reply from Ram. This was not too late but as Ram was very upset and she was worried for Ram what if MS will attack again seeing him all alone. Nobody has got any idea about Ram's location and his safety is a priority now. Priya can't even ask Adi /Bri after whatever she did. Nobody will trust her now and they will doubt her intention and her obligation towards Ram. They love Ram a lot and cannot see anyone harm him. Will they ever trust her as Ram's well-wisher? She has lost their trust along with those friends. 

Ram went to a hilltop which is far from town and can see the town lights from that dark place. He was shattered after knowing that Priya lied to him about that accident event and he was engrossed in his thoughts. Priya did hide a crime and destroyed the evidence and kept him in dark all this time. This broke the bubble that she can't do anything wrong and she is perfect in all sense.Ram, you had put Priya on a very high pedestal but she is not a righteous person as she pretended so far. She has chosen Neeraj's reputation over his life. He felt pain in his heart to understand his position in Priya's life. He felt dejected and lonely. Ram was not sure how to react to this situation. It's not going to be a happy ride in his relationship anymore and it's a long way to go for him. Their relationship is a big question mark in front of family, friends, everyone now. 

It was about 4 am the early morning when Ram came back home, Tarun was half sleepy this time but woke up with noise from Ram. He asked for dinner but Ram said he is not hungry and he can go and take a rest. Ram got freshened up and changed to his night cloth. Priya was still awake in the bed but afraid to say anything. Ram slopped into bed without looking into Priya and slept on his side silently.

This is a bright morning today and Ram woke up around 10 am and then got ready quickly. Ram asked Tarun to pack his travel bag for a 2 days trip and get the breakfast to his room. Priya came to the room with breakfast.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor. I'm sorry for hiding everything from him. I didn't mean to hurt you and protect my father MS or Neeraj. 

Ram stopped Priya abruptly while Priya was explaining her situation.

Ram: No need to say sorry to me, Priya. It was your decision and your family matter. I don't have any right to question you about it. We're married that doesn't mean you need to explain your every action, I don't need any further explanation on this matter. Take it easy.

Ram left the room without having breakfast and not even telling anything about his travel plan. Nobody knew exactly where he went and when he will back to Mumbai.

It was a cold night and Ram was walking on the beach alone and looking into the horizon. He was retrospecting his situation whatever happened till now in his life after marriage and what's the equation with Priya, where he stands in their relationship, and what does he want from his life. There are so many questions in mind but everything is blurry now and the road ahead is hazy. He needs to choose the right direction for him. 

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