Walking on Bed Of Nails

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Ram went back to his room without uttering anything more and asked Tarun to not let anyone enter his room as he needed some alone time.

Nandini was worried and hoped Ram won't take any drastic action again her, she didn't expect things will turn against her. She has fallen not just in front of Ram's eye but everyone. 

Nandini in her mind, my own child hates me and I need to find a way to convince her that it's all for her better future. A few hours ago I was happy that Priya will leave the house soon and will get control of everything again. But Priya and Ram's friend destroyed my image along with my family. I'll never forgive Priya.

Ram's gang and Priya were discussing at the bakery, they knew that Ram is broken and disheartened. He is not ready to accept it or want to speak or face them now but it was necessary so that Nandini aunty can't manipulate him or break this marriage. Finally, they saved this marriage and soon Ram will have a happy and peaceful life with Priya.

Priya thanked everyone and came back to KM. Tarun informed her that Ram sir went out without saying anything.

Priya was worried and called Adi for help. Brinda stayed in KM that night as Priya was stressed and no one is around her to support.

Priya: I shouldn't leave him alone and he must be devastated after knowing the truth. He needs me Bri. 

Bri: Ram needs some alone time to control his emotion and face the world. This is not that easy for him. He is too emotional when it comes to his family and I'm not sure about his reaction after knowing the truth.

Everyone was relieved after seeing Ram come back home early morning around 6 am. Ram entered the house like a walking dead whose soul is missing. They were bombarding him with questions that echoed in his ears without any reflection and everything was blurred in front of him. Ram looked lost and scattered completely, without answering them he headed to his room.

Adi: Priya, he is back now but not in a state to talk or listen. Please give him some time

Bri: Priya, don't worry. we're here to support him and help him to get over this like before. Ram is emotional but strong too.

Ram came out of the washroom after a long shower and called Tarun to pack his luggage. Priya came to the room with breakfast.

Tarun: For how many days sir?

Ram: for 2 days, no pack for a week

Priya was silently watching him, he got ready quickly

Priya: where are you going?

Ram: without looking towards Priya, farmhouse. You can stay here or go back to your house. your wish

Priya: I know you need alone time but I can go with you if you want. I don't have any classes

Ram: Thanks but I can manage myself.

Priya: You left the house without telling us anything yesterday, everyone worried about you

Ram:  This was not the first time I was out at night. I desperately needed breathing space from this house.

Priya: I articulate your turmoil and I'm not complaining. 

Ram: Sorry for everything that you went through because of my family. Thanks for clearing this fog.

Priya: It's your friend who found Anjali and enlighten me about your family's true motive.

Ram: with a little smile, not surprised at all. Anyway,  I'll call the lawyer to speed up the divorce process. This marriage will be over officially soon and you'll be free

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