Path to the heart

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The next morning Ram left the hotel before Priya woke up. Ram left a Post-it note as a reminder for her juice and medicine. Priya smiled with his caring nature. 

Priya was too bored in the hotel room but decided not to call her family as she was infuriated for their mean behavior. 

Ram messaged her after his meeting and then Tarun came with some books for Priya.

Tarun: Bhabhi, Ram sir has sent some books. Ram sir was checking if you want to go out

Priya: With a smile, we'll go out after Mr Kapoor's return

Priya liked Ram's book collection and spend her day reading. 

Ram was a little late that evening after an exhaustive day. He wanted to wrap up everything by today so that their final contract document can be prepared by tomorrow. 

Ram: Sorry Priya, you were alone the whole day and I couldn't come back in time. We can go for dinner now. 

Priya convenience that she is also a little tired and better take a rest and she already ordered their dinner. They can go tomorrow instead. 

They both had dinner together and then sat on the balcony.

Priya: can I ask you something?

Ram: Of course

Priya: are you angry with me because of our divorce file?

Ram: I'm not angry with you but rather disappointed.

I was deluded that we shared a strong bond that can't be broken. But I was wrong and our marriage is very fragile. sometimes it feels like I don't know you at all.

Priya: I want to make our relationship stronger  

Ram: Whether a relationship will work or not, it all depends on us only. I can't blame others for my own decisions and actions.

Priya: I did a few blunders but there was no other option left

Ram: No need to haunt ourselves with the past. let's go inside, I'm a bit tired and didn't sleep well the last couple of days

Priya knew that he is avoiding this but he needs rest and cooling time too. So both went inside their room and surrendered themselves to a soft comfy bed.

The very next morning, when the sun's rays broke out over the pastel horizon, Priya woke up with an unprecedented burst of energy. 

Priya: Mr Kapoor! Wake up! 

Priya unable to bottle up her happiness. "We're going on a trip!" 

Ram moaned loudly, "Urgh, 5 minutes please!" 

Ram rolled over, pretending to snore. 

Priya tutted sarcastically, "Don't ever think that I don't know your tricks. 

Ram: whined , Please let me sleep!

Priya: If you don't get ready in next 15 min, I'll not go with you.

Ram: Ugh finnneee, you win, I'll go and get ready.

Ram and Priya went for a city sight after breakfast. 

Ram couldn't keep his eyes off Priya, this was his solitary chance to witness her genuine child-like smile and the smile on her face that was so different today. 

The happiness burst out of her like clear, shimmering water of a fountain and her brown eyes shone like diamonds in pure delight and wonder.

He had never seen her enjoying anything wholeheartedly before.

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